Time Trial #72

  • Thread starter sportacus
Now that I saw a 1:50.6 replay it's obvious. The mid corner speed and top speeds are slightly bigger but his breaking markers are way deeper. That car loses speed maybe 25% faster than any car I've tested so far.
How can we get that sort of breaking power, what setup it's the best for breaking?
I've tested with higher ride height, LSD, breaking balance, soften springs, harder springs, slow compression, fast compression, etc... and not even far.
Now that I saw a 1:50.6 replay it's obvious. The mid corner speed and top speeds are slightly bigger but his breaking markers are way deeper. That car loses speed maybe 25% faster than any car I've tested so far.
How can we get that sort of breaking power, what setup it's the best for breaking?
I've tested with higher ride height, LSD, breaking balance, soften springs, harder springs, slow compression, fast compression, etc... and not even far.

Very good question. A lot comes in to play - as you've mentioned - it's got to be a combination of all the above working just right. ...as the power needs to be to the ground on exit the brakes (stopping power) need to be able to work just as well... It's like the million dollar question.

Have you tried working with increased ABS settings? ABS, LSD, and proper Camber I think are a huge key here.
Apart from the Gallardo '08, which is the next best car for setting a good lap as per handling, torque etc?

The Miura is capable of similar times as the Gallardo, providing you can keep it on track. Very loose handling, but quite fun to drive

74 Countach is in the same boat
Hi everyone, I am Spanish and my English is not very good.:indiff:
I keep this trial forum for some time and I want to thank you for your great work.
To some of you I have added as friends.👍
My time is 1:52:060. I downloaded the torque to 523 Nm / 6600 rpm and the car drives very smooth.

This is my collection ...
Very good question. A lot comes in to play - as you've mentioned - it's got to be a combination of all the above working just right. ...as the power needs to be to the ground on exit the brakes (stopping power) need to be able to work just as well... It's like the million dollar question.

Have you tried working with increased ABS settings? ABS, LSD, and proper Camber I think are a huge key here.

I have found that my tune (the tune I am using, which is based strongly on others tunes) is sufficient to get a good time as I have been so far in front of my ghost at times I can hardly see it in the rear view mirror.
I would say I have easily been well over a second, up to perhaps nearly two, seconds in the lead at times, (my current time is still 1:53.737) however I always make mistakes in the chicanes.

For me at least, the chicanes are my undoing, when I can conquer them I will have done well. But that will not happen in this TT.

I would have preferred that all the chicanes had brick walls around them to remove the guessing as to where the line actually is.

I think there are a number of tunes posted here, or cars available as loaners, to satisfy nearly anyone of whatever ability to reach their potential, or close to it.
Well no improvement last few days still getting back up to speed after switching back to steering wheel although I've been 0.7 up on my pb a few times heading in to ascari only to drop a wheel in gravel on exit every time
Well no improvement last few days still getting back up to speed after switching back to steering wheel although I've been 0.7 up on my pb a few times heading in to ascari only to drop a wheel in gravel on exit every time

I know the Feeling :):) but you can be proud of the Great Time 👍👍

Ive tried to Match your time with your help and from suba, im only .453 sec behind your time, and im very proud to be in the top 250. my best TT so Far :):):) but i think its time for a New Challenge.:
I know the Feeling :):) but you can be proud of the Great Time 👍👍

Ive tried to Match your time with your help and from suba, im only .453 sec behind your time, and im very proud to be in the top 250. my best TT so Far :):):) but i think its time for a New Challenge.:

Thanks mate think I reached the limit I can push with a ds3 it's so hard to be smooth and get throttle and brake control spot on with it with the wheel I can be so much more aggressive on the brakes and steering comes naturally but hopefully tonight il manage to improve if not I'm still on for best TT finish
Been chasing a 1.52.118ghost for days -then after 3 hours today: 1.52.089 ...did another hour, then out of nowhere: 1.51.796! ..That's what i like about this game: Sky's the limit -it seems you can always improve -even beyond what you've thought! The key for me: HIGH GEARS! Second for first chicane, third for second! Good luck these last few hours!👍
Just managed a 1.51.201!! Its amazing the power a cuppa and a twix has it appears!! Slightly happy right now :)
Congrats to all for all that you were able to achieve!! 👍👍

Lots of GREAT times put up .. Most - including myself - going beyond expectation! I think we all put up a great fight to that ol' pesky Ascari .. (Which I would love to have taken a dozer to or drill in' some holes and pack w C4 ....

...at any rate hats off to all! Great drivers, Great chassis tuners, Great times glad to be a part of it and GTPlanet Rocks! Thanks to all for their input .. Could not have achieved the 1:53.588 that I was able to without GTP .. NO DOUBT! :gtpflag:

Thanks 👍👍


...yesterday was a disaster .. Might as well have driven the dozer mentioned earlier. Today made great gains and as a driver who tweaked and tweaked borrowed and borrowed .. Tweaked tuned threw much in the trash... About 10 Lambo's later (maybe more .. Do not care to look or count the miles driven at this point lol) ...today was a great count down fight. The consistency - for the quicker lap time - showed up for the last hour and I was tailing, leading, mirroring and well, the next step from there would be to move up (I would hope) but ran out of time...
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Well stuck on 1:52.697, satisfied, as most had good chances for better. I think biggest problem was different setups gave me better times for different sectors. Would be great to be able to have 2-3 setups, and just press one button to switch(bb, torque) RA is too difficult for me while racing with ds3.

Congrats to all the cheaters, some great times ! :yuck:

Oops ty Doodle-ghost, was big help
Tis right tho..... I bought another new Gallardo just for this TT to match the one I already use for hot lapping, the only difference with the new one is the addition of engine tuning stage 3 for more torque at the expense of power and funnily enough, it is the one that has given me my best time so far.

506bhp/53kgfm = 1:53.688
495bhp/58kgfm = 1:53.512

They have identical tunes tho except for the LSD because of the torque difference, and are both on share.

cheers for the share, knowing how close we were on the previous TT i guessed i didnt have the best setup, yours was sublime, much more neutral and faster through the corners, quick change of direction at the chicanes was also useful, think i ended up about 600th, think i could have improved but didnt get a chance to try again last night before the deadline