Time for Change? (UK General Election)

  • Thread starter Sphinx
Apparently the Tories played Dave Bowie's 'Changes' at their manifesto launch.

I guess they never watched Time Trumpet:

They also played Keane's "Everybody's Changing" at the manifesto launch, and now:
Richard Keane's twitter page
"told the tories played keane at their manifesto launch. am horrified. to be clear - we were not asked. i will not vote for them."
Apparently the Tories played Dave Bowie's 'Changes' at their manifesto launch.

I guess they never watched Time Trumpet:



HA! :D

They also played Keane's "Everybody's Changing" at the manifesto launch, and now:

Double HA!

And I don't doubt that the Jeremy Kyle generation will be a little taken in by this change business. I've already seen a few blogs proclaiming 'CAMERON IS OUR OBAMA!', an argument based entirely on the use of the word 'change'. By the same logic, there's a self service till in my local Tesco that must have equally good leadership credentials.

Personally I think the policies are getting a little silly now. 'Let's hold council tax refferendums', for example - a great idea, had the general public any awareness of how it works beyond 'lower iz better coz i get 2 pay less'.
And I don't doubt that the Jeremy Kyle generation will be a little taken in by this change business. I've already seen a few blogs proclaiming 'CAMERON IS OUR OBAMA!', an argument based entirely on the use of the word 'change'. By the same logic, there's a self service till in my local Tesco that must have equally good leadership credentials.

Personally I think the policies are getting a little silly now. 'Let's hold council tax refferendums', for example - a great idea, had the general public any awareness of how it works beyond 'lower iz better coz i get 2 pay less'.

LMAO (as they say), coincidentally I think the joke is actually true!

Maybe Gordon Brown Brown should play this

Personally I think the policies are getting a little silly now. 'Let's hold council tax refferendums', for example - a great idea, had the general public any awareness of how it works beyond 'lower iz better coz i get 2 pay less'.

Not to mention the horrific costs holding such referendums would amount to, and the clerical man hours wasted organising them - which are at total odds to the tories cost cutting and 'small government' ethos which is the backbone of their manifesto. :rolleyes:

The referendums would no doubt lean towards no rise in Council Taxes, which would obviously lead to job cuts and a decrease in the quality of the services provided by the council. Do they not think these things through - or are they simply saying what they think people want to hear in the hope of winning votes in a few weeks time?
By the same logic, there's a self service till in my local Tesco that must have equally good leadership credentials.

:lol: Good one 👍

Maybe Gordon Brown Brown should play this

I believe that was branded about during the last election and appeared to work to Labours advantage. I somehow doubt it'll work for them this time though.

Had to laugh at Labour's poster campaign depicting Cameron as Gene Hunt and then the Tories firing back with their own version. :lol:


I wonder what the Lib Dem would've come up with. Perhaps, "where are the keys?" ;)
Maybe Gordon Brown Brown should play this


Oh god yes :lol:

Not to mention the horrific costs holding such referendums would amount to, and the clerical man hours wasted organising them - which are at total odds to the tories cost cutting and 'small government' ethos which is the backbone of their manifesto. :rolleyes:

The referendums would no doubt lean towards no rise in Council Taxes, which would obviously lead to job cuts and a decrease in the quality of the services provided by the council. Do they not think these things through - or are they simply saying what they think people want to hear in the hope of winning votes in a few weeks time?

Nail on the head there, I imagine. Trouble is that they're so insistent on change that they don't appear to care whether or not it's detrimental to the nation.

I wonder what the Lib Dem would've come up with. Perhaps, "where are the keys?" ;)

:lol:, with UKIP surely being "Janet! Someone's slashed the tires again..."
The worm has turned, or is it just a "flash in the pan"?

The Liberals surge in the polls, apparently the biggest surge in popularity for 104 years, so a hung parliament looks more likely than ever. Who would'be thought it, I certainly didn't that's for sure.

Although I disliked any idea of a US stlye presidential TV debate that was heavily bogged down with specific rules of engagement, but at least it has gven us Britons something to chew on and the result of which has thrown a spanner into the works that has now placed the two main parties on the back foot. I'm not sure who this will hurt the most in the election, the Tories, Labour or the electorate but it's fun watching regardless. :)
Something occured to us in Lectures today. Many of us from South Wales have said that if our parents knew we voted Tory they'd probably disown us, to which a couple of English people said if they voted Labour their parents would dissown them!

So our generation, if we seek to keep home-cooking and free homes in the holidays, must vote Lib Dem! :lol:

The worm has turned, or is it just a "flash in the pan"?

The Liberals surge in the polls, apparently the biggest surge in popularity for 104 years, so a hung parliament looks more likely than ever. Who would'be thought it, I certainly didn't that's for sure.

Although I disliked any idea of a US stlye presidential TV debate that was heavily bogged down with specific rules of engagement, but at least it has gven us Britons something to chew on and the result of which has thrown a spanner into the works that has now placed the two main parties on the back foot. I'm not sure who this will hurt the most in the election, the Tories, Labour or the electorate but it's fun watching regardless. :)
Everyone is putting the cart before the horse at the moment.

There's still 2 debates left, and now Cameron and Brown are going to focus much more bully-boy tactics on Clegg.
There's still 2 debates left, and now Cameron and Brown are going to focus much more bully-boy tactics on Clegg.
Ah, but the public may catch on, and that may create sympathy for Clegg. And to me, sympathy = votes.
That would be a very risky move as driftking18594 has already pointed out. Instead, simply allow the daily rags to do their stuff and people will fall for it. It's started already:

The Sun
Lib Dem leader donor strom

Daily Mail
Clegg in Nazi slur on UK: 'Our delusions of grandeur' at winning war are greater cross to bear than German guilt
The first link is merely taken from the Telegraph, a prominent Tory paper that has even made it clear that everything was properly submitted to the correct authorities and there was just reason for the money.

It's simply pathetic journalism hiding under a provacative headline. Something you'd expect from the Mail. And I read the Telegraph every day when I'm home from Uni.

The second link I'd actually agree with. We bombed Germany, ruined it's economy and it's population left divided for decades. Now it has one of the most succesful car manufacturing industries in the world and is a major european power. While we seem to be in decline in terms of heavy industry.
I'm sorry, I might be missing something, but are you blaming us for the ruined economy of Germany? (that still is bad in the East) Not to mention how high taxes can be.
I'm sorry, I might be missing something, but are you blaming us for the ruined economy of Germany? (that still is bad in the East) Not to mention how high taxes can be.
I'm not blaming us for the current state of German economy, whatever that may be, I was talking more about the destruction of manufacturing facilities on all sides in WW2.

I'm not aware of the current economic situation with Germany, I just know that they have a much stronger manufacturing industry than we do currently.
Nick Griffin appeared in front of Jeremy Paxman last night where he was under extreme duress to ask him all the usual questions. Possibly one of the reasons why the BNP are always vilified is because they seen as a potential threat. If they turned everything down a notch and became less taboo, they would be very attractive for so many indigenous people and some British people of ethnic origin.

One of the topics discussed was the threat of Islam where Paxman on camera clearly doesn't see it as a threat. Nick Griffin explained that at present Muslims were reproducing ten times more than the indiginous population, and the wildly held belief is that moderate to extreme Muslims want to make our country an Islamic state.

This is believable as Muslims have a strict religious and moral code, and at present it is largely the riff-raff and benefits culture who are reproducing like it's no tomorrow. Middle class women with their new found freedom and power, are leaving it too late to make up for this deficit, so Britain is stuffed.

A similar problem is occuring in Sweden where it is believed it will become an Islamic state within 50 years.
Nick Griffin appeared in front of Jeremy Paxman last night where he was under extreme duress to ask him all the usual questions. Possibly one of the reasons why the BNP are always vilified is because they seen as a potential threat. If they turned everything down a notch and became less taboo, they would be very attractive for so many indigenous people and some British people of ethnic origin.

One of the topics discussed was the threat of Islam where Paxman on camera clearly doesn't see it as a threat. Nick Griffin explained that at present Muslims were reproducing ten times more than the indiginous population, and the wildly held belief is that moderate to extreme Muslims want to make our country an Islamic state.

This is believable as Muslims have a strict religious and moral code, and at present it is largely the riff-raff and benefits culture who are reproducing like it's no tomorrow. Middle class women with their new found freedom and power, are leaving it too late to make up for this deficit, so Britain is stuffed.

A similar problem is occuring in Sweden where it is believed it will become an Islamic state within 50 years.

Enoch Powel spouted the same grade of nonsense over 40 years ago, that has not come to pass, nor will this.

I'm sorry to say that you sound like nothing more than a BNP apologist and quite frankly offends me more than the possibility of any number of Muslims living in the UK.

I don't know of any Muslims who want to follow Sharia law or other aspects of their strict religious or moral codes, as you so call them, in the UK. Even those I know who live in Pakistan and some of the Middle Eastern arabic states don't have the attitudes the BNP and their racist friends think. Generalisations never come off well, this included.

The BNP are nothing more than a bunch of racists and it'll be a cold day in hell before they ever get in power in the UK. Even if they did, you can make sure a bet there'd be "hostilities" within the country. Also, pretty much what Scaff said.
I'm not going to argue about the earlier comment on Muslims in the UK because I don't have any figures to go on. But, the numbers must be higher than the Government would have you believe - why was it so bloody easy for Terrorist attacks to take place in London a few years ago? That would never happen if you were part of a maginal group. And I bet you there have been many more foiled bomb plots that we never got to hear about.

Ok, I'm not a BNP supporter, and nor am I racist...I even put a good word in for an Indian chap in work recently who is seeking permanent employment. But my defensive software tells me that, like any other sane species that knows how to survive, to guard against any potential threat.

You've got to understand that the whole multi-culti thing has got completely out of control....and this has been quite likely a deliberate attempt to dilute the whole system for so many reasons:-

Economic efficiency - you can keep wages to a minimum by having an ample supply of people willing to work for less. This is probably counteracting for the the benefits culture and the unemployable.

By making Britain totally multi-cultural, you are in effect removing any potential long term threat of future racial problems.

The landscape of our British culture is changing....because we've gone all soft and nice; the removal of conscript, the removal of punishment in schools, the removal of God, the human right to be a freeloader, and the pursuit of vanity has all been conducive to the culture we have now.

Why did so many brave, sincere men die for our land in two world wars? You could nearly bet the people responsible for all this recent decadence never went to war because their genes only allows them to survive in a cosy society.
I'm not going to argue about the earlier comment on Muslims in the UK because I don't have any figures to go on. But, the numbers must be higher than the Government would have you believe - why was it so bloody easy for Terrorist attacks to take place in London a few years ago? That would never happen if you were part of a maginal group. And I bet you there have been many more foiled bomb plots that we never got to hear about.
So with no info to go on you just make sweeping statements!!!!

Terror plots are hardly new, and by your logic we should all now be Catholic, after all the IRA were far more effective at UK targeted terror attacks that Muslims have been to date.

Ok, I'm not a BNP supporter, and nor am I racist...I even put a good word in for an Indian chap in work recently who is seeking permanent employment. But my defensive software tells me that, like any other sane species that knows how to survive, to guard against any potential threat.
Regardless of whta you claim, your posts come across as quite the opposite.

You've got to understand that the whole multi-culti thing has got completely out of control....and this has been quite likely a deliberate attempt to dilute the whole system for so many reasons:-

Economic efficiency - you can keep wages to a minimum by having an ample supply of people willing to work for less. This is probably counteracting for the the benefits culture and the unemployable.

By making Britain totally multi-cultural, you are in effect removing any potential long term threat of future racial problems.

The landscape of our British culture is changing....because we've gone all soft and nice; the removal of conscript, the removal of punishment in schools, the removal of God, the human right to be a freeloader, and the pursuit of vanity has all been conducive to the culture we have now.
As someone who is married to an Anglo-Indian and who's wife and childeren would be directly targeted by certain BNP policies I reserve the right to find your comments quite objectionable.

Why did so many brave, sincere men die for our land in two world wars? You could nearly bet the people responsible for all this recent decadence never went to war because their genes only allows them to survive in a cosy society.
Many, many of whom were of Indian or African origin and yet still fought for the UK, including my wifes great uncle who spent 3 years in a Japanese POW camp while defending you and I.

...Middle class women with their new found freedom and power, are leaving it too late to make up for this deficit, so Britain is stuffed...

What new found freedom and power that the middle class women have are you talking about?

Ok, I'm not a BNP supporter, and nor am I racist...I even put a good word in for an Indian chap in work recently who is seeking permanent employment. But my defensive software tells me that, like any other sane species that knows how to survive, to guard against any potential threat.

You sound like a racist to me!

It's quite clear you have some pretty extreme views and it makes me wonder if you are as open about them outside the anonymity of the internet? Hopefully you are not old enough to vote.
Scaff - I stated earlier that I wasn't racist - why would I put a good word in for someone from another land who is no more than a work colleague? It was fully conscious.

And I do not support the BNP for the reasons you have stated. Multi-culturalism is a good thing for everybody, but not to the degree the Goverment has allowed.

EvilNeal - The middleclass woman thing; What with maternity being delayed to get careers on track and the search for the perfect partner just isn't compatible with biology.
I know of two cases within a small circle already.
Nick Griffin appeared in front of Jeremy Paxman last night where he was under extreme duress to ask him all the usual questions. Possibly one of the reasons why the BNP are always vilified is because they seen as a potential threat. If they turned everything down a notch and became less taboo, they would be very attractive for so many indigenous people and some British people of ethnic origin.
That's exactly what Nick Griffin said when he made a speach to white supremicists in the USA.

55 secs ;)

A similar problem is occuring in Sweden where it is believed it will become an Islamic state within 50 years.
Yeah they said we'd be a Hindu nation by now aswell. And we'd all live on the moon.

I'm not going to argue about the earlier comment on Muslims in the UK because I don't have any figures to go on. But, the numbers must be higher than the Government would have you believe - why was it so bloody easy for Terrorist attacks to take place in London a few years ago? That would never happen if you were part of a maginal group. And I bet you there have been many more foiled bomb plots that we never got to hear about.
IRA bombings ring a bell...

Why did so many brave, sincere men die for our land in two world wars? You could nearly bet the people responsible for all this recent decadence never went to war because their genes only allows them to survive in a cosy society.
And that's the ironic thing when the BNP mention war veterans. War veteran's fought alongside Indians, Pakistanis, South Africans, Ghurkas in WW2 because they not only fought for the Empire but for Britain itself. And because they're not indiginous British does that mean they don't deserve our huge thanks and respect?
Scaff - I stated earlier that I wasn't racist - why would I put a good word in for someone from another land who is no more than a work colleague? It was fully conscious.
The simple fact that you make the distinction alone is more than enough to raise questions in my mind.

Many people I have come across claim to not be racist, yet make comments that (particularly given my family) quite clearly differentiate based on skin tone and/or religion alone.

While many people shy away from the word, they actions they take and the manner in which they speak tell a quite different story, and its sad to say that in my opinion you fall into this category.

And I do not support the BNP for the reasons you have stated. Multi-culturalism is a good thing for everybody, but not to the degree the Goverment has allowed.
So how do we go about this then? Do you propose setting quotas on interracial marriage? Limit the practice of certain religions?

If the situation were reversed and the Spanish government told British ex-pats in Spain that they had to learn to speak Spanish and were forbidden from maintaining a culturally British lifestyle I feel fairly certain that you would be up in arms (as I would be).

The difference, I however suspect, is that I don't then get hypocritical when it comes to this country.

EvilNeal - The middleclass woman thing; What with maternity being delayed to get careers on track and the search for the perfect partner just isn't compatible with biology.
I know of two cases within a small circle already.
You appear to be advocating state control over the role of women in society and your views appear to be rather close to those of a party you claim to not support.

London BNP organiser Nick Eriksen
"For a woman to consider a job or career more important than having children is, quite literally, unnatural," he wrote. "Instead of complaining that nature prevents women from having successful careers women should embrace the career nature has ascribed to them - motherhood."

Now this appears to be the same basic viewpoint you hold, from a man who has also said.....

London BNP organiser Nick Eriksen
Eriksen actually believes that rape is like force-feeding women chocolate.

He wrote: 'Rape is simply sex.

Women enjoy sex, so rape cannot be such a terrible physical ordeal.

To suggest that rape, when conducted without violence, is a serious crime is like suggesting that force feeding a woman chocolate cake is a heinous offence." When his comments were exposed, the BNP was forced to withdraw Eriksen as a candidate for the London Mayoral elections.

Source - http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/column...bigots-are-racist-and-sexist-115875-21408627/

You may not like me saying it, but to be 100% blunt, you sound exactly like a BNP campaigner. Racism via the back door is still racism in my book and given that the BNP would like to assign second class citizenship to my wife, my children and my family by marriage its an area I am aware of with a passion.


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