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I've got the Madcatz wheel. I've heard it falls apart, I've heard it's of lesser quality, I've heard it's junk. However I've experienced the fact it's perfectly fine, very nicely designed and of very nice quality.
After looking all over the net, lol, the Fanetic wheel doesn't have paddles because it has the shifter attached. But I found out that MadCatz is coming out with a FF wheel due this "holiday". Looks just like the non-forceback. So I will get the non-forceback for now, and if I don't like it, will get the FF when it arrives, just trade it for something at GameStop. http://www.madcatz.com/wheel Thanks for all the input, off to order!
Good to hear it worked out for you, and glad to see someone giving the Madcats wheel a go. It's a great wheel. 👍
put it this way its a 120$ game if you want online =D
forza 4 i will never play , im not puting an xbox in my home period, peice of **** hardware
but forza 4>gt5 just like gt5>forza 3
in all my honest opinion i twill all end when gt6 is released, what killed gt5 was the standards....
put it this way its a 120$ game if you want online =D
forza 4 i will never play , im not puting an xbox in my home period, peice of **** hardware
but forza 4>gt5 just like gt5>forza 3
in all my honest opinion i twill all end when gt6 is released, what killed gt5 was the standards....
Once you get a taste of XBOX live you will wonder why you have been playing on PSN for years and you will buy all multi format releases on 360!
Xbox Live Gold is superior in every single way possible !
Oh and you will love Forza 3 and the Xbox 360 controller is amazing compared to the DS3 !
I still like the DS3 better as far as controllers go. Matter of preference.
I have not taken my XBox online yet, but I am curious, besides cross game chat, how is Live superior in every single way possible?
Not to make this into a LIVE vs PSN debate, I think online play on both are good and similar but in general LIVE is more stable with less issues. Downloads for me have been much faster. But overall if you use Netflix you won't notice much difference (actually PSN version has better audio on many titles). For me it's all the extra stuff they tossed into gold that really shines outside of the better online. Stuff I get for free elsewhere like last.fm and ESPECIALLY the ESPN app. I'm a big footy fan and I don't want to watch soccer matches on espn3 over a laptop/PC but having that quick access to a match (if available) is awesome. Last season I must have seen a good 50 matches in the comfort of my home NOT crowched over a PC. Sure, I can connect a cable or two to my receiver/TV but what for when I have Gold?
You get deals too that you can buy games/packs/dlc cheaper. It's really a lot. Try it out though. You'll usually get a 24-48 hr pass code to try out LIVE. It's really not that expensive and since I use it a ton from cross game chat (I talk with family in europe as I play my games lol) to the espn/last.fm app to Netflix (which I also use on PSN for free btw), list goes on. The more you use live gold the more you notice that PSN has ground to cover. That's not saying PSN sucks, it's quite good.. it's just not as good as LIVE
I still like the DS3 better as far as controllers go. Matter of preference.
I have not taken my XBox online yet, but I am curious, besides cross game chat, how is Live superior in every single way possible?
The revision "Jasper" is okay but I would avoid buying anything older.
As JJ72
I mean being able to chat to up to 8 of my closest friends while we play a new title - discovering things sharing details of what we have found / played is always enjoyable compared to sitting in front of the PS3 alone not being able to talk to anyone while playing unless you are in an online lobby.
The Marketplace makes sense unlike the PS Store even when I search for things I know is on there I dont get the correct results.
The cross game chat is a big plus I mean to me online play is 50% or more of what gaming is about in this day and age. So if i'm on my Xbox and i'm playing COD online not only could my mate who might be playing Fifa or any other game at the time just look at the friends list and decide to join me cos he sees i'm playing - he could invite me to chat to talk ask if im staying on for long if i want to play certain game modes or even ask me to jump onto Forza for a race. - Not sending silly text chat messages that you need to stop playing to do.
PSN offering online gaming free is a disadvantage to me rather than an advantage.
Only way is if you give it a go. Many new games (mostly exclusives to the 360) still have a 48hr live gold pass code. Don't let it go to waste!!! Legitamitely try and use as much of LIVE Gold as you can during that 48hr free period. Check out the online in games you might have, check out the cross game function with friends, the stores, and the other features like last.fm, espn, etc etc. If you really like it then shop for a 12month (sometimes you can find a kit which is 13months + the controller keyboard and headset, sometimes a free XBLA game or two). That's the only way you'll know if it's worth it to you. And if it's not, then at least you gave it a shot. To me I use it a ton and personally $60 (which you can get cheaper) per year isn't much at all.
Also when it comes to Live Gold, you can do what I did for Forza 3. On ebay you can find people selling lots of 48 hour codes. I bought a lot of 15 for like $2. If you play mostly on the weekend this works out very well. Play all of your offline races during the week and pop in one of those codes either Friday night or Saturday morning and your good for the weekend. Those codes lasted me about 4 months. That way your not paying for the days your not using it.
Anywho, as I'm just setting it up, and can't seem to find a solid answer online - I've no wireless adapter yet (and can't do a direct plug-in), so if I want to start playing with an offline account now, can I keep the name of it when I "upgrade" it with my apparent 1-month trial of Gold? Or does the trial only apply to a completely new profile? Just curious so I know if I'm wasting my progress or not