Things you WOULDN'T like to see in GT5!

I think that in Gt5 you should start off with only the cars needed for the licenses. Then you should be able to connect to the internet and buy the cars YOU want rather than the game being filled with 50 skylines and everyone gets to choose the cars THEY want.

Everyone happy??? đź‘Ť
I think that in Gt5 you should start off with only the cars needed for the licenses. Then you should be able to connect to the internet and buy the cars YOU want rather than the game being filled with 50 skylines and everyone gets to choose the cars THEY want.

Everyone happy??? đź‘Ť

Thats actually quite nice, but if there are more people like me out there, who wants to have every car available in the game, it´s gonna take us a 🤬 of a time to complete the game! :crazy:

Don'ts; Crap AI, races where the prizecar is one the one you bought to win, 5s penalties. Think that's about it. More cars, more tracks, more races, more everything!
Jay lenos car, Jeez what a pile of $%&*. When its idling it bounce's it self to the left or to the right also 901 HP. YEAH RIGHT
It certainly didnt feel like it, It didn't even have the speed & I couldnt get it to rev right out, Gee what a waste of time money and racing effort for this heap of crap.

Again what's the point in the 1886 Model Mercede's patent motor wagen
It has 2 gears & only does 16 km/h revs to 1000 rpm then the engine just bottoms out. You cant race, modifiy Either car you cant service them whats the point.

Sorry GTP im not lashing out to the other members, But if PD are going to make a great car game at least never include these cars.

I :drool: over my preference for the pagani zonda Le Mans car
Le Mans french for ( The Race )
I dont think we need the license test at all since we have aquired our driving/racing skills from the previous gran turismo series. But well never know until we get GT5.
I dont think we need the license test at all since we have aquired our driving/racing skills from the previous gran turismo series. But well never know until we get GT5.
Uh, yeah... And you suppose everyone in the whole world played previous gt games? There'll always be newcomers.
Think they are missing a few Key cars, well that is if you are from Europe,
The old Ford Escort MK2 Rally Car, aswell as the roadgoing Escort Cosworth, have plenty more cars in mind to add to that list but im sure all of us do.

A good in car angle wouldnt go astray either, any true race fan should agree with that!
You can turn of the autosave...i dont kno what ppl are saying you cant..just go to options.

i agree with everything! The thing that really gets me is how they said they recorded all the cars but they allll sound the same. IT really makes me angry on how a v8 sounds like a 4 banger.

Also agree on how they put 500 japense cars and did EVERYTHING on them but american and other european cars... ESPECIALLY AMERICAN cars, they did crap with, gave american cars no respect. I would like to see a mustang cobra in there actually. I would personally love to see the new 2007 Shelby cobra in it. :) And other REAL american cars....i mean come on...
I don't want Polyphony to read this thread... 2/3 is bs . Instead of posting unfinished opinons about details, you should use your brain instead... Just a few examples :

I don't like track XY / car XY : So what ? Who cares ? You are not everybody and that's why nobody will change it. example : no tsukuba and less Skylines : Tsukuba is a famous Japanese track and the Skyline a famous Japanese car. GT is produced from a Japanese company in Japan by Japanese programers for a Japanese console and a huge amount of carcrazy Japanese fans. AND 1/10/100 Skylines makes like tno difference concerning diskspace / time to program.

Everything concerning grafics, like I don't like bitmap trees or black windows...
Or really is that so ? You want better grafics on a brand new console that is a dozen times better than PS2 ? Wow, why didn't I think of that ??? ...

I don't like drifting, drag racing, rally etc : Again your personal business, many like it.

I agree on certain things though, like better AI and

a different game structure : Remember GT 2 ? Strict hp classes made every race a fight... in GT4 you can enter most races with fully tuned cars. I understand the meaning : mass market compatibility, since casual players often suck... for those people I would add an "easy mode"...
I won every race without having to fight and that's why I refused to finish this game. You know I don't want to make my life harder than it has to be. No racer in RL would drive with 200 hp against 300 hp cars if he could drive with 400...
At least they should put in such a mode, then every owner can decide for himself if he prefers freedom or motivation...

My totally personal opinion
I don't want Polyphony to read this thread... 2/3 is bs . Instead of posting unfinished opinons about details, you should use your brain instead... Just a few examples :

I don't like track XY / car XY : So what ? Who cares ? You are not everybody and that's why nobody will change it. example : no tsukuba and less Skylines : Tsukuba is a famous Japanese track and the Skyline a famous Japanese car. GT is produced from a Japanese company in Japan by Japanese programers for a Japanese console and a huge amount of carcrazy Japanese fans. AND 1/10/100 Skylines makes like tno difference concerning diskspace / time to program.

Everything concerning grafics, like I don't like bitmap trees or black windows...
Or really is that so ? You want better grafics on a brand new console that is a dozen times better than PS2 ? Wow, why didn't I think of that ??? ...

I don't like drifting, drag racing, rally etc : Again your personal business, many like it.

I agree on certain things though, like better AI and

a different game structure : Remember GT 2 ? Strict hp classes made every race a fight... in GT4 you can enter most races with fully tuned cars. I understand the meaning : mass market compatibility, since casual players often suck... for those people I would add an "easy mode"...
I won every race without having to fight and that's why I refused to finish this game. You know I don't want to make my life harder than it has to be. No racer in RL would drive with 200 hp against 300 hp cars if he could drive with 400...
At least they should put in such a mode, then every owner can decide for himself if he prefers freedom or motivation...

My totally personal opinion

Then what is our point, If you dont like drift, drag, rally etc.

could someone please shed some light on this subject......
Again what's the point in the 1886 Model Mercede's patent motor wagen
It has 2 gears & only does 16 km/h revs to 1000 rpm then the engine just bottoms out. You cant race, modifiy Either car you cant service them whats the point.

Ignoramus. Click my sig. The problem is not the game, the problem is one's lack of imagination.
I think that in Gt5 you should start off with only the cars needed for the licenses. Then you should be able to connect to the internet and buy the cars YOU want rather than the game being filled with 50 skylines and everyone gets to choose the cars THEY want.

Everyone happy??? đź‘Ť

That would be an awesome feature, But take into consideration licencing and
copyright from manufacturers vehicle designs, Not all cars would be available.

:grumpy: :grumpy: :grumpy: :grumpy:
Then what is our point, If you dont like drift, drag, rally etc.

could someone please shed some light on this subject......

You got me wrong : I am for variety!
I critizized people who wrote : I don't like drifting, drag racing etc , since imo that is just their personal business, many like it...
Photo Mode is the best addition in GT4 next to the NurbĂĽrgring.

you're half right there, nurburgring is an awesome addition and its great to have such a world renown and diverse track as nurburgring....but think about photomode....

even though this game is geared towards simulation...videogames are supposed to be an escape. we buy gt4 because we cant just buy a mclaren f1 and drive around nurburgring everyday. if you want to go to a bentley dealership and take pictures of cars im sure that it's free to do so, but you don't see people doing that, they're out working to buy such a car, or buy gt4 and drive it in the game. i think gt4 was worth every penny, but dont you think some of those pennies going to photomode could go elsewhere in the game? i think it's great for photographers, but taking pictures isnt an escape. its not a game. its called the REAL DRIVING SIMULATOR for a reason. It wouldnt keep me from buying the next game if it was in there, but i wouldnt cry if it wasnt there either.

my 2 cents :scared:

p.s drift photo competitions are the biggest waste of time ever đź‘Ž
You can turn of the autosave...i dont kno what ppl are saying you cant..just go to options.

you can turn autosave off, but critical save (or something like that) is the only other option. this is the save where it makes u save when u change cars. because of this, you cant buy a car, decide you dont like it, then reload your memory card data.
The reason there are so many skylines in the game are because in Japan the skyline is to what the corvette is in the states. It's one of the most reveered cars in the country.

The AI could be better.
Rally should be point to point and play more like Rallisport challenge 2 as far as traction goes.
HP req. on races would be nice.
better exhaust sounds.
better tire sounds, smoke, and skidmarks that stay.
I like B spec, just needs to be able to learn your style.
Photomode kix ass
Better music
Traction issues
Not have asm or tcs on every single car(cars didn't have any of that stuff before standard until fairly recently)
More customation options(I like the idea of aero as long as it has a positive effect on the car, looks and dynamics)
More wheels
I don't like classed tires(you should be able to stick whatever tire you want on the front or back)

That's all I can think right now
I just want to be very clear about something I don't ever want to see in another gt game... no wait times as in the missions halls. no wait times, no wait times, no wait times, no wait times, no wait times, no wait times, no wait times, no wait times, No Wait Times, No Wait Times, No Wait Times, No Wait Times, No Wait Times, No Wait Times, No Wait Times, No Wait Times, No Wait Times, No Wait Times, NO WAIT TIMES, NO WAIT TIMES, NO WAIT TIMES, NO WAIT TIMES. NO WAIT TIMES, NO WAIT TIMES, NO WAIT TIMES, NO WAIT TIMES, NO WAIT TIMES, NO WAIT TIMES, NO WAIT TIMES, NO WAIT TIMES. NO WAIT TIMES, NO WAIT TIMES, NO WAIT TIMES, NO WAIT TIMES, NO WAIT TIMES, NO WAIT TIMES, NO WAIT TIMES, NO WAIT TIMES. NO WAIT TIMES, NO WAIT TIMES, NO WAIT TIMES, NO WAIT TIMES, NO WAIT TIMES, NO WAIT TIMES, NO WAIT TIMES, NO WAIT TIMES. NO WAIT TIMES, NO WAIT TIMES, NO WAIT TIMES, NO WAIT TIMES!!!!!!!

If PD is not clear about this time, perhaps my 12 gauge shotgun might be of use making things more clear to them. I am gonna go postal on PD if I ever see those wait times ever again in the mission. I love the missions, but at least make the freaking wait time OPTIONAL. I hope all this has been VERY CLEAR! :grumpy:
Classic Anycar
Trucks- Trucks are not for racing, unless they have been modified to do so. If a truck has a lot of power, that doesn't mean that it will go fast. Only use sport trucks like the Syclone, Lightning, Rumble Bee, and Xtreme.

I love the trucks, I won all the dirt and snow races with the Dodge Ram as well as many of the lower lever tarmac races.

Classic Anycar
Customs- Isn't the point of the game to customize the car yourself? Why have it done for you? It also ruins another element: driving normal cars. Granted, there can be racecars, tuner cars, and special editions. But why have hot rods? Hot rods are something any experienced mechanic can do.

I agree. We should have greater ability to customize our cars. But I think the customs that were in GT4 belonged there.

Classic Anycar
Minivans- Have you ever seen a minivan race? I haven't. That's because they aren't designed for racing, they're designed for families. Wagons are OK, but minivans, no thank you.

Not only have I seen a Minivan race, my friend raced one. He campained a '89 Dodge Caravan with the turbo I4 in the Stock-Four class. Stock-Four is class our local track created to be an exteme low budget class. Vehicals must must have stock or factory available four cylinder with minor mods, stock or available tranny and a driver safety cage. My friend won a few races and placed second in the series behind the defending champion's Turbo 4 mustang.

Why on Earth do there need to be about 50 different Skyline models (for example), whereas other cars, far more important in the grand-scheme of motoring history, are ignored? :odd:

I have been asking this for a while, especially when they don't have at least 1 of each body style of Camaro, Corvette, Mustang, Impala, Firebird, Charger, Road Runner, Challenger, AMX, Reble Machine, Cuda, 300, etc...

Dude, quit bashing American cars. Everyone's sick of it, and you're not gaining anything but negativity. đź‘Ž

Good call. If you don't like them, don't drive them and keep your opinions to your self...