The game has played well for me so far with hardly any bugs or glitches, I can think of only one, the first encounter with a bear. Theres a LOT to like about the game but also some things to dislike. I'd like to describe my opinion, experiences and disappointments so far too. So here it is.
I'll start with the good first. Lara can now perform other new moves. I like how Lara can use a rope launcher to get from one side of a ravine to the other side quickly through the air, use an axe to climb up walls or ice and a grappling hook too to also traverse swinging ropes and also use the grappling to hook onto walls. Also you still have fine control of dropping down ledges. You can roll as you hit lower ground from high ground to land more safely. Also you can perform a death from above move, or air assassinate which oddly I haven't tried to do yet upto my 25% of play through.
The bad bits are this to my eye. I can't see how I can do moves from old games, maybe they just aren't there anymore? Lara can do new moves or actions but sadly sacrifices losing old ones that made the old tomb raiders fun and good. Certain moves Lara can not perform anymore like flip off ropes and turn around in mid-air to grab ledge behind her. Mid air rolls, somersaults, a handstand. swan dive manouevre. How about bar swing and somersault/roll out of crawl spaces higher than ground level.
Lara's Survival Instinct doesn't hold for long enough its like the eagle vision in assassins creed. It could do with lasting longer and not being affected by speed of movement which disables it. One thing Tomb raider has always been easier with when traversing and climbing is being able to spot which surfaces or platforms or walls she can climb up. The new game is way too easy with this and the game gives hints of where to go and what can help you solve puzzles. I think this personally makes the game way to easy to figure things out to solve certain puzzles. Also I miss the voice interactions or actions from old games too.
Swimming is disappointing. It feels weird and basic or arcade like. Like you don't have much control in water. You can't swim that deep, limited control here. You can swim and swim fast. And to submerge one button press and your under water, one press and suddenly your above water instantly. You can't breath for very long at all, its a very short time. You can't loot collectibles under water anymore like in previous games. Movement in water its very limited I don't like this. So theres no exploration element to under water caverns or labrynths anymore. Going under water exploring isn't fun anymore. I don't like the swimming control mechanics at all.
You have very limited places you can explore or just climb. The game only allows you to climb or go to places that it highlights in Laras survival instinct. Square Enix could have made lara have the ability to climb more obstables and rocks and trees and buildings without restricting it too much. Because wheres the explorer and adventure and fun in not being able to go to certain places or locations even if it leads you astray and is not the right place to go. They need to give the player a few different ways to get somewhere, so far I notice only one way nearly everytime to get from point A to B. No more flares or torches, just a glowing light or LED light torch baton thingy.
The skills and crafting could be a bit more complex, with more materials like in witcher 3. But its ok I guess. Money is hard to come by and I'm 25% in to the game and haven't got much money at all. There could be more wildlife in the game. can't think of anything else right now. I'm still enjoying the game though. I hope everyone else is too. If the game was made in mind for old gen hardware i.w the 360, then the graphics still look pretty good, but they might look even better in a true next gen. And there will be more to come. They need to add more thrilling, or mysterious or suspense music to make it more interesting like in old tomb raiders. That was classic. I'm not saying the musics scenes don't sound great because they do in this new game. But theres needs to be more of it and more often and not just at new places of discovery or when marking major mile stones of completion.