Three and Four Wheel Drift

  • Thread starter GhostZ
It seems as though anyone who disagrees with GhostZ with valid reason "have no idea what they are talking about in regards to this thread."

If you have something about drifting you want to know and learn, by all means, ask me. If it doesn't relate to the topic, send a PM. I'm constantly helping other people in online rooms that ask me questions or want help with a particular technique. If I didn't want to help the community improve in skill, I wouldn't do this in the first place.

This pretty much sums up the kind of person you are to look down on others because we don't drift like you, or because you think you know everything about the "science"(which is off) of drifting.

And the skill of what? If I can see you drift and you show me that you are drifting on the level you claim you're at then I will not post on your thread any longer. But your attitude doesn't seem to change.

We are all treat each other equally, some maybe in the way of others, some may be a nuisance, but we don't think that anyone has any "skill" some people just have more consistency than others due certain advantages and disadvantages. Give ANYONE a wheel for 6 months and they will be great drifters.
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It seems as though anyone who disagrees with GhostZ with valid reason "have no idea what they are talking about in regards to this thread."

Time and time again we've disagreed with his post for valid reasons but each time we explain why he's wrong, "you didn't read the post".

Either way making yourself sound like the perfect drifter is quite different to proving it. I suggest posting videos to help explain what you mean instead of wording things in length to confuse the reader into agreeing with you.
I do agree a little with what these guys are saying, you do at times (no offense) sound arrogant and like you are the best witch i can say your not considering that what you are saying and what i have explained, i have learned many mouths ago.
Anyway most of the stuff does make sense, at least to me it does because i have done them don't get me wrong im nowhere from the best we ALL could improve but i do think you should start showing us alittle something and maybe people will be open to your theories
you can't run into a bar and shout, " I can walk on water because of this and that ". No one will believe you, even scientists will have a hard time taking you seriously. But, if you show that you can do it and how it is possible then you will regain some credibility.
you can't run into a bar and shout, " I can walk on water because of this and that ". No one will believe you, even scientists will have a hard time taking you seriously. But, if you show that you can do it and how it is possible then you will regain some credibility.

Exactly, its time you start showing us some stuff man or your just going to get hate DM is making great points
Someone is trying to be like Keiichi Tsuchiya. Only he knows what he's talking about.

@Ghostz But he doesn't give a+b=c lark. He makes it simple to understand what drifting is and to have fun with it. That was the main aim of it all. I drift to have fun, I think i know how to drift and i don't need someone to tell i need to be better. I do that at my own will. Don't like my drifting then don't hang with me simple.

Seems like your telling everyone that there bad drifters and need to learn "your" way.
Completely off topic:

I made my previous, long and offensive, post to see which posters actually care about the topic, and which posters actually read what I write before they reply, as opposed to the ones who are more concerned with trying to cut me down for explaining something in the game. I intended to get a reaction out of people, so I could know who is worth actually responding to and who I can just ignore.

Given the following responses I got for my experiment:

Seems like your telling everyone that there bad drifters and need to learn "your" way.

And for future reference, THIS is a phenomenon...

you can't run into a bar and shout, " I can walk on water because of this and that ". No one will believe you, even scientists will have a hard time taking you seriously. But, if you show that you can do it and how it is possible then you will regain some credibility.

@ Ghostz you say I have no idea what im talking about in regards to this thread you must have misread my post, 3-4 wheels loosing traction & getting hot front outer tyr

I tried to listen, I attempted to understand, I tried to help you explain to others.

In response I am brushed off as ignorant and after 2 years of wheel drifting in GT (1 year on a DFEX, the other on a DFGT) I am told I have no idea about weight transfer and tyre grip in GT5 XD

Was it not you who dismissed my advice and could be seen as ignorant?

WOW It's like banging my head against a wall! Ill remove myself from this thread and all of your subsequent

...yes, I would say you guys know completely nothing in regards to this thread. Some of these are misguided, some of them are factually wrong, but most of them are something that have no point or purpose in this thread. If you have a problem with me, take it up privately. I will kindly not respond to your PM to show you how much I care. But in regards to drifting, I am willing to find answers and improve myself and others as much as possible.

I hate to repeat myself but, I have no problems with people who just drift for fun, and I don't think they are bad. I only have problems with people who are completely unwilling to learn a new technique or try it, but also want to improve, but at the same time think they are good enough that they don't need it. I refer to unskilled drifting without knowledge about how the car moves and the subtles of it as "bad' drifting. I suppose a more accurate, and less offensive, term is "uninformed" drifting.

So far, only Twitcher has made a post that is both about me and decent in any way. I credited him, and I even complimented him, and no one acknowledged it. At least in his latest post I quoted, he was non-offensive, realistic, well organized and clear on what is his opinion and what is fact. He doesn't really talk about the topic itself in his post, but I still think it's good for the other reasons. His opinions are based in fact and reality, even if they aren't entirely true, but they are true enough for what has been given to him. Best of all, it is intelligible and seems to want to improve the thread.

Completely On-Topic:

Now that this is done, and I hope it is done and this thread, like so many others being derailed because of posters not actually paying attention to even the first post, can continue.

Yes, I will attempt to make a video of this. I figured it wouldn't be that hard for people to wrap their heads around the idea, and it happens frequently enough when I drift (though I do have to aim toward it happening) but seeing as how many responses flat out deny that this is possible, perhaps a video is the only way to explain it. Though, that video will explain nothing more than my post does, but it might, if anything, calm some of you who refuse to believe what I wrote is true. But if you want to understand what is going on, I spent the entire first post explaining it.

I don't write posts that are basic. The only "basic" post I wrote was part of my Purest Drifting Experience threads. This one deals with a specific happening (or, if I dare to say it, "phenonemon!") that occurs with a type of driving and tuning style that is promoting of high angle, high speed drifts.

I'm fairly sure, as I've posted here before, that it has to do with the harmonic motion of the springs in braking and accelerating. My guess is because of the very tight control necessary to maintain it - shocks to the drive line, even shifting with paddle shifters, might prevent it from happening. This is probably because any rebound motion on the springs doesn't allow that fine balance of the outside wheel to be "Dragged" along while the rear propels the car.

It also has to do, as I posted already, with LSD settings. The outside rear wheel needs to be able to have just a little more power than the inside rear wheel relative to its grip, which is easy to do because it has so much grip, but at the same time not be equal, so that it can slowly rotate the car.

And the best way to describe it, as I posted already, is a car moving in fast but smoothly into a corner, taking the racing line, the body gently rolling in as the car starts to drift, but as it does, the outside rear wheel loses traction slightly and "drifts" over the pavement forward while the car rotates on the inside wheel that pulls it along the path of movement. Similar to a burnout that rotates around one wheel, but drawn out over an entire corner and the one wheel moves roughly along the racing line.

I think I have it figured out and I can do it regularly, but the reason I posted this is to share this, see if anyone can offer more insight to it, and to gather opinions on it. I would be glad if these opinions were not a "burn him at the stake" reaction, since I would imagine this would be a fairly easy to understand happening to a skilled, experienced drifter.
LOL , nate that's brilliant.

Because im an honest person, Ghostz your posts are long and boring. Like just get straight to the point than giving massive long essay's.
Even after i said "anyone who disagrees with GhostZ is seen as knowing nothing". If you want us to open up to your way of thinking how about doing the same for us. You're not even using the right words in context for crying out loud.

"Harmonic motion of springs" is an incorrect statement.
Not saying I don't like ghost. I was interested in seeing what he was talking about.

But i just felt as if he was trying to insult my intelligence about drifting. I am sorry if you didn't mean it that way.

Also ghost there are a lot of people that drift slow and love doing so because it is a art.

You should put up a video showing further what you are talking about
Best not to point it out as not to start anything. Although you may say, why post then? But that is because I wanted some of you to be aware of what you're saying.
Best not to point it out as not to start anything. Although you may say, why post then? But that is because I wanted some of you to be aware of what you're saying.

I would rather you tell people straight who is being a hypocrite. Come again.
I have just read some of you post being that im new and i do have to say i like them, as for some saying that they are to long and boring i find them knowledgeable and i like to learn new things but do agree with some people saying that we need proof though i have found what you, Lock2Lock, DriftEmotion FC and a few others have said to be true and it is a great technique
I'd like to start with-
I hate when people make assumptions on here.
Yes, it is very annoying, right Gonales? :P Its cool though.

Anyways, I will actually try to replicate what this guy is claiming he can do. It takes what I learned in physics class, smashes it up, and gives it to Charlie Sheen to snort, but, I'll try it regardless and I'll report back with my findings...hopefully with a video taken with my cheap Nokia also.

Yup, its not faster at all and I pulled it off exactly as he sais. My car is as balanced as it can get without being able to put it on scales so I am confident in my tune (PS: This is similar to the wheel tune I posted but diff, spring/shock, and toe settings differ).

Alright, so Im done uploading. I know its not the best drifting, but, appearently my current technique is not good enough so I tried learning this new one. Slight crack aside, everytime I tried straightening out the wheel to create an understeering situation, the expected would happen and the car would oversteer more into the turn. Clearly seen when I'm in the middle of the turns on the first lap and I get too much angle. The only places where I was able to replicate this "phenomenon" was on off-camber turns like the hairpin and the final turn before the two bridges, clearly indicated by the tire coloration on the left... :scared: I'm starting to sound like him... Anyways, the second lap was just to mess around and see if the previous lap was any faster, which it wasn't.
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I'd like to start with-

Yes, it is very annoying, right Gonales? :P Its cool though.

Anyways, I will actually try to replicate what this guy is claiming he can do. It takes what I learned in physics class, smashes it up, and gives it to Charlie Sheen to snort, but, I'll try it regardless and I'll report back with my findings...hopefully with a video taken with my cheap Nokia also.

Yup, its not faster at all and I pulled it off exactly as he sais. My car is as balanced as it can get without being able to put it on scales so I am confident in my tune (PS: This is similar to the wheel tune I posted but diff, spring/shock, and toe settings differ).

Alright, so Im done uploading. I know its not the best drifting, but, appearently my current technique is not good enough so I tried learning this new one. Slight crack aside, everytime I tried straightening out the wheel to create an understeering situation, the expected would happen and the car would oversteer more into the turn. Clearly seen when I'm in the middle of the turns on the first lap and I get too much angle. The only places where I was able to replicate this "phenomenon" was on off-camber turns like the hairpin and the final turn before the two bridges, clearly indicated by the tire coloration on the left... :scared: I'm starting to sound like him... Anyways, the second lap was just to mess around and see if the previous lap was any faster, which it wasn't.

I observed it happening at 0:05, however, your line was too far off apex for the drift to stay on track, but it *did* happen, but just image the track followed the path your car took instead of the one it did. It was brief, and only stayed when your acceleration and everything else was held constant - which obviously would result in you going off track, with the line you were taking.

It happens again at 1:04, with the expected result. At 1:58 you repeat the previous 0:05 one, but this time stay on track. 2:57 sees it happening, and it does not happen again in the video. Of all of them, the 1:58 one was the closest to what I've been doing, but doesn't fully utilize it. This might be because you are coaxing it, rather than letting it happen. I'm not sure.

A few times however, the outside tire gains traction while the inside one does not. This doesn't happen to me. What are your toe and LSD settings?
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I wont even ask how you were able to see so clearly when the video was taken with my phone... Anyways, like I said, those times where on the off-camber turns where understeer happens naturally. What usually happens when you straighten out the wheel in the middle of a drift is that the car gains angle. It doesnt lose grip and understeer, like it is shown in the video on the technical section after turn 1.

As for my settings, the diff is set at 25-40-20 and I have 0.15* of toe-out in the front.

Post a video of you doing it. It is not hard at all. Took me what? About 30 minutes? And I was being slow...
I'd like to start with-

Yes, it is very annoying, right Gonales? :P Its cool though.

Anyways, I will actually try to replicate what this guy is claiming he can do. It takes what I learned in physics class, smashes it up, and gives it to Charlie Sheen to snort, but, I'll try it regardless and I'll report back with my findings...hopefully with a video taken with my cheap Nokia also.

Yup, its not faster at all and I pulled it off exactly as he sais. My car is as balanced as it can get without being able to put it on scales so I am confident in my tune (PS: This is similar to the wheel tune I posted but diff, spring/shock, and toe settings differ).

Alright, so Im done uploading. I know its not the best drifting, but, appearently my current technique is not good enough so I tried learning this new one. Slight crack aside, everytime I tried straightening out the wheel to create an understeering situation, the expected would happen and the car would oversteer more into the turn. Clearly seen when I'm in the middle of the turns on the first lap and I get too much angle. The only places where I was able to replicate this "phenomenon" was on off-camber turns like the hairpin and the final turn before the two bridges, clearly indicated by the tire coloration on the left... :scared: I'm starting to sound like him... Anyways, the second lap was just to mess around and see if the previous lap was any faster, which it wasn't.

Wow, just stop you have no idea of what were talking about
Please post a video to show us mear mortals the way of the gods then. As you can see, I was only able to carry 39-40mph through the turn where Ghost claims he can hold 43-44mph. That was by drifting as I would normally drift through there, by the way. When I tried his way on that turn it would just make the car twitch and I'd have to correct again so I wouldnt spin out. Where and how is 5mph found past the limits of grip?
1J JZX100
Wow, just stop you have no idea of what were talking about

I guess i will have to break out the cobra and make a video too. Hahahaha what happened to the art of drifting and the fun instead of the perfection. I miss the good old days.

To GT5 awaaaaay haha
I guess i will have to break out the cobra and make a video too. Hahahaha what happened to the art of drifting and the fun instead of the perfection. I miss the good old days.

To GT5 awaaaaay haha

All I can say after reading more posts is this

This thread is.... awfully brilliant. :')

So brilliant I have no context of what anyone is talking about. Still. Then again that's probably me and my inability to read exceedingly large posts