Tire Smoke and Marks!?

  • Thread starter alex v

Should GT5 finally have real Tire Smoke and Tire Marks?

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its more like pizza simulator. you'd expect a pizza simulator to include pepperoni toppings if a few other notible pizza simulators have pepperoni... I mean you can get pepperoni on pizza IRL. except tire marks are not an extra. at least there not supposed to be.
Sim: LOOK! It's a bird! It's a plane! Oh, wait, IT'S THE POINT! And you missed it...

Whatever dude! That comment simply shows your shoe-size is greater then your age...

And I'm pretty certain I can voice my own opinion about what should be, will be, won't be, might be, included in the next release of a VIDEO GAME!
the best simulator out right now, Live For Speed has tire marks. Lots of games have tiremarks while gran turismo doesn't.

Therefore you must be saying that GT is an inferior product and you'll only consider playing it if PD caters to your whims...by FINALLY, after what, 10 years, including TIRE MARKS?

Please! If you want tiremarks so bad, go play NFS and don't bother with GT until someone tells you that every thing you've ever wanted in a GAME has been provided to your satisfaction...which should keep you busy, if you're lucky, until you've entered retirement age! ;-)
Therefore you must be saying that GT is an inferior product and you'll only consider playing it if PD caters to your whims...by FINALLY, after what, 10 years, including TIRE MARKS?

Please! If you want tiremarks so bad, go play NFS and don't bother with GT until someone tells you that every thing you've ever wanted in a GAME has been provided to your satisfaction...which should keep you busy, if you're lucky, until you've entered retirement age! ;-)

Why are you defending PD?

That comment simply shows your shoe-size is greater then your age...
If you want tiremarks so bad, go play NFS and don't bother with GT
Why are you insulting other members?

Tire marks take away nothing from the game, but add alot, so they ARE a logical upgrade.

However, if PD can do them or not, is out of the scope of this topic.
Now that they have drifting mode, they should include big smoke and tire marks to make atmosphere right. But that might not possible after they made so detailed cars.(16 cars doing burnout is too much,but maybe 2 cars drifting is not )

ps:SimRaceDriver drives volkswagen so he's has right to be mad :)
I'll just add to Gabkicks post.
Say your in the middle of the 16 car lineup racing hard to catch a podium finish.
You round a tight corner and see a large brake lockup/ tire marks screeching on the track and right near the end of the tire marks is a huge cloud of dust/smoke/debris/etc right near the edge and halfway on the track with little to no visibility through it.
What do you do in that split second before you hit that mess.
Do you follow the tire mark to the edge of the track and hope there is no car or cars sitting there, or do you take a line as far away as possible and hope for the best.
^That line of thought is EXACTLY why tire smoke/tire marks/dust etc are needed even as an additional download.
It up's the realism and exictement/tension of the race.
It's a part of racing as these things DO happen.
As far as i'm concerned, no it doesn't HAVE to be included in Prolouge but it would be and should be at the very least a downloadable option for GT5, if it's not in the final product at release.
No offense to Gabkicks for my "adding" to his post.
Just figured a good example was neded to maybe make some folk rethink what would be more real for racing. Ferrari/Porsche/etc or the inclusion of a more in depth racing feel, not i wouldn't want and don't want the big three, especially Porsche.

This is the best explaination and is also very true. Case in point, I was road racing with a pack of 7 other cars on a road course about 3 years ago. I'm behind an RX-7 I believe it was and there was an Accord ahead of the RX-7. We go through the right hand corner then to a straight and accelerated. Came up on a left hander that was a blind turn when all of a sudden we saw a big cloud of smoke bellow up out of that corner so we both slam on our brakes. The Accord came in way too hot for that corner, went off the track and tried to correct it instead of just letting it go straight. His tire dug into the grass/dirt and he rolled his car.

If we didn't have realistic smoke and dust at this racing event and in real life, the RX7 and I would've drove right into a big mess. Thank god for tire tracks, smoke and dust in real life or the RX7 owner and I would've been done for. lol

PS: I love Pizza! :D
Watch the GT5P trailer. The second one. Watch the cloud of dust that gets kicked up when the viper drops a rear wheel off into the grass. if they can do that, they can do good tire smoke.
^^ Why is that, because GT is not realistic enough in this area? That could be true though if GT wouldn't improve in this detail, but that person is definitely not me. I'm a GT fan from the beginning, but that doesn't mean they shouldn't improve in this.
Honestly I'm not a burnout freak but I do love doing it once in a while, the best way is in drifting though. It doesn't just look more real when you have smoke coming out of your rear wheels on a tight powerslide, it also just feels more real inside.
you will be surprised when gt5 goes online. :) people play around in serious pc racing sims, so why wouldnt they in gran turismo?
Agreed. People get bored and goof off. You don't have to race seriously 100% of the time.
I didn't say people don't do it on GT, in fact I did it by myself when I got bored with GT in the past. However, if you think that you need a game where you can do burnouts and drift around corners, with tiremarks, smoke and all, would your first thought be "I need Gran Turismo"?
I didn't say people don't do it on GT, in fact I did it by myself when I got bored with GT in the past. However, if you think that you need a game where you can do burnouts and drift around corners, with tiremarks, smoke and all, would your first thought be "I need Gran Turismo"?

Why not? It is supposed to be the "real driving simulator". As far as I know, burnouts and tire smoke are part of driving (drag racing), and part of the physics.

Also, read the other posts on how you can use it as a visual cue.
it would be cool if we got a chance to do a burn out to warm up our tires on the drag strip. it souldnt be hard to impliment. it would just add a bit more realism to the game. like maybe one guy would be so confidant in his car's speed that he wouldnt bother warming his tires up. psychological warfare :P.
I didn't say people don't do it on GT, in fact I did it by myself when I got bored with GT in the past. However, if you think that you need a game where you can do burnouts and drift around corners, with tiremarks, smoke and all, would your first thought be "I need Gran Turismo"?
Assuming Gran Turismo was capable of those things and represented all of them to a reasonable degree of accuracy and realism, yes, yes I would.

When I want to drift for fun, I don't reach for a Need for Speed game, I don't reach for Midnight Club, I don't even reach for OutRun 2. I either play Enthusia, or, if I actually feel like putting forth the effort to set up my G25, I play Live for Speed and join an online drift server. Then, when I inevitably get bored of just sliding around and start goofing off and/or chatting with others in LFS, I don't switch to another game to do burnouts and donuts. Enthusia and Live for Speed cover those just fine.

The drifting in any given Need for Speed game is extremely inaccurate to an annoying degree. Midnight Club is too high paced and twitchy to hold fun, long drifts, and there's too much stuff to run into. OutRun 2, though very enjoyable, isn't very flexible at all and doesn't give you the same satisfaction of drifting that EPR/LFS do.

I could go on with other "arcadey" racing games, but I think you get the point. Drifting is the most rewarding when it has to be done realistically. That's why I don't understand why everyone always says "go play nfs if you want to drift, loser." As if drifting shouldn't be possible or a factor in a game that strives for ultimate realism.
Drifting or other things may not be what GT is all about, but if Gt's physics were correct, it would be possible, right?
Drifting or other things may not be what GT is all about, but if Gt's physics were correct, it would be possible, right?

For example, drifting had to be one of the absolute last things on the minds of Live for Speed's development team, if they were even thinking about it at all. But by the mere fact that they set out to create the most realistic driving sim yet, they ended up creating the driving sim with the most realistic drifting yet.

Get the physics right from the beginning, and everything else falls into place on its own.
I guess im confused as to why people keep saying that drifting isnt what GT is about. I mean I can see not putting in the kind of drifting they had in Fast and the Furious, what with drifting through parking garages and busy streets, but what about the professional racing they have on tv on closed tracks? That in fact would be something that GT could have and not have it compared to arcade games. If you think about it though, drifting is just a style of driving around corners or obstacles, but since it's become so popular people have thought of it as a sport now and has associated it with tuners and troublemakers. Watching it on tv is cool because you can see all the smoke and tire marks associated with the drift, and they should have something similar in the game because otherwise its like a car sliding around on oil with some bad sound effects tacked on and minature smoke clouds which just gets annoying.

This is especially true when just screwing around and trying to do donuts, all it is is annoying tire screeching and spinning tires with barely any smoke, quite unlike a real burnout/donut. It's not just the big things that make a game good, but its also the little things, the little touches that make a game better, like realistic tire effects and even backup lights (which is confusing as to their disclusion seeing as even the most basic arcade game has them).

People can want whatever they desire, and you cant disclude them simply because its small or would supposedly "take up space best used for something better/bigger". Yah we'd all like Porsche and Lamborghini, but so far it seems like a small possibility because of licensing issues and such, but something small like tire effects would make the game just that much more realistic. We'd also like more opponents, better AI, and better physics, but they take lots of time to try and program and perfect while skidmarks and some more smoke wouldnt take very long to do.
I guess im confused as to why people keep saying that drifting isnt what GT is about. I mean I can see not putting in the kind of drifting they had in Fast and the Furious, what with drifting through parking garages and busy streets, but what about the professional racing they have on tv on closed tracks? That in fact would be something that GT could have and not have it compared to arcade games. If you think about it though, drifting is just a style of driving around corners or obstacles, but since it's become so popular people have thought of it as a sport now and has associated it with tuners and troublemakers. Watching it on tv is cool because you can see all the smoke and tire marks associated with the drift, and they should have something similar in the game because otherwise its like a car sliding around on oil with some bad sound effects tacked on and minature smoke clouds which just gets annoying.

This is especially true when just screwing around and trying to do donuts, all it is is annoying tire screeching and spinning tires with barely any smoke, quite unlike a real burnout/donut. It's not just the big things that make a game good, but its also the little things, the little touches that make a game better, like realistic tire effects and even backup lights (which is confusing as to their disclusion seeing as even the most basic arcade game has them).

People can want whatever they desire, and you cant disclude them simply because its small or would supposedly "take up space best used for something better/bigger". Yah we'd all like Porsche and Lamborghini, but so far it seems like a small possibility because of licensing issues and such, but something small like tire effects would make the game just that much more realistic. We'd also like more opponents, better AI, and better physics, but they take lots of time to try and program and perfect while skidmarks and some more smoke wouldnt take very long to do.

Best Response I've heard so far in this topic!
+Rep :sly:

The little things can make a world of difference.
I didn't say people don't do it on GT, in fact I did it by myself when I got bored with GT in the past. However, if you think that you need a game where you can do burnouts and drift around corners, with tiremarks, smoke and all, would your first thought be "I need Gran Turismo"?
Why not? It is supposed to be the "real driving simulator". As far as I know, burnouts and tire smoke are part of driving (drag racing), and part of the physics.

Also, read the other posts on how you can use it as a visual cue.
Assuming Gran Turismo was capable of those things and represented all of them to a reasonable degree of accuracy and realism, yes, yes I would.
Of course, I'd also love to see realistic physics in the next GT, together with tire marks, smoke and being able to drift, do a burnout and whatever, simply because you can do it in real life as well. However, I would not buy this very game for that purpose, just because I can do that there. The rest of it, licenses, racing for money, fine-tuning cars, would just be wasted then. If I were about drifting and burnouts, I'd get myself an arcade racer that fulfils these needs only. If I want a driving sim where I can drift and can do a burnout because it's realistic, I'd get GT (assuming they get it right this time).
I guess im confused as to why people keep saying that drifting isnt what GT is about. I mean I can see not putting in the kind of drifting they had in Fast and the Furious, what with drifting through parking garages and busy streets, but what about the professional racing they have on tv on closed tracks? That in fact would be something that GT could have and not have it compared to arcade games. If you think about it though, drifting is just a style of driving around corners or obstacles, but since it's become so popular people have thought of it as a sport now and has associated it with tuners and troublemakers. Watching it on tv is cool because you can see all the smoke and tire marks associated with the drift, and they should have something similar in the game because otherwise its like a car sliding around on oil with some bad sound effects tacked on and minature smoke clouds which just gets annoying.

This is especially true when just screwing around and trying to do donuts, all it is is annoying tire screeching and spinning tires with barely any smoke, quite unlike a real burnout/donut. It's not just the big things that make a game good, but its also the little things, the little touches that make a game better, like realistic tire effects and even backup lights (which is confusing as to their disclusion seeing as even the most basic arcade game has them).

People can want whatever they desire, and you cant disclude them simply because its small or would supposedly "take up space best used for something better/bigger". Yah we'd all like Porsche and Lamborghini, but so far it seems like a small possibility because of licensing issues and such, but something small like tire effects would make the game just that much more realistic. We'd also like more opponents, better AI, and better physics, but they take lots of time to try and program and perfect while skidmarks and some more smoke wouldnt take very long to do.

Very well said! I so back your thoughts up! 👍

Watch the GT5P trailer. The second one. Watch the cloud of dust that gets kicked up when the viper drops a rear wheel off into the grass. if they can do that, they can do good tire smoke.

Exactly! I noticed that a while back from GT4. When you get on that sand the cloud of smoke appears and it disappears like it should. Same thing with the Rally racing, smoke/dust goes up and disappears like it should pretty nicely. :)

I doubt that this could be the problem for GT PD, they can do it and they can do it more realistically than any other developers in other games, and it's shouldn't be a hard thing to do at all. The question is why, why didn't they include it yet by now???

Gran Turismo HD hasn't been changed in this area :indiff: so that kinda tells us that GT5 will probably be the same!

For example, drifting had to be one of the absolute last things on the minds of Live for Speed's development team, if they were even thinking about it at all. But by the mere fact that they set out to create the most realistic driving sim yet, they ended up creating the driving sim with the most realistic drifting yet.

Get the physics right from the beginning, and everything else falls into place on its own.

Great point! 👍 . I remember attempting to drift in GT3, GT4, and was never really good at it. When GTHD came out with DRIFT MODE, I knew I had to give it a shot. It took me a few days to even get a decent score, as it was very frustrating, and I had to learn a lot, when I finally scored a top 10 in the rankings for drift, I knew I finally accomplished what I sought out to do. In other words, yeah I'm really good in drifting in NFS compared to some of my friends, but now that I can do it in a real driving simulator, it makes it all that much more rewarding. I can't wait for GT5P online.

On topic with smoke and tire marks, like almost everyone here, it would definitely be a great addition to the game to give it more atmosphere overall......now tire smoke and marks accompanied by great ENGINE SOUNDS...now that's a combination worth having in a video game. Hoping for the best from PD, but so far, I'm convinced. :cheers:
Very well said! I so back your thoughts up! 👍

Exactly! I noticed that a while back from GT4. When you get on that sand the cloud of smoke appears and it disappears like it should. Same thing with the Rally racing, smoke/dust goes up and disappears like it should pretty nicely. :)

I doubt that this could be the problem for GT PD, they can do it and they can do it more realistically than any other developers in other games, and it's shouldn't be a hard thing to do at all. The question is why, why didn't they include it yet by now???

Gran Turismo HD hasn't been changed in this area :indiff: so that kinda tells us that GT5 will probably be the same!

Not necessarily. GTHD, as many have said before, is basically the same GT4 engine, with better graphics, maybe a better physics engine, etc. So far:

*GT5p looks better than GTHD
*The sounds in GTHD are the same as GT4, and if the GT5P trailer is any indication of the sound we're going to get, GT5P is obviously a more Next Gen game
*GT5p has 16 cars on track, and so far, its flawless.

Yes, I know what you mean about PD not implementing any good smoke or tire marks over the past 4 major iterations, but now that they have the most powerful system to work with, tire smoke and marks should be easy. But if they don't happen to include it, sure I'll be disappointed, but its not going to change my mind about buying the game.
Not necessarily. GTHD, as many have said before, is basically the same GT4 engine, with better graphics, maybe a better physics engine, etc. So far:

*GT5p looks better than GTHD
*The sounds in GTHD are the same as GT4, and if the GT5P trailer is any indication of the sound we're going to get, GT5P is obviously a more Next Gen game
*GT5p has 16 cars on track, and so far, its flawless.

Yes, I know what you mean about PD not implementing any good smoke or tire marks over the past 4 major iterations, but now that they have the most powerful system to work with, tire smoke and marks should be easy. But if they don't happen to include it, sure I'll be disappointed, but its not going to change my mind about buying the game.

Yeah I see what you're saying. I did hear some people say that they weren't impressed by GTHD graphics, but when GT5p trailer came out it looked different indeed. And I did notice a difference in GT5p compare to the GTHD myself as well.

I'll too be disappointed if they don't include smoke/tire detail from so many years of GT development, it's just you expect much more from PD on visual details and graphics since now it's on PlayStation 3! But still like you that will not stop me from buying the game! GT5 undoubtedly will still be the ultimate game for me.
Now that they have drifting mode, they should include big smoke and tire marks to make atmosphere right. But that might not possible after they made so detailed cars.(16 cars doing burnout is too much,but maybe 2 cars drifting is not )

ps:SimRaceDriver drives volkswagen so he's has right to be mad :)

I strongly agree! With drifting, tire marks and smoke are a must otherwise the car will look like it will drift on the soap, like in GTHD. It just takes a lot from the reality of drifting.

Raitziger it's all possible, especially to include more minor details even with such detailed cars. Let's not forget it's not a PS2 anymore it's the PS3 which is much, much more powerfull.

It's just if you notice GT PD included details like; rear lights light up, exhaust flames, brakes heat up when you brake constantly, dust goes up when you get on the grass or sand, and sparks come out when you scrape the ground...did I forget anything? And out of all these they haven't included one of the most important visual details like tire markings and more realistic smoke which should've been included back in the GT3.
I mean wtf
lol. I hope they'll reconsider and include these in GT5, because GT5p won't have it by looking at the trailers that's been released.

Some may say "dude it's not that big of a deal",but actually it's is a big deal especially by this time when it's on PS3, it should simply be more realistic.
That game is looking very good for once. Looks like they are finally listening to what we want. We have always wanted to see the NFS: Hot Pursuit gameplay make a return to the series and this is the closest looking game to that in a long time. Probably since NFS:HP2 which in my opinion is still the best one of the series. Finally out of the dark night time racing in the city. Give us that country high speed freedom we had from NFS: HP2. 👍
Wow two quotes in row!(and i already feel like a champ)

Probably since NFS:HP2 which in my opinion is still the best one of the series

I think Porsche unleashed(NFS 5) is the best in series ,but HP2 comes close second.

From gamespot:"Porsche Unleashed is a beautiful, comprehensive, and highly enjoyable racing sim that's suitable for just about any driving enthusiast."
And that was last time i heard NFS been said to be a racing sim.(then rap music became popular and gone were the good-old-days of NFS)
Man, I long for the day when GT decides to allow for full tire burn outs and marks. I would LOVE to be able to drive my car in the grass, and tear it up, kicking up mud and grass all over the side of my car, tires, etc...and making nasty tire burns through it. I ruined a perfectly good lawn. Same with gravel, hearing and kicking up rocks destroying the underside of your vehicle, maybe even seriously scratching the paint. Not to mention, someone doing it in front of you, and seeing rocks kicking up hitting your windshield.

Full 3d blades of grass and trees would also be a plus, along with realtime and dynamic weather during long races. GT5P looks like it's on a great start, but I'm wondering if they will at last bump up the environment to the max.

Also, if there's no car damage I'm going postal. :ouch: