I was supposed to be away with work all of next week, and have even arranged a postal vote as a result. Fortunately, my plans have been shifted forward one day, and I will now be back on Thursday rather than Friday, and hence will be able to watch the election results live - it should be a very interesting night, and Channel 4 (here in the UK) are offering a night of 'alternative' coverage, which should lighten up proceedings somewhat.
I reckon a hung parliament is nigh on unavoidable... Cameron's performance on the campaign trail (and not just on the televised debates) has thus far been woeful, IMO. Brown, as uncharismatic as ever, is atleast sticking to discussing policy (a wise plan, considering his complete lack of personality), whereas Cameron seems hell-bent on relying on slogans, soundbites and assorted meaningless rhetoric - and has now resorted to slagging off the Lib Dems in a pathetic attempt to avoid the prospect of a hung parliament. Nick Clegg is not doing enough to promote the Lib Dems core values and policies, in my view, and is instead focussing on the wrong things, while all the while seeking to capitalise on the fact that people have had enough of Labour, but don't want a return to the bad old days of a Tory government, which seems to be working!
Thursday's election coverage should be good, and I'm just glad I'm going to get a chance to watch it!