Time Trial Discussion

  • Thread starter seadog777
No further time this evening for some Miata rubber burning Nokia laps, but got some quick laps in after dinner 😁 slip and slide .... very fun!.....never knew it was such a fun little thing to throw around 😁

Hi guys (and Greek)


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S1: 25.460... My best so far and I'm now regularly around 25.5xx.
S2: 18.253 - I've left 1 or 2 tenths here because I was conservative.
S3: 18.029 - Same here where I could save 0.150, I guess.

Compared to my previous PB, I've gained 0.389! I'm already curious to see what my final score will be here.
This combo is really addictive, far more fun than the croatian Vette (IMHO).

And for the record, I've also managed to make the logic being respected (for once):
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Don't be too upset @djolliea it's just a game :D:dopey:

I don't forget to share my replay for the fans:

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Great time mon ami ,great.
I hope to join you under 1.02 but first must figure how to take that last turn right and stay on white pants 🤣

Many people have been complaining about the penalty system in GT7. I am not a fan - not a fan at all frankly! My dislike for the system has been heightened to new levels during the time trial at Dragon Trail. If I so much as touch a wall, the lap is invalidated. In real life, on a real circuit - This level of penalty simply isn’t feasible. So… I have come up with a new penalty system! One that more closely resembles real life. A system that is based on the severity of the damage done to the car. I have called it the Penalty Incurred Severity System or P.I.S.S. for short! Here is how it works…

Return to the pits after your allocated laps and your race engineer say something like “Ohhh wow! you have sanded the paint off the wing mirror by grazing the wall!!!”
NO penalty would be applied.


“Blimey mate! You have cracked the housing on the wing mirror by hitting the wall!”
No penalty would be applied.

Now your race engineer says
“<Expletives deleted> Where is the ********* wing mirror, door handle and rear bumper after hitting the wall hard?”

NOW a penalty would be applied!

I really do think that a Penalty Incurred Severity System would be useful, helpful and widely accepted with our beloved and enthusiastic members here.

In future then - please take your penalties with some dignity and grace

Your thoughts please, on a postcard to the usual address.

Many thanks and best regards to all here.

Great time mon ami ,great.
I hope to join you under 1.02 but first must figure how to take that last turn right and stay on white pants 🤣
Thanks so much, Your Highness!
Based on my calculations with my very best sectors, I could gain 3 more tenths on an ideal lap.

Once you've understood how to take the first turn correctly, you're almost good for gold.
The last turn is very easy (to me). You must anticipate the moment when to turn to the right (with almost no visibility) and let the car flow while keeping enough speed along the curve.

See you in the 1:01 Club :)
Ok, here I go at Suzuka, dang. I feel asleep for 7-8 hours and missed the action this morning. Yes, it is the East Course and not the long one, I can't stand Degner 1, Spoon and the long hairpin after you go under the Bridgestone landmark. I better stay on schedule or my mom's gonna me mad at me, I've been focusing more on these lap challenges and chatting with you guys and not pulling my weight around the house. I'm dissapointed about not earning gold at Deep Forest, I was so close, but...

Its Time To Move On GIF by GIPHY News
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Dis. Dis I like.
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Red Bull at GVH is awful. Wish I stayed away from it. I think it'll be the end of my gold streak. Carazza decided to go ham on it this afternoon and knocked out of gold and I can't even get close to that lap again.
I tend to suck at the Olympic lap challenges, as usual. What about you? I think a majority of people won't bother getting gold at Grand Valley except all the aliens. Too much hassle.
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I tend to suck at the Olympic lap challenges, as usual. What about you? I think a majority of people won't bother getting gold at Grand Valley except all the aliens. Too much hassle.
You know Chris, I generally tend to suck at the special TTs too. But, I will keep pushing. My first posted time was without watching any videos. So, I'll watch a couple and then go back at it with the tricks I've learned from the faster drivers 💪🏻.

Have fun out there!
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Exceptional online event next sunday at 6PM CET:


More infos here:

The X2019 at Grand Valley is possibly the worst track and car combo we've ever had for the time trials. What a miserable, awful experience it is. It feels like the handling changes at random on every lap.
@Moglet I totally agree, this morning at 6am when I did my first two laps, the RedBull X2019 car spun out when I was taking that corner at the first bridge and I had TCS set at 2. As soon as I earn a bronze time, I'm outta there unless I get the motivation to push even more, but that is a big if. Not a favorable combo for us, but there's nothing we can do. I think PD has a computer system that selects the cars/tracks every 2 weeks. That's what I'm guessing but I don't really know.
@Moglet I totally agree, this morning at 6am when I did my first two laps, the RedBull X2019 car spun out when I was taking that corner at the first bridge and I had TCS set at 2. As soon as I earn a bronze time, I'm outta there unless I get the motivation to push even more, but that is a big if. Not a favorable combo for us, but there's nothing we can do. I think PD has a computer system that selects the cars/tracks every 2 weeks. That's what I'm guessing but I don't really know.
I got bronze on lap 4 and I don't intend to return to it. I'd much rather spend my time trying to get gold with the Mazda instead as I'm very close after 5-6 laps. It's so much more fun!
Ok, the new TT with the Mazda is forgettable, gold is very easy, move on.

Now the TT with x2019 ? NOW we are talking !! What an incredibly fun combo... gold is not easy (top time seems suspicious, 6 tenth on the second, 1 full second on the 4th, Tidgney), and my brake pedal is really annoying me (g29...). Still what a fun TT !

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Ok, I just did 2 manual transmission runs for Suzuka and scored a 1'04.396, so I am not far from the silver time. I will post my runs later on tonight. It's a pleasant car to drive on a simple short track, so I'll take this any old day.