Spa Test Results:
VW: 2:30.5 The VW is as I have allways said an epic car to drive coupled with it still mad speed it's a very powerful force. Give it enough high speed straights and high speed bends and it's pretty much untouchable. Here atleast it seems to have no weakness, great traction, great cornering and supreame aceleration and top speed.. Top speed was 153mph. VW too fast?
Mini (OLD spec): 2:31.0 The Mini is best handling of all the cars and acelerates very fast but lacks a little top speed on some. It still comes together to make a very fast lap. Top speed 147mph.
Honda: 2:31.1 Very fun to drive, takes a bit of wrestling to get the best from it but it rewards. Top speed 151mph.
Infiniti (Old spec): 2:31.4 Quite different to the BMW has alot more stabilty and grips nicely through all bends, does have smidge of understeer though but I love it. Top speed was 148mph. Personally don't think the ECU is needed.
Mazda: 2:31.5 The Mazda as usual has great handling, such a joy to drive. Lacks a little top end speed but overall very quick. Top speed was 146mph.
Audi (New spec): 2:31.7 The Audi is on bloody rails here, it's grips everywhere and I can plant the power pretty much anywhere without running wide. The 31.7 came in a succession of 31.9, 31.8 then 31.7. Very consistant and easy to drive, in the wet it will be near impossible to keep up with. Top speed was 148mph.
Suzuki: 2:32.0 Crazy little car, twitches around nearly every bend, threating to kill me but when I nailed a lap was pretty decent. I seem to be on top of it's horrendace understeer now. Top speed was 150mph.
Mini (NEW spec): 2:32.5 Without the Ecu the Mini loses a whopping 18bhp (297 to 279) and loses alot of it's aceleration. It is sad driving it like this trying to find pace that isn't there... Top speed went down to 143mph, slowest.
You'll have to re think this spec change..
BMW (New spec): 2:33.2 Very fun to drive in the twisty sections, through Le combes it sticks like glue. Still lacks straightline speed though and sadly still quite some bit off here... Top speed of 144mph with Ecu.