Top 20 changes you would like to see in GT5


1. Fair, if not equal, distribution of regions
2. Trucks and SUVs limited to sport versions
3. "New car" dealerships should have every current car and be restricted to regular cars
4. "Classics" limited to cars that are no less than 20 years old, whereas 1-19 year old normal cars from all makes should be put under "Used"
5. "Specials" section for concepts, racecars, tuners, etc
6. No guide lap license tests or coffee breaks
7. Prize cars should be concepts, racecars, tuners, exotic, etc
8. No trophy cars
9. Prize cars should be unlocked in dealerships for later purchase
10. A choice of either metric or imperial
11. More elaborate specs, such as 0-60, 1/4 mile, etc
12. Info pages or scrollbars
13. Home regions that provide you with new and used cars from that region
14. No customs, horseless carriages, replicas, or vans
15. Classes of cars judged on performance, with the inability to race against any car from a higher class than your car
16. Rally licenses
17. 1-3 hour races against at least 20 drivers, along with the endurance races, and flags and cautions used in those races
18. Damage and mechanical breakdowns
19. In-race maintenace (tires, fuel, etc) reserved for 1h+ races, and no open pit lane during races shorter than 1 hour.
20. Qualifying and a search engine
A quickly abridged version:

1) online play
2) restrictive class racing (similar to GT2 and Forza Motorsport)
3) More cars that arent Japanese, and in general make them models we care about
4) Trucks and SUVs would be nice, being that even Project Gotham used them
5) where are major track icons like Watkins Glenn? LeMans? Silverstone? Road America? Road Atlanta?
6) information pages would be nice, short and sweet like in GT2
7) a benchmark feature similar to that of Forza would help in tuning
8) more weather conditions for racing... Rain, sleet, snow, etc.
9) Fewer concepts and special models, more realistic cars people care about (like I said above)... Why have the Cien when you could have had the CTS-V or XLR?
10) Maybe have an optional licence test that can get you more money and better cars, not something that must be competed before tasks can be accomplished

If there is any one particular thing, it is ONLINE PLAY... Sony and Polyphony dropped the ball on that one, and it cost them big-time when compared to Forza... Ohh wait, I forgot... Sony is only comitted to beating Microsoft and Nintendo just in sales, not innovation... Look how great that one worked out on the online front...
1. Night time in 24hr races.
2. Scrap B-spec.
3. Damage!!
4. More than 6 cars on track.
5. Flags and saftey cars.
6. Pit radio feeding in splits instead of an annoying number in the middle of the horizon.
7. Teams that you can join/create/manage.
8. Other drivers so you can strike up rivalries.
9. Proper rallying stages, (Not lap based but sprint based)
10. Online racing!!!
11. No cars from before the 60's.. Why, just why?
12. Car malfunctions.
13. MUCH MUCH MORE REALISTIC A.I. I can't stress that enough..
14. Qualifying.
15. Different classes in racing, I.E. Factory cars and Privateers
16. No coffee breaks or guided runs.
17. A proper in car view.
18. Hand gestures in the in-car view. :lol:
19. No car's that you can't race (I.E. The Nike ONE)
20. If you crash into a tyre wall, the tyres actually collapse onto the track/gravel trap.

That would be my perfect GT5.
In no paticular order:

1) Advance Spectator mode

2) Max grids of around 22-36 Cars where possible

3) Ability to choose your opponents Cars

4) Ability to edit Power & Weight of each opponents Car similar to the Quick Tune-up in Arcade mode

5) Ability to edit the starting lineup to how you want (Reverse Grids for example).

6) Ability to Penalize opponents Cars that you know are likely to spoil a close race by putting a Top Speed limiter on the quickest Cars selected (for example a VW Golf R32 has a top speed of 155 MPH, so you could limit the top speed to aleast 130-136 MPH) to balance out the field, though your opponents will still be able to slipstream.

7) To remove Cars such as the Opel/Vauxhall Corsa 1.4 Comfort (for example) which has no right to be in GT5 unlike the Vauxhall Corsa 1.8 SRi (since the latter is the Top of the Range Hot Hatch Corsa while the former is a Car for the Irritable Bowel brigade).

8) Fuel Economy improved so farces like a Lotus Europa lasting a 50 lap race while a BMW 120D needs to refuel never happen.

9) More Cars (e.g Hot Hatchs, etc)

10) More Tracks :)

11) Ability to go slightly faster as you use up fuel as well as setting up how much fuel you start with.

12) Car Damage with the option to switch it off

13) Make the Opel/Vauxhall Brands more distinct by adding cars such as Opel Manta GTE & Vauxhall H.P. Firenza for example

14) Ability to race Cars by class (e.g Coupes race Coupes, Hot Hatchs race Hot Hatchs, etc)

15) Related to no:9 Rover Mini 1.3i Cooper to be included in GT5 in all versions.

16) Random Weather (as well as setting up a Wet/Icy/whatever Race, etc)

17) Night time in 24hr races (seconded), As well as being able to save during the race.

18) Online racing (if possible)

19) Improved Rallying (WRC,Super1600,RallyCross,Road rally, etc)

20) Cars like a VOLVO 240 GLT Estate '88 belong in the used car section, not as a Prize Cars.
Will there be dynamic weather?
Day/night transition, like in GTL???
Will it be possible to flip over the cars (==> 6 DoF's)?? RBR is very realistic in this area.
Real time damage or pre programmed damage
No more invisible walls!!
Interactive environment, like in FlatOut.
Surround gaming but no need to buy more than 1 PS3 i.e.:
or expand the view if you're using a bigger screen ==> higher resolution (16:9)
Speak for yourself! :D

Good to see Thread back... but... I hope the army of clones doesn't follow.
My Top Twenty List, listed in importance and brief description why.

#1 Online Mode : To actually get some good races with real people
Expect a full blown online mode to be developed
with tons of features. Would be the best feature
to implement that would ensure that the game would
never become dull and boring. Online used car lots,
sell and buy each others cars, the cars you sell keep
all the modifications. This would be an amazing feature
with thousands of cars to choose for instance lets say
you want a 69 Camaro, you would have maybe
hundreds to choose from in dozens of configurations.
As each car gets baught it is removed from the lots
meaning no one else can buy it. Online modes that
let you race for pink slips, you loose you loose your
car. Dozens of online racing leagues, record boards
and so much more, share photos online.

#2 Better Race Modes : Races based on better restrictions, mainly hp.
All races and events have been totally
re-worked to give much greater race experience.
Most races have some sort of random features
to keep the races fresh and exciting.

#3 Bigger Car Fields: Expect 20 cars and maybe up to 40 on longer
races. Would expect that this would have a major
impact on each and ever race and give it a much
more race feeling.

#4 More diversified range of cars : Would like to see a lot more american
cars, especially 60's - 90's, more european cars,
hopefully some of the exoctics, porsche, ferrari,
lamburgina, masserati, etc. More older race cars.
More trucks, and other differnt classes of race
cars would be great.

#5 Paint Shop : Would allow people to truly make a particular car be
something that they can call their own. Lots of paint
options, stripes, flames, custom lettering, and much
much more. Maybe earn race stickers or logos. With
this feature, I could see people actually find a paint
scheme that they want on their real car.

#6 Much Better A.I. : Finally give the A.I. some human emotions. Build
A.I. that acts like a human. Have maybe say 200
or so A.I. drivers, each with over 20 differnt skills
classifications that very depending on a number
of conditions. Have new A.I. that get added and
maybe some that retire. Guess I am saying give
the A.I. drivers a fictional name. You can also
hire and fire your "B"-spec driver from the pool
of A.I. drivers.

#7 Damage and phyics : Damage is included, contact produce spins,
crashes can flip a car, rollovers etc. Also
mechanical conditions, blow-outs, engine blows,
parts damaged from wrecks or over use.

#8 Better menus etc. : Make menus extremly easy to use and make it
easy and quick to find what you want. Maybe
even allow users to customize how menus and
other features look and work. Basically set-up
and make the game look and feel like you want.

#9 Arcade Mode : Fully devloped two player mode, race two player with
A.I., save replay, single screen replay, allow players
to tune cars like in sim mode, Fast and quick menus
to allow time to be spent racing. More modes for
two player or more, create your own race series etc.
See following link for more info on custom race events
Allow you to choose your opponents and all sorts of
race restrictions.

#10 Other Things : All cars can be raced, at least in arcade mode.
enhanced tunning mode, better used car dealerships
cross country tracks or roads for photo drive, up to
maybe 50 or more miles through lots of differnt
scenery. Maybe unlock all cars for purchase after
you have 100 percent completed.

GT4 is on the right track, and with just a few things fixed would be the
best car game ever. Somehow have GT5 be better tested to eliminate the
simple bugs or things that get left out. I really do not understand how things like single player replay mode gets left out, just boggles the mind.
no order
1. Online-With buddy lists and many features used to enhance the experience
2. Bigger Racing fields- Just more than 6 please.
3. Better customizing- Wings, simple body kits, etc. I'd love it if they have an online mode.
4. Smarter AI- Just smarter
5. Detailed tracks- A lot of them
6. Detailed tracks during races- Crashes leave marks and they'll be there throughout the race. Burnouts too.
7. Better B-Spec features- Set pit laps and others strategies
8. Better unlockables

That's all i can come up with right now.
1) More cars of all ages, abilities, and prices.
2) More tracks.
3) Wheel system from GT3
4) Car info system from GT2
5) More variations of each track.
6) Improved GUI. It's not necessary to load a new screen for everything.
7) More class-based race series (a la GT2).
8) Engine swaps.
9) More trim levels/ market variations per car (and all of them availible in all versions).
10) Clutch simulation
11) Global on/off for driver aids.
12) Add real car's controls to the setup menu (examle: all the M5's transmission, suspension, and power options).
13) Free camera movement in photomode.
14) Realistic tire wear (is an economy tire really going to wear out as fast as a soft racing slick?).
15) Realistic N2O usage (not speed based).
16) Tire pressure adjustability.
17) Bspec speed multiplier based on race length. IE; 24 hour races can go up to 6x, but 4 hour races can only go up to 3x and anything less can only have 2x.
The way it is, Bspecing a 24h race either prevents you from using your PS2 for 24 hours, or forces you to babysit it all day (pitstop, reset to 3x, repeat). This would prevent people from abusing Bspec for money while still not tying up the console all day.
18) More balanced lineups. I mean, nothing like: 1 LMP, 3 LMs, and a rally car.
19) Add HUD customization.
20) Classic Anycar does not represent us, don't listen to him.

I think that's probably about it. I don't care about online play, graphics, AI, or damage.
No particular order (although I consider the first 5 as most important)

1) Extremely realistic physics
2) Good A.I.
3) Damage
4) Cockpit view
5) Nicer and more realistic engine sounds
6) TC, ESP, ABS: on/off based on what the car has in reality
8) Clutch support
9) More interesting races: different rules for JGTC, DTM,...
you get the point i think...
10) More specified restrictions for entering a race
11) Changing weather conditions for every track
12) More opponents
13) Structured online championships
14) More detailed tuning mode
wider tires, functional aero parts, visible exhaust mods, bigger rims
paint shop,racing seats,... that sort of stuff
15) More involving tuning mode: If you don't know what you're doing,
you'll mess up the car... and stuff like that
16) More EU/US/Aussie tracks (Bathurst!)
There's probably some stuff I forgot, but I can't think of more things at the moment.

Oh, and of course GT5 would have to be accompanied by a new
steering wheel with a clutch and H-shifter.

(If not I'll order me some FREX goodies :) )
1. Better car selection, whoop dee doo, I don't want 30 skylines. I wanna see some British "normal" cars, Novas, escorts etc etc, yes they suck, but it would be fun! I want more variety, even if that means less total cars.

2. Real time damage and wear. None of this bouncing off walls crap, i wanna see cars get destroyed just like in real life.

3. Decent AI, this goes with out saying.

4. Multiplayer mode which can be customised, number of laps etc etc.

5. Better handling etc.

6. Tracks with real life country roads, I wanna race muscle cars down English twisty country roads :D.

7. Real time day night cycle. Also give the cars working head lights etc.

8. Add to that weather, rain that gathers in puddles, snow etc etc, I want it to gather, collect, and effect the car.

9. If your gonna have country roads, then I want holes, and cracks etc in the road. Imagine going over a pot hole at 120 ;).

10. Internal camera views for every car, PGR3 quality.

11. I wanna paint my cars ala Forza, but with more flexability.

12. Infact, more customisatiosn in general, engine swaps etc etc

13. Sponsorships.

14. GT has allways been abit impersonal with the cars. It should be harder to get cars, but when you get it, you should value it more. Damage etc should carry over race to race, unless you get it fixed. Things like marks in the paint should stay, unless you pay to get it sprayed. This could open up stuff like buying seperate parts for a car to repair it, say a new door etc, or buying old bangers, and fixing them up using parts etc. Yes, near impossible to do, but would be so awesome.

GT has just been abit too..."gotta collect em all", while a real driver treasures their car.

15. Better engine sounds, PGR3 quality at least for every car.

That's all I can think off. So meh!
Improved Physics Engine.

Better Tire Physics, no more on/off grip/slip transitions.

Damage would be nice if done right (model the car as a collection of parts, all deformable) but if not, let me be able to turn it off when I don't want to mess with it, if it's half assed that is.

Better physics engine.

Uh, American cars that drive realistically (I.E. Modern American Sports cars shouldn't understeer like 400 Hp FF Civics) and whatnot.
wow! this feels like the 15th rerun of miami vice...90% of all those wishes were in the things you would like to see in gt4! weather and climate on it since the ps2's hardware did not allow for this in gt4. more cars...check out the vision gt clip! now to the stuff that really matters:

1 one tuning shop would be plenty if they all look the same anyway.

2 i like realism but if you want you should be able to tune cars to up to 1000hp (as in gt3) and even if its just for fun...what the hell!

3 let FR cars' ass break out! a 475hp ZR-1 that turns in like a mini s even under the most severe throttle treatment...give me a break.

4 better AI, online play, no lap guide runs/coffee breas...I AGREE!

5 add stage routes (anyone remember NFS1?) would be absolutely possible and great fun especially for the stops inbetween stages!

6 hey B-SPEC...buh bye!

7 one thing to the license agreements between sony and the manufacturers. im not gonna go into this italian license nightmare fer... and lamb... etc. but with the licences they have...if you do the whole car...why not take some pics of the manufacturer's aerodynamic packages...rims that are available...different rim sizes (very important since they seem unusually small in gt4 on alot of cars)...color customization.

8 and please i dont mind 70 more skylines and evos and what not. but if you have the used car slots use them! put in 60s 70s 80s cars not only the milestones but the ones that were all over the road back then in america, in germany, in france, in the uk!

thats it...until this game hits the shops ill shut up...and the car list...why are there still 100s of duplicate entries in the list???

give me the E30 M3! the best handling car...ever!
Then no B-Spec = no 24hr races

Why not? 24 hour events, in real life, are for the most experienced, high quality racers, if you can't last 24 hours then why do it? :lol:

(I do know drivers take shifts)

I just really do not see the point in B-Spec, all your doing is watching the PS2 drive a race for you, I mean, how fun..
1. The ability to tune CASTER!!
2. Real time damage, not that premodeled junk
3. Engine Swaps
4. More in depth tuning (more options, like ECU and Turbo tuning)
5. Engine breakdowns if you don't treat the car right (IE, over rev for too long, not like Need For Speed though, neglect to change oil and the engine can fail)
6. The ability to burn up brakes
7. More realistic physics, like flipping a car over, maybe do donuts, useless I know, but fun...
8. MORE CARS... more American cars, more Italian cars, just more cars (LOL!)
9. Maybe a paint shop, just to change the cars paint color to something other than factory colors
10. Different manufactures make for different tuning options, maybe same options, but better performance from one rather than the other
11. Skid marks, not like Forza, but if you heat the tires enough, they will leave marks
12. The ability to set up your own cone set ups, like an AutoX type thing.
13. Keep Photomode, but add a VIDEO mode, so we can record our replays and save them to a USB pen drive like photos
14. More realistic engine tuning, come on, I miss my 1000 HP skyline from GT3
15. Better Multi player and Online play!
16. Drag Race modes for Multiplayer and Online play
17. More rim options, plus 3D rims as stated before.
18. Maybe Aero bodykits, not that ricer crap, but body kits with Carbon diffusers, lighter parts, more aerodynamic parts, stuff like that
19. Mods effect visual, if I put a full on racing exhaust, maybe I should have a little larger of an exhaust tip?
20. Keep B-spec, because of the 24 Hour races, but maybe not allow it's use for other races (like 2 lap races)
In no order

- realistic Damage
- Car values based on mileage(and damage)
- cars can have malfunctions and be forced to quit race(player and A.I.)
- Online
- Adjuistibility of cars(fuel amount, tire pressure, etc.)
- True simulation physics(flat spots on tires, and other such things) with the ability to turn it off for people looking for less realism.
- Dynamic time of day as well as weather.
- true in-car view
- more American muscle as well as a greater number of cars more than 50 years old. Gangster cars come to mind.
- I would actualy like to see a baja truck mode.
- more realistic aftermarket parts, not every car being subject to the same racing suspension, and such
- more realistic race time activity, like your crew chief giving you info(into an ear piece if you have one)
- bring back car histories like in GT2
- Fair races for us and the A.I. I like beating the crap out of the A.I. but it is also alot of fun if my car is not that much better
- A.I. improvements.
- Realistic Grid sizes instead of 6 cars in any given race.
- A drag strip where you can race other cars, the ability to create a true dragster whether you prefer a tuner or a muscle car.
- A logitech wheel with a clutch. Also maybe force feedback pedals for different break and clutch feel in different cars.
- More cars from everywhere but jappan. I don't mind the Jappense lineup I just want the same for everywhere else.
- Even though I've tried to stick to only game play I am going to go into specific cars. Stock McLaren F1, Ferrari, Lamborghini, True F1 Cars.

I like How GT4 came out except for a few deficiencies that everyone has already beat to death. I just want more overall realism in the simulation mode to make this as close to racing a real car as can possibly be experienced on a console. That and I want GT to beat the crap out of anything that Microsoft can offer.
1. Better sound quality.
2. Smarter opponents/more opponents
3. Race modifications (I sorely miss them from GT2)
4. Authentic engine sound. It's inexcusible that Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit, a 4 yr old game has better engine sounds than GT4:irked:
5. The ability to change car color. I hate having to buy 5 different cars of the same model just to have 5 different colors:rolleyes:

Better sound
Less Japanese cars
More other cars
More racing cars
Race kits to transform stock into racing
More cars on the grid, just have to mention it although it's in almost for sure!