This car just wants to kill you, everytime you hit throttle the devil unlocks or something

Then this track with it's huge rounded curbs doesn't realy help on exits

it's a lot of fun to throw around, to bad it's not the fastest way around..
Secondly..... when you finally understand the thing how not to make 180's on exits you have to be very brave at the COD....
it killed me most of the laps to be honest...
To slidy on entry.... which kills you....
To close to the first apex..... which kills you...
To fast around the first apex...... which kills you...
then the real COD has yet even arrived

it's just 4th gear... lift.... hold on and pray it doesn't scrape the paint off....
Fun but very frustrating!!
That said, TV session was a lot better than the remote.... entrypoint of the COD in 120FPS is far more doable than on the laptop
Not to Shabby for the first meters but still it feels like Flabberthewapsky and need to find a way to get it more stable
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