I never don't want to not see a lack of ...
You know this is a very, very confusing and tiresome phrase. I could think about it for hours and still not know if you want to see [something], or if dón't want to.
Now, things I don't want to see in GT5.
- GT4 menu loading times, seriously. I never want to see one loading time ever again going from 'home' to any race. I can deal with a loading time before actually entering a race, or even a slight wait for a car to come up in my garage, but not for a freakin white page with some letters and symbols on it.
- As many said before, useless prize cars, or races in wich the only car to beat your opponents (without tuning a hell of a lot) is the prize car of that same series. I've had enough of these, Actually I've had one just this weekend. It was the Renault Clio cup, and all the others were driving a special race version. I was driving the best alternative version available, the sports version or something like it. The race cars humiliated me, it wasn't a pretty sight. Even with some moderate tuning it didn't work out. I just hate that sort of races.
Another thing I hate is winning a supercar cup and ending up with a '53 piece of four-wheeled junk. I don't mind classic cars, but please, devote a special 'Classics' hall or something to those cars and make sure you don't get them as prize cars in other halls.
- Stupid car wash and oil change animations. I actually don't mind the animations themselves (well, except the spinning, it's ridiculously cartoony in an otherwise realistic game). It's the fact that you can't skip them. Aargh.
- The obvious things, dumb AI, 5 seconds penalty, unrealistic collision physics, too obvious invisible barriers,...
- Bitmap trees. It's probably more a platform issue than a PD issue, so I'm expecting proper trees in GT5. It seems a bit irrelevant, but it always hinders me when I'm watching replays, especially on the Ring. And I love watching replays.
- Tinted windows, I want to have a clear sight through my car and see the driver and all. Not that it would matter in a race, I always use the roof or bumper cam, but as I said, I love replays. Anyway, judging from the Lancer Evo and RX7 from the TGS footage, it's pretty clear this won't be an issue in GT5.
- Useless audio. The music is crap, except the Judas Priest song, which is brilliant. But that doesn't matter, I don't want music in a realistic driving game, as I don't listen to music while I'm driving my car in real life (although that has probably something to do with the lack of a cd player in my car, I know, I must be living in the Middle Ages), I want to hear engine sounds. Too bad these are crap too in GT5.
- Inability to save during pitstops, it killed the 8, 9 and 24 hour endurances for me. As of this year, I've started a serious university carreer and don't have a lot of time to play videogames anymore. Almost none actually. I'd at least have to wait untill next summer to find some time for these races. If I could save during pitstops, I'd probably do some laps every weekend, completing them at a very slow pace, but eventually beating them without using B-Spec. I've sworn an oath not to use B-Spec ever in my life, so I don't think I'll ever be seeing the Formula 1 cars in GT4. That's too bad.