Tony Hawk 4 preview

  • Thread starter rjensen11
I don't care, no offense

I just think that some types of games are best left to the consoles, like sports games and rpg's. FPS's, though, are usually best on computers due to the interaction and controls(although you can hook up a mouse and keyboard to your PS2, still the principle!)
I bought it at the weekend. It's great.

The game has very definitly moved on, free skating is the main change to play style, you enter the level and get missions to complete before you open the new level. The graphics are about the best i've seen on a PS2 game, definitly a par with GT3. ANd all the key's are the same as the other versions but landing and doing a revert is not something i remember being able to do before?

I have all the others as well. I bought it mainly for my son but I'm sure i'll be putting in a few hours on it as well.
Reverts were available in TH3, that's how I got into the 500,000pts+ tricks without cheating. Just do that, then do a manual following, then grind to get your speed back up. Works really well on the cruise ship on TH3
500,000!! 🤬

My record is about 230,000 I think. But then again Ive only had it about 2 or 3 weeks and its the first full thps game Ive ever had :D
Speed, the trick is to find some place that has a bowl, or to find a half-pipe and something that you can grind on, then you do the reverts and manual so you can go from one jump on the HP to the next while keeping your score running, then you grind to get your speed back up. But, then again, the snowboarder cheat and the perfect balance also do help once you've gotten all goals with the characters:D
record is now about 267,000... thps3 is, im finding, very linear and if its your first tony hawk game has a HUGE amount of longevity i.e. you can play it for ages and ages and ages and still be gettin new things
Originally posted by rjensen11
Reverts were available in TH3, that's how I got into the 500,000pts+ tricks without cheating. Just do that, then do a manual following, then grind to get your speed back up. Works really well on the cruise ship on TH3

That's nothing, if you know where to go, you can easily get combos in the 2 million range.
Getting Tony Hawk's 4 for Christmas. My first one and I've had a sneak play and it is brilliant apart from the fact it is blody difficult from the outset.

Either way fab.

AND: Recently a bloke over here got 19,000,000 on the Canada level of THPS3. Beat that. And if you pick up PSM2, go to the DVD "Pro Dojo" you will find the video.

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