Thursday Fun Night (Re-named)

  • Thread starter dranddad

Next Time Trial & Head to Head Race in Group 4.

Race Night 6th/13th February

Autopolis Race Course
Offline Time Trial for head to head

Don't forget to set your car to default settings with power 100% weight 100%. Then pick BoP for the track, Use your same Gr4 car for this TT/Race.

  1. Argon ------------------- 1:52.925
  2. GeeTeye ---------------- 1:53.268
  3. Wookie ----------------- 1:53.292
  4. BassAddict ------------- 1:53.578
  5. MikeyLCR --------------- 1:53.723
  6. Dranddad --------------- 1:53.926
  7. Oldguy58 --------------- 1:54.775
  8. TRc76 ------------------- 1:56.977

Thanks Mike for getting me back on track :embarrassed:

I was getting confused.

A reminder, our first Endurance is 30th January @ Good Wood in Renault V6 SH ---- 50 Minute race with Tire and Fuel management.

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Ok, I'm confused which isn't hard :dopey::confused:
How can the cars have BOP on and be at 100 /100 ? Asking for a friend :rolleyes::lol:
Hi Scott,
I think the power/weight and BOP on affects the N cars more as you can adjust the power to move either up or down to a different class. So if you have an N300 car and detune it to a N200 car then when the BOP On is used, it adjusts the power/weight according to the BOP settings for that class. This shouldn't really make any difference when using GR type cars as they can't move into different classes.

I hope this makes sense.
Lobby and chat are available...:)

Room#: 0475-4122-5982-9247-9044

Feature 13 lap race to start no later than 3pm EST (8pm GMT)

-Grid start, reverse grid based on race #1 results
-Heavy Damage
-Shortcut & side contact penalties only
-No replacement after leaving track
-Ghosting set to Weak
-No tire or fuel wear

Note on Penalties: This week PD has a better chance of issuing shortcut penalties. Penalty time needs to be served off the racing line and before the conclusion of your current lap...the two long straights would be a good choice to serve your penalty. 👍


GoodWood endurance race.

Room settings.

Practice/Qualifier/Endurance race time 50 minutes

Car Renault Sport Clio V6 24V on sport hard tyres all settings are default.

Power ratio 100% / weight ratio 100% 229bhp @ 1335Kg.

As tyre and fuel management is all part of real-life racing (real scenario)

Tyre wear is 10x | Fuel depletion 8x you will need to manage these on the fly in the race.

Mechanical damage Heavy. This must be fixed at the end of that Lap (as you would in real life) same with tyre punchers or other which would require a trip to the pits.

Track regulations

Short cut and side contact will be on, all others will be off.

Tuning is Prohibited.

Car drives beautiful, tyres go on and on and on.

Top tip for this race, Keep it on the Track.

As this is about the easiest endurance race going, I’ve made it so you do have to manage your wear and damage, room open at 19:00 for free practice (god I hate them two words together) and a pre Qualifier. Set for 19:50gmt.

In practice, I’ve done this with a 3 stop a 2 stop and a one 1 stop managing fuel, which is best on time, god knows I didn’t look at that, don’t want to spoil all the fun.

Good luck hope you enjoy.
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