Three Hundred Miles Per Hour

  • Thread starter Dark Elite
gratulations couttsey!! well done. hey dark elite, i've tried the srt-10 but i couldn't reach more than 285mph.....maybe i will try it again and make a battle with smuttneyspears......
Another half MPH increase (well, almost. I fiddled with the tires this time {ie. Racing Super Hards front/rear} and the speed would have been higher but with super-hards the car slides around the track in the turn and also kills the launch): Chaparral 2D 297.63 MPH. I'm feeling good about this set up.
ok, here's my settings for 297 mph ZZ-II:

medium sports tyres
Spring rate: 9/9 F/R
Ride height: 60/60
Damper b/rb: 10/10
Camber: 0/0
Toe: 0/0
Stabilizers: 7/7

1st 2.586
2nd 1.649
3rd 1.162
4th 0.864
5th 0.715
6th 0.600
Final 3.700
Auto 25

downforce 0/0
VCD 50/50

if anyone has some ideas how to squeeze those missing 3mph out from this beautiful little beast, I'm willing to listen them..
Eddie, I haven't had any time to do any testing either but I haven't got any new ideas either :irked:! I think Toronado was gonna get a new 2D.

Toronado, did you get a new one? I feel thy pain with trying to get a car around the corner at 260mph on R1s :eek: my 88C-V is giving me greif with that too... Maybe if you try and try and... well, try, you could get the corner spot-on and get 300?

Viperpilot, we could end up with about three battles going on at once! The fight for the ZZ-II, the Viper battle and the war between me and couttsey for supremacy :D!

Oh, and Leonidae, I've spotted two or three ways to improve those settings. I might be able to get the extra 3mph you need out of them, but we'll see what anyone else driving the Tommykiara says first.

Hey guys
thanks for the warm welcome and the great team spirit. unlike some of the other threads/topics on this site.
any way bout the battle for the viper i can only get 294.36mph and either way you adjust the gearing you just can't get any more out of it.

My settings.

you need to have QUALIFYing tyres otherwise you don't seem to get the speed.

my gears are:

Auto at 25
final cranked up to 2.500
6 is on 0653
5 is on 0.863
i'm using also a 2 degree camber F and R. doesn't seem to make a difference apart from cornering speed.
look foward to hearing from your comments or hints.
Go and have a blast viperpilot do your worst (or best)
I really want a viper in the club.
Cheers :)

heres a pic
Sorry bout the size.
smuttney, the thanks are not required, that's what you should get here ;)! Now... Your settings are, I assume, all standard except for what you posted? I think there's a few ways to get around some obstacles, mainly being able to use R1s and corner quickly. The reason you're having R5s run fastest is cornering speed, or so I guess. I'll have a think (and a visit to the Dodge showroom!)

Whoa... That would thrash couttsey's record in a lowly 5-speed car. To be honest, I can't beleive that. That run must have involved a wheelie. If you can prove me wrong please do so.

*heart rate slows* That would explain a lot! It's becoming unjust to expect new people to read the entire thread, but do read my first post please :lol:

At the moment the speed records aren't posted in a list, but I might put a page on my site with the full list of the 300mph club.

Oooh evil photo randy :lol: but it still counts, I suppose! Do you mind posting your settings, because the Speed Six is a road car so it's almost unique.

Very good photo smuttney (I looked at randy's first LOL) so you're in too. The Cerbera is one car I gave up on, I classified it as a "DS2-hurler" car, so I've never done 300mph in it!

Sorry my mistake.....i meant speed 12....i duno wots up with me today, i keep doin wrong
1) get stuff out fridge for lunch thn forget to eat it...
2)fill sink to wash up from breakfast, then forget to do so and find it 8 hours later...
and now

Thats proof th pic was crap, lol.
Oh OK then, I'll change that. I was thinking, 'I tested the Speed Six and couldn't get close, so how did... :confused:' :lol:. That's also proof that I can't stand poor resolution pictures because I didn't actually pay much attention, I just saw 'TVR' and '3' so I put it on!

wow, has it been that long since my last post? i guess so, cuz we have 2 more people in....and im still not :ouch: ....but yeah DE, i didnt see fasteddies name on the list, have you forgotten him and his pain staking work? nah, youve just been side tracked....happens to the best of us...tis why i havnt posted....i agree with you on the fact that the only skyline capable of 300 is the GTR-concept....ive been there with it and its fought me to death....still holdin strong at far as the NSX-R road car i was workin with, ive given up hope on it....good car in just pissed me off....ive also been on the track with a saleen S7, it is astonishingly similiar to the nardo in what it does on the test track.....i think with fast eddies NARDO settings...i could acomplish this goal....but i dunno...but yeah, ive mainly been hangin back....chillin....but thats how i do....every now and then an idea pops into my head....i have about 4, but havnt tryed them yet....maybe i will later tonight....not sure...but congrats to the two TVR pilots and enjoy the 300 should be considered an honor.........thats it for me, peace all
Today I am going for it.

I will be attempting it in a Nissan R92CP With All Mods.

Good to hear it, RamRod, I think you got the right car there too!! 👍 You got a black one or a brand new one??

I had a little play with the NSX Road car thing, Low, and it just wasn't going to happen: speed too low off the banking, not enough acceleration, nothing going right. Forget about it (says Ed in an Italian gangster stylee...)! I couldn't even match your speed... :)

I don't think anyone's tried with a 'Vette, Randy. You'd think it would be a good choice, but you just can't tell in this arena, there's a lot of surprises. It's about power and aerodynamics, the Nardo was 100bhp down on the NSX, but had good aerodynamics. The Nardo won...

Anybody done anything with the ZZII yet? Keep 'em coming...

m5 dude, im sorry to say, but we have pretty much determined a skyline is not aerodynamic enough to do 300, its good for 270, but even 270 is i would have to say attempting 300 with a skyline is a waste of time... :(

:edit: by the way M5 dude, i see your from new orleans, how do you do throgh katrina? i got swamped pretty bad here in mobile...but not near as bad as new orleans got it

I'm fine so is my family. We're a little scattered right now but we're all alive and thats what counts. I'm in school in Jackson, MS so hopefully life will return to some sort of normality. I appreciate your concern. I hope everything is well with you, Mobile gets it rough very often so I guess we finally got the bad luck ya'll and Pensacola seem to get all the time. I know some one in Pasagahola (can't spell it) lost almost everything and I've been having a hard time getting in touch w/ some friends in Mobile so I'm glad to hear things are alright over there. Thank you again for your concern.
okies, has anyone came up with improvements with my settings? I'll continue fiddling with them again after driving that boxy amg merc around nurb in special licence test..

edit: I just bought another ZZ-II just for top speed challenge. the first one starts to be worn out.. :ouch: oh well, soon I'll be running at 297mph+ again.. :sly:
he smuttneyspears, i reached 291,65mph with my srt-10 but only with a few setting-changes. i've got a feeling that there is more possible........i'm working on and let you know
Hey everyone.

Low, I did indeed get sidetracked with my signature member tracker but I'm running out of my 500-character limit, which seems to count tags :irked:!

The C5R sounds like a logical choice but the Viper, another GT-S class car, couldn't do it either so maybe not... As for the NSX-R LM Racer, I would've thought that possible... I'll have a go when I'm done tearing my hair out over Mission 34.

Ram-Rod, the R92CP should not present a problem. Go for it!

M5_dude, it's good to hear that you're all OK over there.

Leonidae, I have got some improvements for you. I'll PM them over later on.

hey there,

my top speed with the viper was 294.38. i'm gonna try to see if i can make a dent nearer 300 later.

anyhows i have a top speed of 314 something with the 88c-v.

got it last night and as you can see, it took some time to get it there. i havent figured out any more with the 88c yet. but i gotta lot a money to spend so i am be trying out new cars.

keep up the hard work people.
cheers :sly:
Well done on both counts smuttney, the Viper in particular. I think that's a new record for it, no? Not sure. Anyone is welcome to correct me :dopey:!

Oh, and as regards your 88C-V photo, I like that. I like the way you beat 300 long ago, but you kept on going faster and faster!
