Alright guys,
things are finally beginning to settle down a bit at work. I managed to spend some time behind the wheel again, and will hopefully return to a more regular schedule soon. Feels good to be back for now
After the debacle with the Honda in Spa where I received my first silver in a long time and found myself firmly in the lower half of the GTP board, I worried that I had lost my mojo. So I'm relieved to see that both current TTs yield better results again and, more importantly, are way more fun, although in very different ways.
As others have pointed out, the Lancer drives like it's on rails. I'm not sure if I invalidated even a single lap, and most laps landed in a very narrow corridor of maybe three tenths. I guess because there is so little potential to mess up badly, you have to really perfectly execute every single manoeuvre to make a difference on the board.
I haven't checked the stats, but being below 1% is surely 👽 territory in many other TTs, yet here it might not even be enough for top 1,000. Fierce competition. 🤷♂️
And then there's Dragon Trail. Reading stuff like
@Evilmuffin managing 3 valid laps in a one hour session made me expect the worst

... this was further reinforced when, contrary to my typical routine, I played a bit on the PS Portal because the TV was occupied. I think I managed a single valid lap in 30 attempts, and that was a 2:06 or something

... but in the end it only highlighted how absolutely worthless I am on a flat screen with a controller (seriously, I have no idea how you guys can be so damn fast on a controller, it feels like a completely different game to me - one that I suck at

Because when I finally got behind the wheel and put on the headset, things went surprisingly smooth. Yes, the Vette is a bit floaty, but always predictable and just fun to throw around. I had a few red laps, mostly in the COD, but I could never fault the car for that. Went into gold territory relatively quickly, then needed another 30 mins or so to join the 1:54 club, which was my goal for today. I think a few more tenths might still on the table.
Happy lapping!