Tire Smoke and Marks!?

  • Thread starter alex v

Should GT5 finally have real Tire Smoke and Tire Marks?

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I would really like to see tire marks and good smoke. Having seen a recent vid of the new Need For Speed ProStreet game (which actually looks worth getting) I feel if GT5 had that kind of wheel smoke then it would add greatly to the realism of the game.
But we have to wait and see. GT5 Prologue, I assume, is not simply GT5 lite. I'm expecting GT5 to be a bigger improvement graphically on GT5 Prologue. But hey, maybe I'm wrong to think that...
...But we have to wait and see. GT5 Prologue, I assume, is not simply GT5 lite. I'm expecting GT5 to be a bigger improvement graphically on GT5 Prologue. But hey, maybe I'm wrong to think that...

I don't know maybe you're wrong to think that. I mean back to GT3 when it came out first on the PS2, it was meant to be a short GT version to show the gamers what the PS2 is capable of, and they GT PD said that GT4 will be at it's finest. So when GT4 came out it didn't look as different as GT3, it pretty much looked the same with the addition of more cars.

Looking back how it was, I think GT5p will be very identical to the original GT5 with just more cars. After GT5p will be released, GT PD will need a year to include the rest of the cars that meant to be in the actual game.
I hope I'm wrong, and I hope GT5 will improve dramatically with more details since PS3 is a system that is much more broad and much more capable of than the PS2.

I say if PD discover the capabilities of the PS3 completely with that new RSX graphic chip over that time period, they can make the game of a difference.

That game is looking very good for once. Looks like they are finally listening to what we want. We have always wanted to see the NFS: Hot Pursuit gameplay make a return to the series and this is the closest looking game to that in a long time. Probably since NFS:HP2 which in my opinion is still the best one of the series. Finally out of the dark night time racing in the city. Give us that country high speed freedom we had from NFS: HP2. 👍

I agree, ProStreet does look realistic then ever. I guess they're not being lazy anymore, cause I did miss my old days NFSs.

Also did you guys notice the NFS ProStreet release date is the same as the GT5 Prologue. Hmmm...interesting.
Originally posted by: Digital-Nitrate
Seeing as there was no "I don't care." choice, I voted for "Hmmm, I don't know."

I guess I'd also like to know why people read a thread about a subject, then they post saying they don't care about the subject (without a reason why), I mean thats like going to the vegetable section of your grocery store and then saying "i dont like vegetables." It reminds me of Johnny Cochran using the Chewbacca Defense, "This does not make sense!" :crazy:
WRC4 has good smoke too when go on gravel, like prostreet the smoke goes around the fenders. Back to the topic, remember backfire from GT4? Fancy stuff for driving simulation. I guess PD will do it again with other effect to attract wider crowd. Maybe better tire smoke or adding marks, who knows?
Yes, it was indeed a nice addition to the game to a certain level.
The ridicilious huge backfires (especially on the Alfa Romeo 155 Racing car) were hilarious.

We already have tire smokes, which are pretty decent. Tire marks on the other hand should make it into GT5.
If not, I'm going to cut myself like a sad little emo kid seeking for attention.
Seeing as there was no "I don't care." choice, I voted for "Hmmm, I don't know."

Just out of curiosity, why not :odd:

anyway, better tire smoke will be nice , but tire skid marks will add so much, and they should be really easy for pd to do. All I can see so far in any pics are what look to be the permanent (graphical) tire marks that have always been on the pavement.
Yes, it was indeed a nice addition to the game to a certain level.
The ridiculous huge backfires (especially on the Alfa Romeo 155 Racing car) were hilarious.

Well, that's because of the Alfa's ridiculous-sized mufflers.

I mean, you could fit two regulation-sized SOFTBALLS into one of them alone!
The ridicilious huge backfires (especially on the Alfa Romeo 155 Racing car) were hilarious.

Not at all. Main thing wrong is they are exactly like the ones shotting horizontally, THAT is stupid. But as far as size, they're within average.


Now, on the topic, I only see people talking about tyre smoke because of the burnouts and the drifting.
As far as I'm concerned, I find it more logical during a race or even just a quick set of practice laps because of the braking.

When you lock your wheels (or even just the one on the inside of the turn - something which should also be implemented), lots of smoke come out instantly.
And, like already said, it's the biggest giveaway when you're watching a race on TV or if you're one of the drivers behind, that there's trouble happenning somewhere. Smoke tells the story, most of the times.
I know it's a "real driving simulator", but as these things happen frequently in real life, it's at the very least expectable that they are included on what's supposedly the driving simulator's king when it comes out.

And speaking also as an anthusiast for the photo part of GT4, it really sucks when you take a great shot of a drift or whatever, and there are those clouds of smoke like a choo-choo train without any realism whatsoever, which is basically the same as the earlier versions of the game.

Also, (and already mentioned on this thread), WHY SHOULDN'T they be able to do it, if they are already doing it?!...
The dirt smoke is a lot more realistic than tyre smoke (that's why rally shots and replays with lots of smoke usually look pretty decent), at least pick up on that and use it on the tyres with a few modifications.
I don't think it would be that that would prevent us from having better AI, Ferrari or any other maker, online gaming and whatnot, that's closing your eyes to evidence.

PS3 is way better than PS2, the guys at PD are excellent programmers (though a bit sloppy with GT4), if it doesn't happen it's because they didn't want to be bothered with that, simply put.
Just out of curiosity, why not :odd:
Why is that odd?

I can certainly understand why it might seem odd for someone to vote no... after all, what harm could it do so why would anyone be against having it... but I didn't vote No.

If it has it, great, if it doesn't it wont impact my enjoyment of the game in the least... thus the reason for "I don't care."

I posted that, as this is a public opinion poll specifically asking "Should GT5 finally have real Tire Smoke and Tire Marks?", but as it was missing a key category, I clarified my position.

Now if the Poll was written differently, with a good deal less "enthusiasm", like asking:

"Would you like to have realistic tire smoke & tire marks in GT5"
  • Yes, it is very important to me.
  • Yes, but it is not a priority.
  • It's not important to me.
  • No, I don't want them in the game.
  • Undecided.
Then I would likely say "Yes, but it is not a priority.", but as it says "should" and emphasizes "finally" even adding an explanation point, suggests this is an incredibly important feature that must be added and that I've been waiting for it for years. Truth is for me it's not, so again, I was left with the only reasonable choice of "I don't care/It's not important to me."... but apparently for some that's an opinion they don't want as part of this public opinion poll. ;)
Now if the Poll was written differently, with a good deal less "enthusiasm", like asking:
"Would you like to have realistic tire smoke & tire marks in GT5"
  • Yes, it is very important to me.
  • Yes, but it is not a priority.
  • It's not important to me.
  • No, I don't want them in the game.
  • Undecided.
Then I would likely say "Yes, but it is not a priority.", but as it says "should" and emphasizes "finally" even adding an explanation point, suggests this is an incredibly important feature that must be added and that I've been waiting for it for years. Truth is for me it's not, so again, I was left with the only reasonable choice of "I don't care/It's not important to me."... but apparently for some that's an opinion they don't want as part of this public opinion poll. ;)

Digital-Nitrate, I see what you're saying, but see this is not the first game that's been released without these details. If it would've been the 1st game then you could ask the way you said it. But it's already going to be their 5th game, and it's about time for it to include an important details like realistic smoke and tire marks, especially when it's finally on PS3.

When I play other sim racing games I always notice how they change over time in details. The newer versions come out the more realistically they become with more details. And if there weren't tire marks in the 1st release for example, they'll eventually get them in the 2nd or 3rd release. They just never miss these things!
Now if we look at the GT, we all can see how PD are not bothered with these details (I mean tire marks and more realistic smoke) cause it's already the 5th generation of the game is STILL these haven't been included :ill: I mean what's their excuse???

The dirt smoke is a lot more realistic than tire smoke, at least pick up on that and use it on the tires with a few modifications.

PS3 is way better than PS2, the guys at PD are excellent programmers (though a bit sloppy with GT4), if it doesn't happen it's because they didn't want to be bothered with that, simply put.

and not only dirt smoke, but also sand smoke is much more realistic than the tire smoke. I mean

And I agree, they are very excellent programmers but it does seem like they're simply not bothered with these.
The question here is "What Happens In Real Life?"
Answer "Thats what needs to be included in GT5".

Agreed! Of course things like damage with 700 cars could be a little
harder to include compare to tire marks and real smoke. And like been mentioned before, even a simple arcade racing game will have tire marks and GT doesn't. :scared:
Seems like they got pretty much everything but these...and no one really knows why!
The question here is "What Happens In Real Life?"
Answer "Thats what needs to be included in GT5".

So you're saying if I die in the game, I could die for real? I'm not cool with that! If I die playing a racing game, I wouldn't be able to live with that.

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