If I get time tomorrow we may have one more.
Come on, make time, you must
I was reseasoning my cast iron frying pans yesterday and at one moment my right hand slipped through the rag and I grabbed a handle straight from the oven at 275 celsius, got burns in the middle of the palm, spent the entire afternoon rubbing various crap to fix whatever I can, but I still managed to sit down in the evening and do a session, luckily you don't have to shift here so I could do it with 1.5 hands
Still, 20s are so near but so far. Great advice
@TheNormsk on the T2(3) exit, definitely helped, and thanks
@bliprunner for the ghost
I just cannot do the first sector properly (again), I can nail S2 and S3 no issues almost, doing a regular 36.7 and 25.1, but the first sector, man... Remembering my best times in two sessions (19.019, 36.600, 25.081) potential perfect laptime would be 1:20.700 dead, which is of course impossible, but even going into the 20s, I would be happy.