Time Trial Discussion

  • Thread starter seadog777
Yeah but I think motion steering has more in common with wheels than with regular controller inputs, in terms of how travel is mapped to steering input, or am I wrong here?
I think you are right, gyro is more similar to wheel, how travel is mapped to steering input. My opinion is based not on comparing Gyro to stick because I don't use both, just gyro, but following this thread I could notice some TTs, example Suzuka few months ago, I finished ahead of people that are usually ahead of me, and on the stick, example Gomario, because it was just more difficult to turn in quickly on stick.
Personal Target Achieved. Nothing Spectacular, just under 2:05. Still trying to sort out the physics update. I would like to have a clue before trying Eiger Nordwand. Should be safe no matter how ugly the impending Saudi-Japanese alien fight gets.
Personal Target Achieved. Nothing Spectacular, just under 2:05. Still trying to sort out the physics update. I would like to have a clue before trying Eiger Nordwand. Should be safe no matter how ugly the impending Saudi-Japanese alien fight gets.
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Nice time and cool TV, mine is an Insignia, 36-inch TV. I'm doing the TT now, at Tokyo. Why is PD only giving us a week? It's usually 2 that's in the duration period.

****! I did good until the last hairpin/U-turn, and went too far to the left near the cones. My lap was void. Sigh, let me try this again.

EDIT: Got a 2'11.509 on my second lap!
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Wow, that long straightway starting from the tunnel gave me a high amount of speed, over 300 km/h! I am happy I entered the bronze range. If you all want to take a look, you don't have to give me any tips. I've got Tidgney's guide on another window. Microsoft Edge moves slow sometimes, :grumpy:

I love the sound of the engine and motor, looks hot too! Sector 3 gave me some trouble but I'll work it out, it's all about trial and error here, figuring out where the best point to brake is for the braking meters.

If you guys like, emoji it, that's fine, thanks!!

EDIT: Just got 2'11.278 on Lap 4. The white diagonal lines come in handy for Sector 1, it helps me trace a good line for exiting the corners.
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Maybe I'm just bad but I can't be confident in a car that wants to slide at the barest possible provocation, and sometimes just whenever it wants.

Wow, that long straightway starting from the tunnel gave me a high amount of speed, over 300 km/h! I am happy I entered the bronze range. If you all want to take a look, you don't have to give me any tips. I've got Tidgney's guide on another window. Microsoft Edge moves slow sometimes, :grumpy:

I love the sound of the engine and motor, looks hot too! Sector 3 gave me some trouble but I'll work it out, it's all about trial and error here, figuring out where the best point to brake is for the braking meters.

If you guys like, emoji it, that's fine, thanks!!

EDIT: Just got 2'11.278 on Lap 4. The white diagonal lines come in handy for Sector 1, it helps me trace a good line for exiting the corners.

Nice going Chris. Your lines are clean. Just don't hesitate so much with the throttle in certain places. Once you commit to it, keep it floored. This Ferrari sticks like glue.

A first outing, 176 kms in at Tokyo. Somewhat surprised this was good for 50th when I did it an hour ago as I completely missed my breaking point for the final hairpin. Promising though! Love these fast sweeping corners at Tokyo East, nice to see it making an appearance again. Missed opportunity to not put this TT at dawn or twilight setting, that'd look incredible.

I'm taking a break from Eiger since it's driving me nuts. Back to Tokyo! The walls are a pain in the butt, but the Ferrari is much fun when you hit your lines. Even though I didn't hit all my lines on my fast lap in today's session, I still managed to get a pretty decent time. Took too long to get on the gas in turn 1, gave it a wee bit too much throttle on exit of turn 2 (see video for that near disaster! :lol:), and turned in late under for the quick left under the bridge which caused me to lift for the immediate following right hander and compromised my exit. I was down almost a tenth and a half on my best halfway through the lap. I managed to pick up a good amount in the final sectors, though.

Edit: Thanks for making my lap look like utter crap getting your posts in just before mine, @VSpec_R and @NAXEHT! :grumpy: :lol:
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It's still weird why the Tokyo challenge is only good for a week, and the Eiger one is for a 2-week period? Maybe some time trials have different duration periods each month.

@trar Yeah, my goal is a sub 2'06.000-2'07.000! 4 seconds to spare...
It's still weird why the Tokyo challenge is only good for a week, and the Eiger one is for a 2-week period? Maybe some time trials have different duration periods each month.
This has been discussed here. Because of the physics update, both previous TTs ended last Thursday (otherwise one TT would have been active through the old and new physics which would have been unfair). So two new TTs had to start on the same day, and letting one of them end a week earlier than usual is a way to get back to the established alternating rhythm.
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I'm curious, what was your time, it had to be in the gold range if it was under the 3% of the top times. I'm guessing anywhere between 2'03.600 and 2'04.500.

Lol, I got a perfect score, 2'11.000. Got it right on the nose.

I’ll check later, I think it was something like 2:05.5xx.
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I begin to understand the car, but unfortunately I don't begin to like it due to my Tokyo-Syndrome 🤣
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Lol, I'm gonna have Tokyo fever if I keep running laps and going around the bush! This car and track combo is perfect though. The Ferrari sticks to the road so it's easier to point the car in the direction you want to go, :)

I think you found your magic charm here with that time above, :)
Yeah, I think I'm going to have to settle for silver on Tokyo. I'm just some guy with a Dualshock that can't get within a second of gold despite my efforts, and I hate hate hate the narrow walls on this track. Doesn't help the car feels like it's on an ice rink either.

I know I could just be mad cuz bad but that 20/40 stock damper setting...I dunno, man.
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I know I should've been attecking the TTs....but I just couldn't help 🙈

Lol, damn. What the hell was that, xD. It looked like an earthquake was shaking the ground and all the Samba busses were flying in the air. That blows my mind, may look scary to some people. But not me. i don't feel like attacking the TT's either but I gotta keep going at Tokyo. That was wicked cool to watch, how'd you do those effects like that?

I bet your cat was watching that and he ran and hid in the corner somewhere.

cat treats GIF

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