This might be is offensive

We should all just rewrite history so that it fits our understanding of how things should be...
"so what if they have a couple nuclear warheads and some chemical/biological weapon factories and even if saddam is insane. it's very likely nothing will happen,"
That has to be one of if not the most Naive statements I have ever seen or heard uttered.
how's it a naive statement. assuming that he's had nukes for a while now, or even just got nukes, why would he go around blowing stuff away. the world is too fragile to go and blow stuff away at whim. maybe it sounds naive. but as of yet i haven't been blown away by saddam, i can't remember the last time america was blown away by saddam either. i told you about the cold war(sorry my estimate of how long it was was a bit off), nothing quite happened there, no nuclear bombs dropped over russia or america or anywhere. the last place a nuclear bomb was ever dropped was nagasaki and hiroshima and that was in 1945. it's been practically 60 years since then and people have been building more and more and more nukes, so why hasn't anyone blown anything up yet(with weapons of mass destruction). so maybe bush is right in going in to disarm saddam...maybe he is genuinely worried about america's safety and the threat that saddam poses. well then it's good for him and bad for saddam because saddam can't do anything about it. i just feel that there's more to this war than is being said, heard and seen.
Originally posted by Bam
....the world is too fragile to go and blow stuff away at whim....
When people are bloodthirsty or powerhungry, they become stupid. Or some people are just always stupid, I never understood how stupid people can become powerful, it just baffles me.
Bam look back into history . Why did the Japanese attack the US when even their best and brightest generals and Admirals said it was suicide ? Why did Hitler decide that the world would let him getaway with taking any damm thing he pleased ? Why did Saddam Hussein get the bright Idea that he could just claim Kuwait as his own ? The world has seen some crazy stuff, all you have to do is pay attention to all the missteps from the past to realise that yes he might just think its OK to kill a few million people ..I mean his hero and idol Joseph Stalin only killed , what 20 or 30 million Russians give or take a few ? He also ruled with an "Iron fist " as unbelievable as this must sound or read its the truth as well as can be presented . I say presented because most of the witnesses are dead. But lucky for you their words and memory's live on . You just need to take a little time to read up on the past, that will tell you what you can expect from the future.
Originally posted by rjensen11
When people are bloodthirsty or powerhungry, they become stupid. Or some people are just always stupid, I never understood how stupid people can become powerful, it just baffles me.

Because they aren't stupid. I challenge you to name one powerful leader who was or is stupid.
michael i think u shud shut up, considering our country doesnt show anything on the war. i mean, my dad watches CNN all night and it does show some of what this guy is talking about.

Frankly, i think bush is just a more powerful version of sadam hussein, he is using his power to ruin someone else. no one supports the war. if only russia joined with iraq.

Originally posted by meeekael
So mate have you actually seen americans with your OWN EYES (not from TV) beating up Iraqis.

For some reason I dont believe that you have.

The Television does not always tell the full story.

If what u say is true there are some equally unjust things being done to Iraqis BY Iraqis.

This is a true story-----Sudam bombed his OWN people because HE thought that they were betraying HIM.


This is what the goal of the war is to stop.....even if the idea of war is stupid.
I thought like 48 countries supported the war and the majority of the American public?

You make little sense, Auto____________________1.
Originally posted by Auto__1
Frankly, i think bush is just a more powerful version of sadam hussein, he is using his power to ruin someone else. no one supports the war. if only russia joined with iraq.

You can be as frank as you want but you can't seriously believe this. I highly doubt Bush is having hundreds of people murdered and raped every day. The last I checked, Bush was not a dictator who stripped every citizen in the US of his/her basic human rights.

Edit: Oops, didn't intend on turning one post into two.
I don't think you can be stupid and be a leader..unless its head of the moron club or some similar org. But even then that would elevate you to the top of the moron heap, now would that move you up a notch to nitwit ? Or does halfwit come first ? :D
Originally posted by Klostrophobic
Because they aren't stupid. I challenge you to name one powerful leader who was or is stupid.

Who brought the US into the Vietnam War? Was it Treuman? And who was the emperor of Rome that decided to expand Rome's boarders, bringing it to a crumbling state even after its boarders were solidified for many decades, and when Rome was finally at a peaceful status? There are plenty more, but I just forget their names, I'd have to look them up. If you want me to, I can.
Eisenhower started our involvement in Vietnam, then Kennedy kept us there Johnson escalated our involvement and finally Nixon ended it.