Time Trial Challenge Series - Closed

  • Thread starter msgt-sd
Time Trial Challenge Results
for February 28, 2016











Thanks @JamCar0ne, @mistersafeway, @Nicktune, @Rednose58, @Ricky Wilson, and @RS__96__oO for racing this Sunday. :cheers: Great battles.

It was remarkable that we didn't have a single disconnection during any of the time trials. I hope we can be so lucky next week and into the future.

Stay tuned to this thread over the next few days as I'll be revealing the new cars for Sunday and also details about a season championship for March. :sly: And of course, if you know anyone else who might be interested in this series then direct them this way.
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Points System
From now on, each Sunday that we race there will be a points championship. For each time trial, points will be awarded based on finishing position. Right now, I think it makes the most sense to only have points championships on a weekly basis, instead of seasonally or monthly.

Here's the points system that I propose for each time trial:

*To be eligible for the bonus, the driver must complete his first lap before any other driver completes a second lap.

Since we run 5 combos and it will be possible to earn 20 points per combo, the max score per event is 100 points. Points ties will be broken by comparing the number of 1st places, 2nd places, and so on.

Based on this points system, if we had tracked points last Sunday, the results would have looked like this:

Note: Blue font indicates a bonus point was earned for best first lap.

Track Boundaries
I'm not entirely sure the best way to handle track boundaries. Manually observing replays is time-intensive and, depending on the Race Quality setting of the room, drivers (other than you) in your saved replay can appear very laggy and jumpy. Obviously the in-game penalties are inconsistent and sometimes way too strict or lenient depending on the track; however, I think keeping the Penalty Level at Strong and having an honor system is the easiest thing and best we can do when it comes to monitoring track boundary violations.

So, whether you're on your first lap or last lap, if you think you violated the track boundaries attempt to remove any advantage you may have gained by letting off the gas for a minimum of 3 seconds.

Unless otherwise specified in the lobby online, these are the general track boundary rules (similar to the GTP WRS rules):
-At least 2 tires must be in contact with the track at all times.
-Rumble strips are part of the track.
-No contact with walls, cones, or other objects.
-White lines are NOT a track boundary, unless stated as such in the lobby. An example of an exception is the Silverstone Stowe circuit, where the white lines do serve as the track boundary.

This information will be added to the first post shortly.
A few things:

-I'll be opening the room at 2:30 PM EST time today, and barring any connection issues we'll start right at 3 PM EST.
-Starting next week, the rooms will be "Club Only", so you'll need to be a member of the club to join in. The club is now public so anyone can join. Link to club page.
If I don't fall asleep, again, I'll be there. Don't wait however.

This series might actually force me to burn quite a few of my bank cars. Just sold 8, 19 to go.
Room is up.

Title: "TT Challenge - start at 3PM ET"
ID: 1472-4711-0038-4896-3664

Edit: Room closed.
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Hey @RS__96__oO, @mistersafeway, and others, be aware that Daylight Savings Time started in the United States today. So, for the next few weeks (until your clocks are also moved forward) we will be starting an hour earlier than you're used to. We always start at 3 PM ET. ;)
Room is up in open lobby.

Title: "Time Trial Challenge - Round 1"
ID: 1472-6118-3916-1739-6470

After 2 straight clean weeks, it looks like we might be getting the disconnection bug today. :(

Edit: room closed.
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Time Trial Challenge Results
for March 13, 2016







Congrats to @Ricky Wilson on the overall win again. @Vegasracer was really close in 2nd. The battles for 1st and 3rd in Round 4 were super tight. Good driving guys. :cheers: Hopefully we won't have any connection issues next week like we did in Rounds 2 and 3 today.

I'll post the updated car list shortly. You'll have almost a week from now to get the cars for next Sunday. Also, sometime soon I'll make a link in the first post where you can go back and look at all the old combos that we've run.

@Ricky Wilson, @Vegasracer, @msgt-sd, @Nicktune, @Ricky_Blayz, @RS__96__oO, @MikeGrove, @JamCar0ne
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Public room is up in the club lobby.

Title: TT Challenge - starting soon
ID: 1472-6681-3286-8589-9801

Edit: Room closed.
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I forgot to buy the cars... It's really been a busy week, I could only get 1 hour to play and I somehow forgot to buy them.
I try to join the fun again next week :)
Time Trial Challenge Results
for March 20, 2016


Tiebreaker: 2nd place goes to Nic-KL for having more 2nd place finishes than SCHMEDRACER.



Thanks to @VELOCI_2NR, @Nicktune, @Vegasracer, @mistersafeway, and @DrAug for coming out Sunday. Great speed show from you guys as always. Some of those performances yesterday really left me scratching my head afterwards wondering how you guys were going so fast. The times VELOCI and SCHMED put up in Round 1 were insane. I think that's the hardest combo we've run so far. And SCHMED absolutely dominated the rally combo in Round 5. So far, SCHMED is undefeated in Dirt rally combos. I think Round 3 was the most enjoyable. It would probably make for some great racing. People really should use 'Cape Ring - South' more often.

If I get the time this week I'm going to go back and try to match, or hopefully beat, the top times from some of the combos. I've got some deficiencies to work on. :lol:

Also, I apologize for holding the room up for 15+ mins while I tried to get my internet working again after getting disconnected at the end of Round 2. :guilty: The PSN seemed alright yesterday, but my internet sure was having problems. Right before we begin next Sunday, I think I will post the 5 combos to the thread so that if I have prolonged internet troubles again you guys can go on without me. In that case, please save replays for me so I can get the data/results later. ;)
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Ok, since some of you have mentioned you're having a hard time earning enough credits to buy all the cars each week, for the next 2 weeks at least, all the cars added to the car list will be either One-Make cars or cars that you can win in the offline portion of the game. I think we will do this every so often to give you guys struggling to earn credits a break. So, you've got a couple of weeks to build up your bank accounts now.

Since there aren't very many One-Make and Prize rally cars, for the next few weeks, Combo E will include street cars that allow rally tires to be equipped.


*Cars that can be won as prizes offline have the [Prize] label following their name. One-make cars, that don't need to be bought, will have the [One-Make] label.
Follow this link to find where you can win the [Prize] cars offline.
Thanks for having me :) It was fun, even with the infamous network issues. That just gave everyone more time to shoot the ****. I'll try to show up more often, but this next month will be near impossible if we stay on the Sunday noon format. I'll see you guys the 17th at the earliest!
I missed the last two events while I was on vacation and I'm going to miss March 27 too because I will be traveling back home after the Easter Weekend. It would have been a "cheap" week for me as I have most of those cars already.

Please do not randomly select the Ferrari GTO. I love that car and would like to race it with you guys on the 3rd of April :irked:
Ah, I overlooked Easter this weekend @Rednose58. I'll be busy on Sunday too and won't be able to race. I'm assuming others will be busy too.

So, there will be no official time trials this Sunday. The next event will be on April 3rd.
Hey guys, I've added a link to an event registration form at the end of Post #1. You should fill that out every week you plan on attending. This way we can have an idea of who will be racing and also if there will be a need for a second room. The form will close an hour before racing begins.
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Room is up in club lobby.

I've already been booted since I logged on...Hoping we don't have connection issues today. In case I have connection problems, here are the combos for today:
Time Trial Challenge Results
for April 3, 2016




Week 7 of the Time Trial Challenge Series is in the books. Good run today. No disconnections during any of the time trials, and we were done in almost 2 hours. We can still speed things up at the start though. The battle for 1st was tight in all the combos. Less than 0.100 secs separated 1st and 2nd in 3 of the combos.

As always, thanks for coming out guys. Hopefully we can get some more people to join us next week.

I'll post the new car list and registration table tomorrow.
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Ok, all but one car this week is a prize or one-make car...so even @Ricky_Blayz might be able to afford the cost of admission this Sunday. :sly: :P


*Cars that can be won as prizes offline have the [Prize] label following their name. One-make cars, that don't need to be bought, have the [One-Make] label.
Follow this link to find where you can win the [Prize] cars offline.

Also, the registration table for this Sunday, April 10th, is up. See the bottom of Post #1.