Time Trial Discussion

  • Thread starter seadog777
I loaded the ghost of a Spanish player who's placed 9th in the ranking. I was shocked to see that player go completely outside of turn 4 (after turns 2 & 3 which are slow) & that helped him gain a good 1 second there itself.
I thought that portion wasn't considered off track limits so when I went over it I got a penalty.
This had my head scratching as well as felt still the top players in ranking cheat??????
There's something a bit odd with the penalties here. On the very last chicane I can sometimes go inside the bollard for the last right-hander and shave a lot of time off (which is how I got my fastest lap) and other times I get a 0.5 second penalty - we're looking at millimetres between getting a penalty and not. Weird.
What helpen me alot is to slower release the brakes, so you can can gentle rotating to the apex, keep the car far more from sliding than abrupt.

I am alot slower with TCS on, plus I find it annoying to not have power when I want it, so indeed controlled slides are key here.

So easy on the brakes and easy on the throttle, plus ( it sounds corney i know ) use the whole track to get that exitspeed, you can use alot more track than i thought in the beginning

View attachment 1226844

Same with the last corner before the straight that leads to the chicane, you can run fairly wide there.
As long as you are not completely in the dirt you're fine

View attachment 1226845

02:13.340 but with one flawless lap "12 are very doable, we will see

In the vid at 1:15, is this allowed? What's the trick without getting a penalty?
In the vid at 1:15, is this allowed? What's the trick without getting a penalty?
Yes thats what I mean, you van use ALOT of track, altho this part is IRL kind of a wide go spot to.
You can balance the car nicely in 3th on throttle here 😁

So no trick here, just finding out how far you can go, but new that already from te last TT here 😁
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Well I'm finding this tough,cant string a lap together,I'm on 2.14.8xx I just cannot better this., I will give it another go before it finishes,but a, not hopeful ha.
Any tips on driving this without sliding all over?
Maybe watching video how digit gaming is doing it can give you some advices how to do it? One can shift down to first gear for a quick moment just to turn in car so you can start accelerating earlier while having a grip. Watch how it's done in his video.
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I loaded the ghost of a Spanish player who's placed 9th in the ranking. I was shocked to see that player go completely outside of turn 4 (after turns 2 & 3 which are slow) & that helped him gain a good 1 second there itself.
I thought that portion wasn't considered off track limits so when I went over it I got a penalty.
This had my head scratching as well as felt still the top players in ranking cheat??????
Hi. Are you sure you're not getting the penalty for cutting turn 4? You can go very wide and get away with it but cutting too much will definitely get you a penalty.
Maybe watching video how digit gaming is doing it can give you some advices how to do it? One can shift down to first gear for a quick moment just to turn in car so you can start accelerating earlier while having a grip. Watch how it's done in his video.

Yeh I will try that thanks, I like digit gaming,
I think I just need to be more precise, I'll check track limits too.
Hi. Are you sure you're not getting the penalty for cutting turn 4? You can go very wide and get away with it but cutting too much will definitely get you a penalty.
You can cut a huge amount there, just don't be to soon, if you watch my video above you'll see i don't get the penalty either, and i do cut ALOT :lol:
A quick question to all - does TCS have an advantage here or a disadvantage? It feel TCS is useful coming out of the slow corners in Sector 1 but having less TCS is advantageous in sectors 2 & 3 for more acceleration.

Disadvantage, controlled sliding is how you make a road car go fast.
Stopping you from sliding altogether is going to bleed a few seconds of potential easily.

What helpen me alot is to slower release the brakes, so you can can gentle rotating to the apex, keep the car far more from sliding than abrupt.

I am alot slower with TCS on, plus I find it annoying to not have power when I want it, so indeed controlled slides are key here.
I definetly agree with @Nebuc72 and @Gomario JSP , TCS cannot help in turn-sliding the car, TCS doesn't give you immediate power when you ask for it,
but to answer @Uday9479 question you should keep in mind / try to put yourself in his dress.
What kind of driver is he?

I myself am an average driver, managed 13.9X with TCS 1. I fully know that TCS 0 will give me a theorical advantage, but reality is that with TCS 0 I become more unconfident in the car (actually in the way I can handle the car) , resulting in spins / slowness

I didn't have the time to test is with this TT, but in the past I was able to have TCS 0 ideal lap way better best TCS 1 lap, but I also was not able to beat my TCS 1 record with TCS 0.
it obsiously depends on the car/track combo, would say car 80%, track 20%

On the other side, if @Uday9479 is much closer to your ability than to mine, then TCS 0 makes lot of sense
You can cut a huge amount there, just don't be to soon, if you watch my video above you'll see i don't get the penalty either, and i do cut ALOT :lol:
Yeah as long as you're not cutting with more than 2 wheels you're fine, just like your vid. 👍 And after that you can run your whole car wide and not get a penalty.
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Which is why I use it in this car otherwise I'm pirouetting all over the place!
I turned off the TC for a run yesterday

Car 80S GIF
Today tried MT which seems to tame the car's sliding quite a bit. As if the car gets assisted by engine braking. Sad thing is I've always driven with AT which in this TT makes the car slide a lot. Have 1 more day to try lower my time & will try on MT only.
Just keep trying MT has so much more potential that AT, you can accelerate in 3th instead of 2th to prevent wheel spin sometimes (altho I'm faster in 2th this TT) and for the future of your GT it's almost a must to have the ability to shortshift for fuel saving, just keep trying 😁👍
Just keep trying MT has so much more potential that AT, you can accelerate in 3th instead of 2th to prevent wheel spin sometimes (altho I'm faster in 2th this TT) and for the future of your GT it's almost a must to have the ability to shortshift for fuel saving, just keep trying 😁👍
Yeah will do so. I can practice but it depends on car to car & track even. As of now with the MT, I'm 2 seconds slower than my time I achieved with AT.
Yeah will do so. I can practice but it depends on car to car & track even. As of now with the MT, I'm 2 seconds slower than my time I achieved with AT.
Are you using a controller?
I was too in GTSport, and struggled a lot with MT to be coordinated with the fingers, then someone hinted me to use X and Sqare for the gears instead of the proposed default (I guess L1 / R1) and it was really a game changer for me
As predicted, sub 15 lap is possible.


The gold is so close yet far away. I have no more time for driving the next few days. The only thing I regret is not trying setting TCS to 1, now I will never know if it would make me faster with this combo or not.

Keep pushing people, this track gives more when you work it.
Well,my 2:14.228 didn't hold up,new gold time left me .006 out,gave it a shot last night,nope,jumped in today and presto,2:14.172,.050 to spare.:nervous:
Yeah I am shaking like a dog pooping razor blades with a 14.1.

On a broader note, the game is sort of being hacked a little being so dependent on a) massive downshifting to rotate then fast upshifting to avoid wheel spin. Try that IRL and you'll blow a tranny (there was the time in budapest........ wait...... ) or the engine and on exit you'd bog down.
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Yeah I am shaking like a pooping razor blades with a 14.1.

On a broader note, the game is sort of being hacked a little being so dependent on a) massive downshifting to rotate then fast upshifting to avoid wheel spin. Try that IRL and you'll blow a tranny (there was the time in budapest........ wait...... ) or the engine and on exit you'd bog down.
My brain won't let me do it for exactly the reasons you describe and I know it's costing me some time - it just feels so wrong throwing it to such a low gear and then coming back up.

Anyway here's my aforementioned lap I set last night. I can't see me having chance to try again.

My main issue with the turn-in downshift isn't as much that it would destroy something (if you absolutely need to be fastest possible around a single lap, then you do what needs to be done and one lap of abuse might be manageable). No, my problem is the fact that the Cayman, or just about any other road car semi-automatic tranny wouldn't let you do that IRL.

Even more problematic still is the track limit system here.
Well,the gold time has dropped again, leaving me with only .009 spare room.
Ran some laps to get my daily done and finally broke thru the 2:14 barrier with a 2:13.958, giving me a .223 gap,hopefully this will be enough to stay in the gold zone! :dopey:
Well that is a nice!, good job!, it would surprise me if that doesn't hold but you never know with these guys 🤣,
A 35 minute, 15-lap session this evening yielded me a 2.13.6xx after being stuck on a 14.4xx for many, many laps with some really easy time to make up and an optimal reading teasing me at 13.5. The required consistency to match it completely eluded me.

Jumped in without watching any ghosts or online video guides, relying on my knowledge of the track (not good) and getting a feeling for the car on the fly. I ended up learning much more about both then I expected.

Slow in, fast out is the name of the game here and those Sports Hards are gonna teach you everything about controlled sliding.

Really fun in the end, but my sweat and frustration means the next time I drive this car, it'll be in my terms.
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Barely any motivation to even the start the PS5 to play this game as it is... But 2 million are 2 million, and I will still need them eventually, 2:13.9 after 3 laps or ~14-15km. Pretty easy gold. Doesn't look like the gold time will go down much more. Not 3-4 tenths more for damn sure though.
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