This might be is offensive


All of you who are supporting the war are bunch of fools,i know this will trigger a lot of you guys but i do not care. you guys think is fun watching people getting killed. you think this war is to help the people of iraq, well wake up you imibissle fools because it is not. it is a war against arabs, muslims and every body in that region. you guys do not know half the story, you have not seen the way american soldiers are treating the iraqi prisonors, you do not see the way they are being kicked and beaten if they ask for water. well tell you what i see it everyday. when you see the helicopters shooting down buildings in iraq it is the same thing that is happening in israel every day. you think that al-jazeera t.v. is being demorolized by the americans and the brits because they showed dead P.O.W.s it is because they are showing the real face of war to the arabs.what you see is not what is going on, you guys are iggnorant fools because you still have not learned from vietcon...................... 4 million vietnamees where killed by american this not a masacer, or is it only a masacer if performed on jews...............
wake up people an look around look at the world no body is with us except the U.K. and the reason they are with us is because iraq was a colony under british controle. britain can not survive with out cilonys to suck on to, they are like leaches who can not survive on theire own.
why is it there is so much ignorance in the U.S., take a minute here and look at what President George W. Bush have done uptill now since he went into office. he stayed on his ranch in texas untill september 11th what did he do after sept 11th that no other president would do............................. the only thing that he is doing which will put him down in history is that he deceived the american public and exploited the american resources for his own needs......................tell me what ever happened to the enron case, one of the biggest supporters of the bush campaign so is mci worldcom, what happened to these cases.................
let us not go back that far and look to a recent example, duct tape and plastic.............didn't the goverment well take a look:
but then it turned out the the biggest beneficiary of the sales of the duct tape would be a dcuct tape company which supported bush's campaign and contributed money to him and now it is the peoples turn to pay back the debt on behalf of bush................:mad:
still not convinced, well take a load of this and tell me if it is logical or evn sane for a president to talk like this:
oh.... and the best use for duct tape is:
where is osama bin laden...........................where is he or is it we don't need him anymore because we have some body else to kill, like the iraqi people for instance.........................
oh i just stumbled on this while searching the internet:
you know i am kind of disgusted in talking about all of this, if evil really do exist it is found in a stupid man called george w. bush

AND I KNOW THIS THREAD WILL BE DELETED AND I WILL BE KICKED FROM THESE FORUMS.......................YOU KNOW WHY BECAUSE THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS FREEDOM OF SPEECH...........................................................................
So mate have you actually seen americans with your OWN EYES (not from TV) beating up Iraqis.

For some reason I dont believe that you have.

The Television does not always tell the full story.

If what u say is true there are some equally unjust things being done to Iraqis BY Iraqis.

This is a true story-----Sudam bombed his OWN people because HE thought that they were betraying HIM.


This is what the goal of the war is to stop.....even if the idea of war is stupid.
Originally posted by Klostrophobic
Blah blah blah. I'd like to read the last third of that but it hurt my eyes.

An ellipsis has three periods.

I'll sumarize from third person:
He says that the whole war against Saddam is to shift attention from economic scandals that were already dealt with, and he calls Americans vampires.

And his gramatical errors continued to be as horrendous as in the first two sections.
i'm sorry if i am not up to your standards when it comes to english language, and what i am saying is bush should be vanished. let alone he is stupid morone.
breaking news and not in support of this corrupt administration:

and you have to see this, it's a part of our beloved family, the bushs:
all of this is true, written down in history and can not be denied:

and i am happy to entertain you guys, but war is real and i guess set 11th have not taught the american public any thing about something called diplomacy and not abusing other people ........
Those are very interesting conspiracy theories you have there. And theories is all they are. I’m sure you could make just about any kind of connection that you would like, there’s billions of people offering a exponential amount of possible outcomes and associations. Your theories and opinions are welcome here as long as they are not at the expense of fellow members here. Calling members “fools” because they think or feel a certain way is slanderous and will not be tolerated. If you would like to carry on a “diplomatic” conversation, then please continue, otherwise….you will be dealt with accordingly. Please take the time to read this sites “Acceptable Use Policy” as well as the “Terms of Service”.

Thank you…
Maybe you're right.

I don't really think you're a "morone" or a fool for believing all that however mostly untrue it most likely is.

I thought this war was to disarm Saddaam and get a little oil in the meantime. I don't really think this about freedom for the Iraqis at all. Though you can't really say that more Iraqis are going to die with this war than without.

I hate to tell you but you aren't saying anything profound here.

You're not welcome.
I got about 2 lines into your post, and just quit reading. I don't have the time, or patience, to see why you're calling me a fool.
Simple solution Allah. Move to Iraq and fight against us. Take out your anger in support of your people. You wont be missed here.
I do have a question for you AA. Why did you move to this country? If you hate us so much wouldn't it have been better and less stressful to live in the country you came from? Did you move here to get a better life under our democratic society?

One other thing. Calm down. You will only get people angry at you when you call them fools. If you want to state your case then do it rationally. Otherwise you only support the stereotypes of the Arab people. (not good)
Originally posted by DGB454
Simple solution Allah. Move to Iraq and fight against us. Take out your anger in support of your people. You wont be missed here.


BTW,... he's acting that way so someone will lash out at him and give him another excuse to call us barbaric. Very, very poor choice of subliminal suggestion, the hostility that is,..... we've all seen enough of that to know how to deal with it easily.

AA,.... you might want to think about converting, I hear Jesus is commin back soon.
hmmmm,.... I got a sneaky suspition about this. There's something fishy goin on here, and it aint the smell of your ol lady's panties.:rolleyes:

As far as I'm concerned,.... AA and Crusade are the same person.
Whoever started this thread is obviously a current member who invented a new screen name just to start this thread and cause trouble. Don't fall for it. Let it die in oblivion like it derserves to.
Originally posted by Red Eye Racer
As far as I'm concerned,.... AA and Crusade are the same person.
Well, the IP addresses say otherwise. If it is, he's using two different computers (which is highly possible of course).

But I agree that this thread should die in the oblivion it deserves.
I think if it isn't a joke then we should give him a chance to state his views.

(By then hopefully we can triangulate his position.)
Originally posted by rjensen11
I'll sumarize from third person:
He says that the whole war against Saddam is to shift attention from economic scandals that were already dealt with, and he calls Americans vampires.

Does he think I care?
well i am glad i did, as for naming you fools i appologise about that but it was better than calling you guys A** Holes now that is something i would not do, again i appologise.
and there is a wise guy in here who said that i should go back where i came from,oooooooohhh i'm sorry his ancestors used to roam with the buffalos with the indians right....... tell you what wise guy why don't you tell me where you came from.
and another thing, being against the war is unpatriotic now......
hellooooooooooo vietnam, 4 million killed by the U.S. isn't this qualified to be a masacre or is it because it is made by us it is considered nothing.
anti-americanism is on the rise and when it hits i don't want to be around thank you for dual citizenship, and yes i am a traitor because i was betrayed by my mother country called america when it unleashed the media in humiltaing and degrading my relegion........................
i think that is enough for today...........................:confused:

GO FREAKING FIGURE THIS OUT......................