- 2,080
are you talking about the rx7 or the 3000gt? the 3000gt has got 871hp and the rx7 639hp. the 3000gt is hks-tuned and the rx7 is tuned by the first firm in the third row..... we will see
Dark EliteHello FastEddie12. Hey, there is one other thing the Zonda's good for. Go to Tsukuba (free run) in it with your wheel (not the same with a DS2), turn the traction control off and the TV's volume to maximum.THAT'S WHAT IT'S GOOD FOR!
By the sounds of it you're not one of us poor guys (I only got 900K), so why not try the Pescarolo '03, nobody's tried that yet and it will be able to do it.
Dark Eliteso why not try the Pescarolo '03, nobody's tried that yet and it will be able to do it.
You want to try the TVR Speed 12 ive got that to 302mph, only problem is getting the car to the the quarter mile fast as its initial acceleration is slow cos of massive wheel spin, i get 60mph in 5 secs and this car should do it in 3 and have a fast quarter mile time, i got the quarter mile in 11 secs, i reckon it should be about 9 or even 8 with this car, anyone know a setup or owt to stop its standing start wheelspin.Dark EliteI recently went out on a mission to break a huge barrier - Three Hundred MPH.
The car I selected was the Toyota 88C-V Race Car, a car I know very well, and I was quite sure that it was capable of this speed. Please note that I am talking here about a flat-out, no-holds-barred quest for speed. The means that I will do everything in my power to make this car exceed 300mph, which means that I will, if I need to, succumb to the option many, including myself, regard as cheating - Nitro.
So anyway, down to the Test Course we go.
At first I tested the car with the Stage Four Turbo fitted and the gears to Tranny-affected Auto 25. I left the downforce standard, but lowered the car's ride height as far as possible. I went out, with very sluggish acceleration, and reached around 260mph (can't remember exactly what I got). I knew that this far-short speed was due to the gears being too widely set.
So, I set the auto gear setting to 20 instead, and immediately felt a big kick in acceleration as I set off. The car went through the gears much faster (I still had it on AT) and this time reached about 265mph (again I cant remember exactly what it got to). I reduced the downforce to minimum front and rear, and gained a few precious mph that way. However, although this increased acceleration it didnt really do as much to the top speed as I hoped, so I increased the gear auto setting to 21.
Again, a slightly better result, so I followed up by increasing it some more. At auto setting 22 I reached 269mph (I think). So, keeping with the trend I put it up to 23 and reached....
268. Damn. Seems I had reached the limit the car's power could get me to, so increasing the gear ratio setting was going to get me nowhere. Having done nothing to the final drive as I knew I did not have enough power, I went down the only road to more power and fitted a nitro system.
I left everything as it was, including the gears, and went out again. I did nothing different until the final stretch where I let rip with the nitro. The car surged forward, the speedometer long since jammed at the max, and I crossed the line at a blazing 284mph. This speed, however, was down to the rev limiter. So, I brought the final drive down from 3.42x to 3.250.
Yet again I revved the 88C-V softly until the countdown cleared me and off I went. By the start of the corner I could tell I had found the real way to get the speed, as the car was accelerating much slower, but I didnt worry about acceleration largly due to the small canister of a certain combustible gas behind my seat...by the start of the final straight I had R1 pressed firmly down and the car was really off, blasting over the line at 289mph this time.
Certain I'd found the way forward, I played with the final drive until I had hit the ceiling again - across the line at 297mph. One of the most frustrating results I have ever had!
But, all was not lost. I had not missed the fact that my nitro was not all expended by the time I went across the line, so I shifted the balance of duration->power fifteen units in power's favour. Confidently, I shot a glance of contempt at the 297mph session record as I hit X over the Start option.
As I pulled away for what I was sure would be the last time, I felt no difference at all until the start of the home stretch, as expected. I pressed R1 down so hard it nearly disappeared into the shoulder of my DualShock2, and the engine screamed it's way to my target.
270mph, gone, 280, 285, 290, 295, nearing the limiter now... 297, 298, 299... two hundred and ninety-nine and holding as the car bounced, the rear tyres scrabbling for traction... THREE HUNDRED! YES! YES! YES!!!! I saw a breif flick of the digital 2 as it changed to a 3 and I was across the line!
I saw it appear on my screen, with a shout of elation, 300.65 miles per hour. I had done it. I had taken a sixteen-year-old Group C race car all the way to the three hundred mile per hour mark and crossed it. Grinning ear to ear, I took the attached photo to prove the speed I'd reached.
Although I have stopped trying for speed in this car now I've hit my ultimate target, I have no doubt that it can do more if pushed hard enough. And I also believe that it is not the sole member of the select group of cars from this game that can exceed 300mph. So now I form the Three Hundred Mile Per Hour club, the megacar group from GT4. Note that no rules apply as far as tuning goes, except using the wheelie glitch from GT3, just use any means of modification to make your car do the big three-zero-zero. This is my first settings/race report, so any critical advice is welcome. Still more welcome are your stories of how you got your car to hit this massive speed, so that the Three Hundred Mile Per Hour Club can grow to show the kings of speed and their, well not drivers, but pilots!
Niged1anyone know a setup or owt to stop its standing start wheelspin.
lowizleVW nardo concept
... and then the final to 3.065, ....the result....was a 290.0, beleive it or not
back to the drawing board yet again, this time i adjusted the final out to 3.610, .....with a dissapointing run of only 275.17,
so i took it down to 3.490........284.87, better than last run yes...so i knew i was makin some improvment...
next i altered 6th to .710, and also i decided this time to alter 5th to .944, yet again went to the track and backed off the line for a better run,this time, maxing out at 290.82 ugghhhh!!! it began to iritate me
After some fiddling with the gearing (final drive mostly) and stiffening the stabalizers, the 2D went an honest to goodness 297.31 MPH. If I was to zero the camber it could do more...Dark EliteOh yeah, Toronado? Where are you? What about the 2D and it's painful ascent to the mark?
ToronadoAfter some fiddling with the gearing (final drive mostly) and stiffening the stabalizers, the 2D went an honest to goodness 297.31 MPH. If I was to zero the camber it could do more...
Good man!! Have a good look at what I'm saying up therelowizleill do that DE, but did you see my post about hitting 300 with the minotla? i actually went a bit quicker than that....but um, as much as i want in this club...ima have to say the same as fast eddie...hold my member ship for ither the nardo, or the gtr concept....i am bound and determined to break it with both....