after a bit of a slump, I'm back in yellow......😎
I've put the MERCOS 190E to one side due to fatigue caused by the work I'm doing on my house and a bit of masonry work for the forthcoming arrival of air-conditioning.....
yes, the older you get, the less you can stand the heat...🥵🥵 at nearly 75, I'm going to invest in a reversible heat pump (heating in mid-season and air-conditioning in summer).
and then I've rediscovered the pleasure of driving with the last 2 TTs.....
I reached gold quite quickly and I'm going to try to improve my times because I think I can do better.
But I'm also battling against my compatriots...😅...for the moment I'm ahead of Pesselles, and I mean for the moment (his time with the 190E blew me away). As for Jéjé, he's on another planet......😲😲🤗😅
it's about time PD sent out a few sworn inspectors to take some hair, urine or saliva (or even blood) samples to make sure that some of them aren't abusing illegal substances that would help them greatly improve their performance.......🤔🤔🫣
because if I have to take cocaine, I'm going to be at a disadvantage: I don't know where I'm going to be able to find it in my Burgundy countryside...🤔🫣😲...although, if I look hard enough.....😂😂
that's all I'm saying....🤫🤫... but I'm still going to try the Red Bull ...😂😂 start with.... 😂 😂's said to be very stimulating......😂😂😂