- When purchasing a car already owned again, indicate how many of those cars are in the garage.
Some of us tend to buy multiple copies of the same model because there are upgrades that cannot be undone, like widebody, and because we never know when the same model will next be available for purchase on the UCD/LCD. It would be more useful to be able to see on the purchase screen how many of the same model are currently in the garage.
- Add an option to skip results in Time Trial mode, or add a test drive mode.
GT7 is a game in which the characteristics of a car can vary greatly depending on the tuning of the same parts configuration. The importance of tuning is very high, especially since "bad tuning" can result in a car that is completely unmaneuverable.
However, there is currently no test drive mode in this game, and the time trial mode can only be used as a substitute.
But this mode displays a non-skippable results screen of a few seconds even if the car is retired, so these few seconds turn into a very annoying presence when tuning in situations like suspension and damper setup, where the tuning screen and driving test are repeated frequently.
It would be more convenient to add an option to skip this results screen or have a test drive mode.
- In Real Car Paint, add a filter to narrow down the colors from the model.
Real Car Paint has hundreds of diverse colors, but the only information available about them is the manufacturer and the color name.
Adding the ability to filter colors by model would make it easier to repaint UCD/LCD cars in OEM colors, and would also make it easier for players who are not familiar with OEM colors to do things like "repaint a Silvia in R34 Skyline blue".