Time Trial Discussion

  • Thread starter seadog777
I went back 🤐. Braking later with less pressure and tried my darnedest to let the thing roll through the corners without being too aggressive on the throttle.

Fingers crossed for a Gr.3 TT sometime soon.
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Happily I netted Golds for both the Mazda and fizzy pop rocketship TT's, so it was on to Watkins to drive a proper racing car.

The Alfa is a wonderful car, full of history, nostalgia and likes been revved to high heaven. I got into Gold quite quickly and have been chopping little bits off the time since, happily now with a 1:15.002. I'm hopeful to get into the 1:14's but am at the point of diminishing returns methinks.



PS- Had a quick few laps in the GTR and I think I need a refund as I appear to have received a rather wayward boat instead of a fine specimen of Japanese engineering, what's with the oversteer?!? :crazy:
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My god......what the heck did they do to the physics??.....the GTR drives like....... it doesn't... I can now understand your previous post @Evilmuffin .... the understeer is so bad it makes me boile up inside 🤣, but then it also feels like 3 tons.... and bounces around the curbs like....yeah I keep that for myself...

first Nokia meters

See, I was onto something here. Would be a funny challenge to see if the forum aliens could still gold the TTs on IMs or wets...
I remember that I was struggling with the Porsche Living Legend at the HSR TT because I was in IM tyres but I wasn't far off, the bronze drift challenge has died with the recent TTs so maybe this could be the new one 😅

It was just a little test ....
View attachment 1393988 😉😉🤣🤣
You seem to be doing this a lot recently, pack it in 🤣

I have only one word to descript the GT-R....."Graceless".
It is almost impossible to drive it in a smooth manner. I had to drive it in anger, and wrestle with the car's AWD system to get the best time.

And speaking of the AWD system....it sure has a mind of its own (and not a very bright one).

Want to turn in with a slight drift to rotate the car? AWD will be like...ooh noooozzz....rear is kicking out! Induce understeer! Which resulted in me missing the apex. Ok...fine...maybe I will induce less oversteer this time. Car be like...nah...you aren't turning enough....let me give you some snap oversteer!

Trying to push the car at the exit? Ohhh...understeer! Let's induce some oversteer! Now I'm catching an oversteer for no reason. Oh...oversteer! Induce understeer! Me heading straight off the track from the sudden understeer....urgh.... Next time I tried to anticipate the oversteer.....it does nothing....me also head straight off track because I don't enough steering angle.

Beautifully spoken, can't wait for your book to be published about this TT, from this short extract it sounds like it will be a great read 🤣
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My god......what the heck did they do to the physics??.....the GTR drives like....... it doesn't... I can now understand your previous post @Evilmuffin .... the understeer is so bad it makes me boile up inside 🤣, but then it also feels like 3 tons.... and bounces around the curbs like....yeah I keep that for myself...
yet you are 161th in the world, does not seem so bad after all
There is a fine difference between dancing with a pretty lady and wrestling with a 2 ton pig 🙈🙈 The end result might be the same, but one is more enjoyable than the other 🤣🤣
It is so so odd the way that 4WD works.

I know 2 people who've had R35s and they both complained they understeer so badly.

Just a weird dynamic when you consider the Veyron seems to mask its bulk better with braking being its weak point.

I'm just struggling with finding the balance between drift like corner entry but clean exit drive 🥲
It is so so odd the way that 4WD works.

I know 2 people who've had R35s and they both complained they understeer so badly.

Just a weird dynamic when you consider the Veyron seems to mask its bulk better with braking being its weak point.

I'm just struggling with finding the balance between drift like corner entry but clean exit drive 🥲
I don't know about IRL, but all the GT-Rs in the game drive a bit weird. They always do something opposite of what you expect...and sometime, the AWD system can't decide if the car should oversteer or understeer. The 400R seems to mask this behavior the best, but the R35 always feel like the worse offender. They do ok in something like a fast sweeper, but in slow corner, they are clumsy as hell. Dunno...maybe it has to do with the weight distribution? They are kinda front heavy.
I don't know about IRL, but all the GT-Rs in the game drive a bit weird. They always do something opposite of what you expect...and sometime, the AWD system can't decide if the car should oversteer or understeer. The 400R seems to mask this behavior the best, but the R35 always feel like the worse offender. They do ok in something like a fast sweeper, but in slow corner, they are clumsy as hell. Dunno...maybe it has to do with the weight distribution? They are kinda front heavy.
It's the type of car where when ALL the electronics are switched on it's at its best...like the F22 or Stealth fighter or bomber where it's only stable with all the systems working.

Now if we could choose our own torque distribution like you can in the road car this might be a more predictable and enjoyable set of laps.
Hi there

Gold collected:

Gold safe(ish)???

This one is hard for me to understand the car. This GT R is all over the place. And besides that, the track is not a favourite of mine, I remember it took me some time to gold the CE at it. At least the practice I had there with the CE was useful today. 😁

Edit: I changed the ABS from weak to default, and set the ASM on. Also, this lap was a very first lap after a restart. (One of many restarts....)
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Anyone who already set a time with the 155 tried it again post-1.52? Any noticeable differences?
Not much, if any, I just finished a marathon 450km session 20 minutes ago, it maybe feels a BIT more stable under braking into the bus stop, but the times are more or less the same, can't see anyone improving their time because of the update.

And speaking of improving :D


Even though I should be happy with this time and P41, I'm so mad at myself, I had numerous .1xx laps in the bag, just perfectly nailing the first sector (.660-670), flying through the bus stop and the long right hander (.130-140), just to throw everything away in the second to last or the last corner - EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. I firmly believe I can go very close even to a .150, but I "just" need to do a proper last sector. Maybe over the weekend, we'll see.