Things you WOULDN'T like to see in GT5!

It's simple enough... what are you hoping they bury in GT5, that are still alive and well in GT4 and previous GT's?

Here's a few of my choices...

1. PLEASE lose the Godawful AI! Thanks PD!

2. Either get shot of the time penalties, or do it in such a way that I don't get penalised for the opponent crashing into me!

3. Rallying. If my opponents go around corners like they're on rails, and my car seems to have an overwhelming desire to go rear-end into every corner at speeds above 15mph, how is this enjoyable?

4. Tuner garage. Do it properly (with decent tuning) or scrap it.

5. ANY car that is limited to... "one or two tracks". How can it be a real driving simulator if I can only drive it on a test circuit and the 'ring, for example?!

6. Random prize cars (a la GT3) NEVER, EVER BRING IT BACK!

7. The total inability to choose the colour of the car you win... y'know, I love driving my Lotus in poke-your-eyes-out yellow, I really do...

8. A rear view mirror that doesn't actually show you ANY scenery in the background (see New York for example) Call me old fashioned, but I need to see who's doing what, where, and how far back!

9. The 0-400 Las Vegas run. What's the point? You can't dragstrip an opponent on it... and you've got the test circuit for car testing! Waste of space!

10. Being charged to use courses... why?! It's pointless!

Doubtless folk will disagree... but it's not all about "who's right and who's wrong" - it's also about what flawed, frustrating, pointless or just plain dumb ideas, YOU'D like taken out of the game, for good!

Have fun! FTB.
Am I the only one who actually likes rallying in the GT's?
I'm not saying that I like the penalty though.

What I don't want: An under representation of non-japenese cars.
I agree with you 100% Fade to Black, especially the random prize cars and inability to pick prize cars' colors.
Trophy cars- What is the purpose of having a car that you can't drive or sell? Just to hype up the game, I suppose. Cars are meant to be driven. Keep it that way.

Worthless prize cars- You can buy a $300,000 racecar, but you have to win a $10,000 60hp box wagon? What's up with that? Prize cars should be worth winning.

Cars only available in Arcade Mode- Why have cars that are only available in Arcade Mode, especially if the car is hot? It could help you beat the game.

Guide lap license tests- They give you a 70hp hatchback, and expect you to keep up with the pace Camaro? That is a load of bull. Plus, what is the purpose of the tests anyway? To get you familiar with racing on a complete track, I assume. To heck with that.

Antiques- If a car is rated at "0-60: N/A", then what's the purpose of having it in a racing game? It's obviously too slow to race. It also looks ridiculous to drive.

Coffee breaks- Extremely tedious, and also optional. One tap and you fail. Totally unnecessary.

Companies with only one car- Surely the companies have more than one decent car. Do some research.

Contemporary cars under classics- A "classic" is defined, at least by me, as "any decent car from 20 years or more ago". No 90s, no modern. Establish sections for concept cars and special editions.

Cars you can win, but not buy- Why have them in the dealer when you can't even buy them? If you win them, they should be unlocked for later purchase.

Starting in last place all the time- Completely unfair because it gives the computer the advantage. Bring back the qualifying session.

Racing against better or worse cars- Why should you have to race against cars of a different class? If the cars are better than you, you will have to waste precious money on aftermarket parts or a new car. If the cars are worse than you, it is too easy. It should be a challenge, but not impossible.

Asian dominated used cars- Not all used cars should be Japanese. I'd like to see more used American and European. Perhaps the lesser companies, such as Eagle and FIAT, could be used in that manner. Also, how about "Used Asian", "Used North American", and "Used European".

Autosave- If you picked the wrong car, it's too late. You have to start over and never chose that car. It should at least be optional.

Having to delete the file without the disc in the drive to start over- In other words, in order to start over, you have to reset, remove the disc, and delete it from the browser menu. Waste of time.

Oil change animation- Why do you have to make something as insignificant as an oil change realistic? It takes 15 seconds, when it could be a few seconds like everything else. Waste of time.

Cars with no listed drivetrains- Even if you can race them, you still can't use them in drivetrain-specific races, especially if there is a production version in the game. Just base it off of the production version.

Trucks- Trucks are not for racing, unless they have been modified to do so. If a truck has a lot of power, that doesn't mean that it will go fast. Only use sport trucks like the Syclone, Lightning, Rumble Bee, and Xtreme.

Customs- Isn't the point of the game to customize the car yourself? Why have it done for you? It also ruins another element: driving normal cars. Granted, there can be racecars, tuner cars, and special editions. But why have hot rods? Hot rods are something any experienced mechanic can do.

Asian bias- Just because you are an Asian company, that doesn't mean you should throw in more local cars than foreign cars. You are a global market, after all.

Replays of unfinished races- Why would you want to watch a race you didn't finish? All you're doing is either a do-over or you want to try another car, race, etc.

Metric system- How are Americans going to know what 1473 kilograms are? Granted, most countries use the metric system, but imperial should be an option for Americans.

Endurance races- Why would anyone want to race for more than 3 hours? It's only professionals who do that, and even they switch off every few hours or so.

Rallying- An off-road version of an endurance race. Extremely long races with little friction. Whoopie.

Open pit lane during short races- Why should anyone have to pit when the race is so short? It is annoying if you get knocked in there and have to wait so long to get out of there, eventually losing all your positions. Pit lane should only be used on long races with 20+ laps.

Tire wear during short races- Tire wear should only be a factor on long races. Why should anyone have to pit when pitting would only lose them the race? It should at least be optional, like in Forza.

Minivans- Have you ever seen a minivan race? I haven't. That's because they aren't designed for racing, they're designed for families. Wagons are OK, but minivans, no thank you.
I dont want:

Huge Loading times - yup, sometimes the reason I play something else than GT4 is the huge loading time between menus.

To use AI cars as an AID to brake or as wall - It can spoil the whole race. I still don't get how a driving simulator can include this "feature" since GT1.

Useless licence tests - I agree, licence tests DO help alot. But why drive a car that barely ever reaches 50KM/H through a full circuit?

Invisible walls - It's annoying especially in rally. I mean, if my car slips, I really wanna slip, don't need the wall's help. And it's just piss annoying how u cant fall off Grand Canyon :D

Earning concept cars - it's really dumb that you cant sell them for money... I mean you go through a challenging event, you get a little amount of money and a car you cant even sell nor drive... whats the point??

thats all for now. :)
Me thinks I've already replied to a similiar post...
Anyways... Things I'd like or not like to see in GT5:

* No retarded AI: kinda got old in GT3, but I loved it in GT2!

* The (in)ability to paint cars: Would be a very nice touch, but previous
installments in the series felt lacking because of it.

* GT 2 had racing mods (paints & vinyls & bodykits maybe...) And that would
be a wonderful addition to the next game in the series.

Can't think of much else, but will let y'all know if I do's! :dopey:
Although I love the Gran Turismo series to bits, I've always felt that the cars available, in particular, are dominated by Japanese models.

I also read, with amusement, before the release of GT4 that it was going to be a game that "reflected the history and development of the motor car", or some such...

Well, hello!!!!!!!!!! Since when were the Japanese involved in any kind of motorsport, internationally, before the 1960's?? For anyone who knows anything about the history of the motorcar and, indeed, motorsport, would automatically know that it was mainly the Europeans, and, to a lesser extent, the Americans who pioneered the motor car. NOT the Japanese. Sorry. :irked:

Why on Earth do there need to be about 50 different Skyline models (for example), whereas other cars, far more important in the grand-scheme of motoring history, are ignored? :odd:

Maybe the makers of the GT series need to study history and do some research on the history of motoring and motorsport. As it stands, none of the GT games really represent the "journey through the annalls of motoring history" (or whatever is claimed) and there need to be some signifigant changes to car line-ups if it is to in future.
I don't want to see:

- Fewer cars.

- Far fewer European and American cars than Japanese cars.

- Cars you can't race.

That's about all I can think of.
I don't want every model of the skyline. I don't want Tsukuba either ( very boring track ).

Keep the dry tsukuba, and get rid of the wet one... It's a little boring indeed, but it's an excellent test track.
I don't want to see any bad AI, 5 sec penalty, 50 Skylines, and some of the more obvious things already said.
I wouldnt like to see muscle cars.
Dude, quit bashing American cars. Everyone's sick of it, and you're not gaining anything but negativity. 👎
Classic Anycar
Starting in last place all the time- Completely unfair because it gives the computer the advantage. Bring back the qualifying session.

There is qualifiying in the championships. It's called practice but you can still qualify like in GT3.
Nothing should be taken away.
But some thiongs should be vastly improved on (AI for example).
Dont say "no Tuskuba", or "less skylines". Say "(insert favourite track here)" or "more american/european cars".
Classic Anycar
Starting in last place all the time- Completely unfair because it gives the computer the advantage. Bring back the qualifying session.
Awesome point! And if you didn't know before, did you realize that Polyphony Digital screwed up the start of every race? The way it is now, the lead car (which is you when you bother to Practice/Qualify) takes off. Second place takes off when they reach the same point. Third place takes off when they reach the same point. Fourth place takes off when they reach the same point. Fifth place takes off when they reach the same point. Sixth place takes off when they reach the same point. Anyone else see what's wrong here? Re-read from second place taking off, to sixth place taking off. You can finish those sentences in about the same time as the delay between first and sixth place.

I can and I can't see something wrong. IF, and that's a big if, Polyphony Digital were to take this delay into account at the end of the race, it would be fine. They didn't though, so a big 👎 to them. Here's what I mean. The delay between first place punching the gas and sixth place punching the gas, can be as much as 7 seconds. If I finish in second place, 3 seconds behind the leader, I should win! Why? because I started in sixth, 7 seconds after the leader and I cut that 7 second deficit down to 3 seconds. Hence I raced around the track faster than the lead car.

The way it's set up now works great in time trials or autocrossing where you race for one lap and the driver with the fastest lap wins. In reality, during real head-to-head racing, when the green flag drops, cars 1-6 (1-18, 1-26, 1-43) ALL hit the gas at the same time!

P.D. change this.
I agree with all the other post. The one thing that I cant stand the most is when you have to buy a car, spend tons of money to tune, just to even have a chance to win, then you win the car thats really for that race and you'll prob never drive the winning car after. I think the prize cars should progress you in the game. Win a car that you can use in another race. Then if you have to do some tuning atleast you dont have to buy the car, drop money to tune so you can be competative, just to use for 1 race. Does that make sence?
-Progress Bars for the adding and removing of tune-up parts. How is it in any way needed for me to sit through 4 seconds of a loading bar just to add an exhaust? In GT3 this was instant, but somehow devolved in GT4.

-The Crappiest "Proper Gear" light ever. The one from GT3 was perfect, it showed a "3" for a third gear corner, regardless of which cog I am using. In GT4 it displays a "3" for a second-gear corner if I am in 4th... lunacy. I know how to count down from 5.
I don't want to see:

1. Rallying. Only reason I never got to 100% in GT2-3-4 is rallying. I just HATE it. PD, open your eyes, the rallying in de GT-series is just afwul!!! And if you put rally in, do it correctly. Rallycars do have SOME grip you know. Also most all rally's are driven with just the one car on the track, racing against time, and there is no such thing as a 5 sec. penalty IRL!!
2. Old American muscle cars. I know lots of guys will disagree with me, and I'm sorry, it's nothing against you guys! I personally just don't like'm.
3. Races that take over 2 hours WITHOUT saving option. I like long races, really I love'm. I did the 24hrs race in the Le Mans game 3 times and it's really great, because in that game I can save during a pit stop. I really wanted to do the 'Ring 24 hrs A-spec, but the first 10 hours took over 3 days of constantly running the ps2, so I reluctantly gave the rest to B-spec bob. Please PD, the long races are great, but put in a save option!!
4. B-spec, waste of disk space. Now if B-spec Bob was any good,....
5. previews of all the races. Again, waste of disk space, just make a list available instead with the competitors and their HP, so you know you have a chance of winning it or not.
6. drag racing (what's fun about driving down a straight line?)

That's about all I can think of at this point. What I do want to see is a comeback for the racing mod's for each car (which is doable with the diskspace that comes available with points 4 & 5) and more IRL tracks.
I don't want to HEAR V8's engine sound IF it sounds like Mercedes Benz CLK GTR for example..... If PD wants to involve V8s they could do sounds well... I don't care if every V8 engine sounds same in GT5 IF they sound REAL! Sounds make the feeling.... I want same kind of sounds like in NFSU:s, GTR and GT-legends demo. If car has power, it should sound like it has aswell.... Cadillac CIEN is V12 but listen to its sound :yuck: It doesn't sound like it would have 800 bhp :(
on the side of tuning - there was no point having thebig brand tuners and the cars original tuner! especially when using either gave you no advantage or disavantage! have one or the other or make them have a difference otherwise it is a waste of space!
I'd be stoked if they got rid of the horrendous third-person camera from GT4 and replaced with the camera from GT1, GT2, or GT3.