This is shocking.

Try to fry fried spaghetti in anything else, pal!

I'm sure there's some FDA loophole much like the sugar packet companies exploit in order to label their products zero-calorie sweeteners.

If I remember correctly, the FDA will allow food companies to omit ingredients from the label as long as there is under a certain amount (i'm wanting to say 0.5g, but don't quote me on it) of it in the product.

Also, as most people know, food companies like to come up with different names for nasty ingredients, such as high fructose corn syrup.
It irritates me how in Cooking a few years ago we had to use Margarine, because it was "healthy".

Along with Corn Meal in cookies, and whole wheat everything. :ill:
If you read the thread, you might have learned something.

Look at more than half the responses in here, it is kind of obvious how many people just pop in, add their two cents on the OP, and never bother to read anything but it.

And that is how things like the OP's email continue to spread. Sigh.
? I read the first post and i was saying how i heard that before and luckily i have never used it how do you think i didnt read it??
If you would have read the thread you would have found that what is in the first post is either extremely outdated or a straight up lie.

If you read the thread you would see that it has already been linked...on the first page amazingly.
yeah where do you think i got the link from!? Geez

Except even bits if that are wrong or outdated.

Marg has been around for over 100 years - it was invented in 1869, and most Marg has substantially reduced or removed Trans-fats since the late '90s either because of a legal requirement (some European countries) or simply to keep people buying them.

Remove the trans-fat and may of the negatives of that email also go.


Indeed. I haven't seen trans fats in any margarine. It appears as 'partially hydrogenated oil' in the ingredients list.
