Time Trial Discussion

  • Thread starter seadog777
I also find it difficult to be consistent. The final turn is a proper gamble. Messed up so many times in that final sector.
Its nice competing on this GTP Leader Boards. Prior to this, it was a safe gold and done. Nowadays its "I must go faster!!!!"'

@half_sourly thanks for your epic work. I cant imagine the effort you have put in and continue to put in to breath some much needed life into GT7.
I am sure many others here share the exact same sentiment :cheers:
I'm good with the last corner usually. It's that pesky downhill left after the sand that screws my lap mostly. So inconsistent there.
If he is gone after fist corner it probably means that you are braking too much in first corner. In video from MistahMCA you can see how he is doing it. Video shown down in this post.

( If you want to study video, go on settings (cog wheel) in YouTube and you can select playback speed, drop it down to 0,25 of speed and then in video watch lap time timer in the middle of the screen. Count time shown in miliseconds and at same time check when he is pressing brakes.)

We can see 100 meter board on right hand side and starting braking just after 100 meter board. So he is exactly at 03 seconds of the lap time when he hits the brakes to 100% and then after half a second he starts releasing brakes to reach 50% of braking power when lap time approximately reaches 4 seconds. That means hit full power for half a second, release gently during next half of a second to reach 50% of brake power. Then after first second of braking, slowly release from 50% of braking power to no brakes at all until you reach just before apex, and that takes just a bit more than half a second.

I assume you are turning in by 50 meter board and full acceleration as you hit apex, right.

Practice just first corner until you keep up with the ghost. If he is gone after T1, that means he was not braking so much as you did, so try to press brake a bit shorter time in next attempt, if he is still gone then shorter brake press in next attempt, until you are there at same distance to the ghost after first turn.

When you have mastered first turn, you can try same approach to T2 and so on to try to keep same distance to ghost before and after turn.

You got this champion!

Thanks very much for the tips...... it looks pretty complicated and may be too much for my old brain, but I will do my best to follow your appreciated advice..... :cheers:
Uh-oh. The silver time was gone down to 1'23.992, I hope my 1'23.768 time will hold but I'm not 100% sure. I know how to set the playback speed on Youtube, I've been doing 0.75.
Presumably that means the gold time has gone down too - what's that at now? I was only a couple thousandths off...
Thanks very much for the tips...... it looks pretty complicated and may be too much for my old brain, but I will do my best to follow your appreciated advice..... :cheers:
Have you set the ghost to reset at each sector too? That helped me.

With the ghost set to 0.4sec ahead, so they aren't in the way, but can also still see when the brake lights come on in front of you which gives me the indication to get straight on the brakes, with reaction time taken into account it usually means I brake at the same point of the track as the ghost does.
Was able to better my PB to 1:21:160 which was 3 tenths from my previous PB. It felt good.

I loaded the 50th ranked player's ghost to get some racing line tips but because of my ghost, it gets confusing. Wish there was a wau where I could turn off my ghost but keep the chosen player's ghost only.

Was able to better my PB to 1:21:160 which was 3 tenths from my previous PB. It felt good.

I loaded the 50th ranked player's ghost to get some racing line tips but because of my ghost, it gets confusing. Wish there was a wau where I could turn off my ghost but keep the chosen player's ghost only.

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In the ghost settings you should be able to turn off your own ghost...
Was able to better my PB to 1:21:160 which was 3 tenths from my previous PB. It felt good.

I loaded the 50th ranked player's ghost to get some racing line tips but because of my ghost, it gets confusing. Wish there was a wau where I could turn off my ghost but keep the chosen player's ghost only.

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it's a good day for you then :) :lol:, you can just choose to show your own fastest lap of the session or load a faster ghost, you can even have 2 ghost in front of you.... not that wise tho :lol:
just go to ghost settings, and have to ghost toggle on/of on a handy button, if it distracts you you can tuen it of real quick :)
I am stuck at 1'23.768, I'm just barely below silver. The sweepers and the last turn before the finish are getting me.
Hi Chris. I would pretty much use same advice that I just posted to Seadog. Check video of MistahMCA or some other that is setting good times and use slow down function in YouTube so you have enough time to study where he is turning in, shifting gear, or how much brake he is pressing and when releasing.

Turn WR ghost on, if you can keep it on 01. great, if that bothers you try with 0.2 That will really tell you where he is pulling away, and that means you either brake too much/long time, or you are not pressing gas pedal early enough. Repeat and try now to change duration of your braking, a bit shorter and repeat again until you keep same distance to ghost. Se him pulling away in last turn, try to start accelerating a bit earlier until you start acceleration when he does and you will be good.
Have you set the ghost to reset at each sector too? That helped me.

With the ghost set to 0.4sec ahead, so they aren't in the way, but can also still see when the brake lights come on in front of you which gives me the indication to get straight on the brakes, with reaction time taken into account it usually means I brake at the same point of the track as the ghost does.
Thanks, I did try that before and it made me jump out of my skin when a car suddenly appeared next to me! 🤣
I'll try it again as I'd love to see where they're braking.
Hi Chris. I would pretty much use same advice that I just posted to Seadog. Check video of MistahMCA or some other that is setting good times and use slow down function in YouTube so you have enough time to study where he is turning in, shifting gear, or how much brake he is pressing and when releasing.

Turn WR ghost on, if you can keep it on 01. great, if that bothers you try with 0.2 That will really tell you where he is pulling away, and that means you either brake too much/long time, or you are not pressing gas pedal early enough. Repeat and try now to change duration of your braking, a bit shorter and repeat again until you keep same distance to ghost. Se him pulling away in last turn, try to start accelerating a bit earlier until you start acceleration when he does and you will be good.
Now, the trail braking is tricky for me, sometimes the aliens use a drifting technique, like D Chafe did at the last two turns of W.Glen, watch his replay. I had it at 0.75 but maybe I should turn it down to 0.25, the real slow feature.
Now, the trail braking is tricky for me, sometimes the aliens use a drifting technique, like D Chafe did at the last two turns of W.Glen, watch his replay. I had it at 0.75 but maybe I should turn it down to 0.25, the real slow feature.
Yes, it is tricky, many things are and it will require a lot of practice to nail it. I doubt any of us who are at bronze/silver medal and trying to reach gold will do it in few attempts, but if we practice and practice and practice at the end, gold will be shining strongly on your trophy shelf. And as I said before, I do not think I am better than any of you guys, but I am practicing and repeating and testing and at the end we will all learn how to do it.

Good Luck.

1:12.349 - GR Supra
1:12.448 - RCZ
1:12.584 - Alfa 8C
1:12.617 - RC F '17
1:12.652 - Corvette
1:12.714 - FT-1
1:12.721 - RX Vision
1:12.853 - Ford GT '17
1:12.902 - Suzuki VGT
1:12.925 - Supra '97
1:12.948 - SLS AMG
1:13.000 - Z4
1:13.040 - Atenza
1:13.043 - Beetle
1:13.076 - 911 RSR
1:13.096 - WRX
1:13.113 - Viper
1:13.2XX - Gold cut-off
1:13.322 - Lancer
1:13.525 - DBR9
1:13.624 - Golf VGT
1:13.671 - Silhouette
I hate myself right now. Once again, I got stuck to a car, and just drove 800km to get the best time...

I'm really sorry guys. But I just want to do the very best I can with most cars so that the times are as accurate as possible. Anywho, Vantage done now, won't waste any more time on it.

I'm doing the M3 next, and the Huracan and BRZ will be last. But I will be able to do a couple more cars in the time I have left.

It's obvious at this point I'll run out of time, but...I'll try my best!

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Trail braking is not something you can learn in a few minutes. I remember when I first tried it, it took me a good week just to get used to the feel. However, it is a skill you must learn to get into the gold range. There are plenty of videos on YouTube that explains how it works and how to practice it.
Hi people! Quick update as I am ultra busy/stressed with work! Only posting because I’ve been sassed by officially certified pad alien @Gomario JSP via PM.. YES I am very aware that some of you lunatics are posting insane times and I LOVE IT! Personally I blame @half_sourly and his incredible commitment to stats

Wow I really love the BRZ ‘crocadubaru’ at Willow. When you get it right it’s so satisfying. Alas, a 45 minute blast was all I had time for but I did get into the 1:11 club 😎

Small chance I’ll get another crack late Wednesday night when I hopefully get home from work but we shall see

HAPPY LAPPING FWIENDS!! (Except @Gomario JSP , no more happy laps for you 😮‍💨)


Trail braking is not something you can learn in a few minutes. I remember when I first tried it, it took me a good week just to get used to the feel. However, it is a skill you must learn to get into the gold range. There are plenty of videos on YouTube that explains how it works and how to practice it.
Not sure how it feels on a pedal, let alone with or without load cell, but on controller I am never sure of my braking level. Haptics return should give the sensation when the braking starts, resisting more and more as you travel through the braking range. ABS and grip lost seem somewhat clear on the other hand.

I am really dreaming to try a sim rig with a good FFB wheel and good pedals (and try PSVR2 too ! ) at least to have an idea of how it feels. And as I drive in everyday life (not on track, only did a bit on various motorbikes, never with a car) and am used to use feet to control accelerator and brakes, I am always under the impression that it would be more natural than with 2 fingers.
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So I've just put in about 100 km in the Ford GT while pretending to work (work phone on my lap, answering Teams messages between laps!) and managed to do nothing but lap much slower than my current PB, which is still fractions of a second from gold! I'm going to give the GT another go, but might have to give up and move on to something faster from @TumeK5 list...

I know I'm losing the majority of my time on the first left-hander, going around the right-hander at the top of the little hill, and the left at the bottom of that hill. Anyone got any pointers as to how to take those three??
Not sure how it feels on a pedal, let alone with or without load cell, but on controller I am never sure of my braking level. Haptics return should give the sensation when the braking starts, resisting more and more as you travel through the braking range. ABS and grip lost seem somewhat clear on the other hand.

I am really dreaming to try a sim rig with a good FFB wheel and good pedals (and try PSVR2 too ! ) at least to have an idea of how it feels. And as I drive in everyday life (not on track, only did a bit on various motorbikes, never with a car) and am used to use feet to control accelerator and brakes, I am always under the impression that it would be more natural than with 2 fingers.
I actually learned trail braking using the controller. It was just the matter of releasing the L2 slowly while diving into the corner and adding steering input all at the same time.....yeah...it took a bit of time to untangle all the fingers at the beginning.....
I know I'm losing the majority of my time on the first left-hander, going around the right-hander at the top of the little hill, and the left at the bottom of that hill. Anyone got any pointers as to how to take those three??
Mate, I wrote to Seadog Today how to take T1, check it if it's suits you too.

@seadog777 I forgot to mention that you need to downshift to 4th when you hit the brakes. I go in 5th all the way to braking point in T1 and then shift to 4th when I hit the brakes.
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1:12.349 - GR Supra
1:12.448 - RCZ
1:12.584 - Alfa 8C
1:12.617 - RC F '17
1:12.652 - Corvette
1:12.714 - FT-1
1:12.721 - RX Vision
1:12.853 - Ford GT '17
1:12.872 - Vantage
1:12.902 - Suzuki VGT
1:12.925 - Supra '97
1:12.948 - SLS AMG
1:13.000 - Z4
1:13.040 - Atenza
1:13.043 - Beetle
1:13.076 - 911 RSR
1:13.096 - WRX
1:13.113 - Viper
1:13.2XX - Gold cut-off
1:13.322 - Lancer
1:13.525 - DBR9
1:13.624 - Golf VGT
1:13.671 - Silhouette
Today was a massive waste of time.............

Ran into another unfortunate surprise, which is that of M3...unbelievably hard to be consistent with, and so, another day has passed where I only took care of two cars.

Hopefully now I've dealt with the horrible ones. Better luck tomorrow...
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I hate myself right now. Once again, I got stuck to a car, and just drove 800km to get the best time...

I'm really sorry guys. But I just want to do the very best I can with most cars so that the times are as accurate as possible. Anywho, Vantage done now, won't waste any more time on it.

Taking a break and eating, so in the meantime, please tell me which cars you would like to see. I'm doing the M3 next, and the Huracan and BRZ will be last. But I will be able to do a couple more cars in the time I have left.

It's obvious at this point I'll run out of time, but...I'll try my best!
Well good luck, I'm giving up hope on Willow, I'm still stuck in the 1'15.000's. It's too risky driving fast on here b/c you will sometimes end up on the sand/dirt.