Top 20 changes you would like to see in GT5

...19. No car's that you can't race (I.E. The Nike ONE)
Also Plymouth Prowler. What was with that anyway? It's just like not being able to race a PT Cruiser just because of it's retro design.

Oh, I want online most of all, and also more than 6 cars, at least 15. Various other ideas were already mentioned, no use mentioning them more than once.
Also Plymouth Prowler. What was with that anyway? It's just like not being able to race a PT Cruiser just because of it's retro design.

The cars poly count is too high like the caterham, the PS2 cant handle to render the Prowler with other cars at a smooth frame rate.
1. Propper in-car wiev
2. possibility to paint your cars
3. better engine sounds
4. more drag racing
5. more cars
6. more rims
7. more engine settings
8. better replay mode
9. more tracks
In this particular order, changes that need to be made for GT5 include:
1. Better AI (duh!:dunce: )
2. A completely brand new GT Mode structure. (Learn from Forza if you have to. The stuff I've heard about that game's career mode made me consider getting an X-Box. Though I won't get one, since Forza 2 for the 360 is sure to be in the works.)
3. Better sound effects (including proper engine noises for each and every car inside and outside the cockpit, the sound of the transmission shifting gear, the creaking of the suspension and chassis as the car hits a bump or kerb, etc), because I want to get the goosebumps I get everytime I hear the engines in the GT4 intro video!:)
4. A healthier number of cars. 450 for the most, because 721 is just overkill.:crazy:
5. Better graphics. PD should include antialiasing, dynamic lighting, visual damage, active crowds for all the tracks, and high-res environments (and high-res everything, for that matter.)
6. Dispose of 5-second penalties.
7. Make Arcade Mode a game in itself, like it was in GT3.
8. Put all the Daiki Kasho songs from GT3 and GT4 into GT5, and include some more Daiki Kasho songs as well.:)
9. Bring back all the rest of the classic GT Tracks (Grindewald, SSR11, Rome etc.)
10. Modify or get rid of some of the street tracks from GT4 (Modify New York, get rid of Seoul Central, make Cote d'Azur feel more like Grand Prix Monaco, make Seattle a mid-afternoon track like it was in GT2.)

I think that's it for now.
It seems that everything has been covered by everyone eles.
But I would like to see the car # change if there is more than one in the race.I hate to see two #63 in the same race.Also redder brake rotors.
Another major change i'd like: Better multi-player. I hate not being able to use TCS and ABS on 2-player as well as not being able to finish a race if the other person finishes first.
* From a Game Developer point of View*
* In Order of Importance *
** As you'll read heres a summary **
** Learn the new PS3 hardware and improve all aspects of your current game. More Racers on track, AI, Collision/Physics, Environments. Then once your existing features are in good shape, Being with the new ones. **

1) -2 PLAYER MODE: should include being able to race any car from your garage, with any configuration... Nothing limiting "TIRES"... this is a common sense thing.

2) - LAN MODE: should act in the same constraints as 2-player mode. Meaning... Only accepting Dealer cars to race against other dealer cars in LAN mode is not acceptable. Poly: i've noticed a few of your game modes have taken a step backwards this is ofcourse detremental to keeping you guys leading the pack.

= These 2 were a step backwards =

3) #ofRaces == A.I.: Bad design decision here guys. Instead of beefing up the 1000 races that this game already holds. More time should of been spent into A.I., As in Having them avoid you instead of run into you. I understand this isnt really a problem until Collision is in. enuff said. Lower things to do, 50% of em arent even fun, its just too much.(Obviously theirs exclusions cause some hardcore people will argue)"ONE MAKE RACES" just overkill not needed.

4) PHYSICS + COLLISION: This ties into #3, Improvement in all areas, you know what you need to do. Its just a matter of time. "flipping cars?", with the PS3 you'll be able to model the undercarriage, rendering it out. Proably as well as the Engine components. WE WILL ALL WAIT, Just release a AAA Game title that went GOLD not Beta.

*NOTE: work with logitech, Creation of a better wheel and clutch included. The throttle isnt sensitive enough, IT should work in increments of 5% minimum. Just cause I take all TCS off doesnt mean i should spin tire by just touching the gas.

5) RENDERING: Use all the new bells and whistles.. Revamp your engine as you'll have to anyway. Multi-thread everything, Syncing threads with time stamps. Bump map, Dynamic lighting, I believe PS3 is using a Nvidia chipset, USE Cg: Programming language its fantastic and is a very good high-level language for programmable Vertex and Fragment Shaders!!!

Everything above is CORE Game Re-Vamp.
That should all be done FIRST, and i'm sure most will be done regardless

5) ONLINE MODE: quite obviously there is nothing else to be said here. Just make sure this mode is setup approprietly, put the time and money into design this architecutre right. This is very important and the entire online entity as a whole, needs to be near perfect if you really want to pull away from the competition. I.E. Restrictive races, Tournaments, possibly Ranking (if your supplying server space, meaning "Pay to Play") looking at GT4 i'd say running servers is your best bet until public technology is improved, meaning 'FIBER' is considered just a commodity not just a 'Wish N Wait'
* ALSO some people put this first, disregard that!! You need to fix your exsisting features before implementing NEW ONES.

6) RACES: Less is MORE, Different Types: Point to Point, Downhill - Uphill, Drift events where Style is worth more then Time. Weathered events. ENDURANCE EVENTS: Whats the point in doing a 24 hr race when its sunny the entire time. The thrill comes at driving through the elements, Rain,Night,Sun,WIND, etc... also 'B-SPEC' was a valuable option, good job not everyone wants to be bored with a 24hr daylight race where nothing is new.

7) CARS: well i'm kinda in the middle on this one.. You guys did license alot of manufacters, obviously the lamo/ferrai thats always cool. But dont build this game around the sheer # of cars, theres alot more then that.

Those are all the main things: Here is just Suggestions, some are gonna seem outrageous. Which is fine :) Food for the mind!
- *Division of Home Garage: So the user can sort cars approprietly
- BIKES: MotoGP bikes ??
- DROPPABLE: Special Missions, One Make races, Possibly Trucks ?
- IMPROVE: RallY?? its always seemed as an add-on to the street game rather then a large component of the game. Force people to race rally when going through a season, So that we can learn all areas of your game.
- PROFILES: this is very simple as in reading in a saved file duh... But it leaves the oppurtunity, to keep track of stats, Not just 1-player stats, 2 Player stats aswell, and it also always for multiple garages on a memory card.
- RACES: Keep all old tracks, Add New ones.. DONE!
- 2PLAYER: Make all races "RACEABLE" in 2player geez.. you wont be able to blame the ps2 requirements anymore with the ps3!
- CARS: Keep cars you have, Add new ones the important ones, leave the worthless ones out. You determine what is what.
I've seen most of the comments and I do find some of them simply unrealistic.

I'll base my wants on one thing... realism. If future versions of Gran Turismo will really stick by what they claim to be... that is The Real Driving Simulator, then they should all be basing things on more real rules and regulations and real upgrades.

It's funny though that GT4 allows you to put a 5-lug wheel on a car with 4-lugs... well, with some mods in real life it is possible but it's not common practice for the majority of car owners...

I do find some of the suggestions simly childish... people wanting to create frankenstein cars with 9000BHP and all... this is not about creating the impossible. It's about getting close to real life experiences of racing.

Although I'm not a fan of drag racing, it is actually a cool idea if this was included. But to get the realism of the variables involved in drag racing, there should be so many data which should be included in the whole game engine.

But, whatever is needed to come up with a realistic drag race setup will also apply for the rest of the races as well.

1. Cars - More cars will be good. The ability to add more cars via the memory card or some other means will even be better. If there is a way to expand the car selection via this method, then there will also be the ability to get more upgrades, wheels, and tires for every car. I find it stupid that you can go to the tuner village and get an upgrade from any of them and still get the same result... What? why does it show up the same as that from the official tuning center by the manufacturer? The only dif so far is the addition of the original turbo and suspension...

Tuning is about getting the right combination. if each item from each tuner gives a certain improvement... a wrong combination can also result in less performance. Get a turbo from TOM's and get an Intercooler from TRD... you might get better performance than if you get the items the other way around. Add tire and suspension settings to it and you get a whole array of possibilities... Tires for one shouldn't be coming from your tuners only... it's better if you get them from a tire/wheel dealer. Other than wheel choices, the ability to go +1, +2, +3 or even +4 on wheel sizes would be nice. Each of them available in any format, whether road tires, sports tires or racing tires. Of course there will be limits where some tires are not really available in +3 or +4 such as snow or dirt tires.

I see people craving for body kits and new paint. It would be nice if this came as an extra... as for the new paint job, I had a game on the Pocket PC called Racing Days which works like Gran Turismo but for the Pocket PC...

Check out the ability to repaint and add sponsors stickers to your car...
Texture Paint function
In Racing Days you can paint vehicles and decorate with logos with your own taste, just as you assembly plastic models. Pocket PC version applies BMP file. It automatically identifies by just drawing with regular painting software and copy it in a designated folder.
It is so simple to add paintings on vehicles.

If the future versions of Gran Turismo are able to apply this same idea (in a refined way) then we can have our own club race cars with our unique numbers too...

In drag racing, street racing, track, rally, endurance, or whatever fun race that is included, a good feel for realism is the variables given by tuning... high torque low rpm? high rpm? power up the rev range? the low range? wide power band, narrow power band... all these become a factor... If we see this in GT, then tuning becomes essential.

Races... it's a bit stupid that the races allow extreme mods and illegal mods to cars... If this is a simulator, then it should simulate reality...

Right now the limits are on the tires... road and sports tires only, etc... but still it's a lame regulation. A good way to set the whole game up is to have the races in unlimited tracks... A season of 7 tracks... you can choose your 7 tracks for that season... or... for cars to be able to join, there should be a limit to the HP produced... Perrformance vs economy should also be considered. Cars that do not meet the race regulation should not be able to race... that is for standard cars... for example... the addition of a 5-point harness, fire extinguisher, and roll cage or a minimum requirement for tires... If there is a maximum, there should also be a minimum.

Join a race which allows X amount of liters of fule to be used to complete the race... then you cannot enter with a gas guzzling 600bhp engine to run the race... limits along those lines...

More real tracks would be nice. If we can get the real tracks used for club races as well, it would be great.

I read somone's comment on the car number... I think it's true... the game should be smart enough to come up with a different number if you enter a car which has a similar one in the AI set. Most race cars come in pairs and if they do, then it would be nice to get a different number too.

Time changes... realtime changes would be good... The game runs on a calendar sysytem anyway so weather changes and day/night transitions would be something cool. I'd like to be able to drive through Nurburgring at night... that would be really cool. Rain should help too...

The AI should be smart enough to know if you've taken the racing line and you've shut the door on him. I still wonder why when they bump into you, your car seems to be sent into the barriers but if you bump them, they seem to be on rails. How about a real standing start which you can jump... then you will have to drive through the pits for the penalty in case you jump the start...

Is it just me or do any of you find that even the super hard tires seem to wear extremely fast. 12 laps seems to be too short for tire life...

The oil change part is good and it does show in performance, but they still have to fine tune it. The Aerodynamic kits are lacking except for the rear wing which is weird since this activates both front and rear down force settings in the car tuning page... So where is the front airdam???

It would be nice to seem some aero kits for the cars... and if they do find a way to add newer components from downloads via a secondary card in slot 2 or somthing along those lines, then you will see more accessories and hundreds of add on parts for these cars. Hey! think about it... if there is a wheel generator then we can design our own wheels. no need for licensing trouble here... it's all up to the end user...

So add the ability to custom paint the car, to the wheel generator, to a body kit generator, then you will have one game that will never grow old.
A lot of us are for those sorts of things. Some of us are afraid that too many kids would Need For Speed up their cars, but... meh, why not?

I'm surprised no one latched onto my idea for having your own look for the GT5 menu system and graphics. We're all about skinning our Winamps and even getting custom covers for our cell phones and iPods. I think it would be interesting if Polyphony let us pick how our Gran Turismo looked and sounded to us as we played, even to the extent of letting us import custom artwork and tunes to the menu graphics and music tracks.

Of course Gran Turismo is all about the cars, and this would add a whole other level of complexity. But I think the day of this sort of thing is coming, and it would be cool if PD would be the first, or one of the first if someone beat them to the punch.

I think it would be fantastic if they gave us some basic choices for menu graphics and music themes. It would be kind of cool to have them for each of our profiles. Just imagine one where you could have a 1950s motif complete with vintage pop rock tracks. :sly:
I want one thing only.....:dopey:

for polyphony digital to look at and read all these forums......💡
You mean threads, that are in the forum, and sub-forums. And they probally have taken a sneak peak here, cause thats what game developers do is that they find forums and see what people are saying about there game. So mabe all of your ideas will just come to life! BUT! don't put any hopes up.
1 - Better bleeding soundtrack

2 - Endurance races that make sense
In GT4 you could race for 9 hours round Tsukuba, and recieve 150K for the win and a car to sell for a little over 260/280K. Yet you could spend 2 hours round El Capitan for 66 laps or 90 round Leguna Seca and recieve 200K and 250K respectively for the win, and a car you can sell for just short of 750K. That to me does not make sense.

3 - Less classic cars that have less then 50BHP, EG the Citreon 2CV, Merc 1BHPers and the Fiat 500s.

4 - Visible damage, maybe even light damage in races that needs to be repaired after the race (EG not race ending damage)

5 - More weather conditions and wet races, maybe even changing weather conditions and the ability to make use of wet weather tires

6 - Better rallies

7 - Ditch the five second penalties

8 - Driving missions without ridiculous waits a la M34

9 - Preferably ditch a few varients of cars such as the Skyline (the Evo's weren't so bad)

10 - Wider range of car companies such as Masserati, Ferrari, Lambo and Saab and more cars from the existing european/australian companies (such as Seat, Bently and Holden)

11 - Better animation in pitstops and drifting/wheel spin

12 - Smarter B-Spec AI (if it will exist) and computer opposition AI

13 - Paintshop

14 - Better choices of Wing/Spoiler and the ability to match the color to your car (small but this jarred me off big time) and even the height

15 - Ability to alter photos in game with special effects, nothing too special prehaps, but something to play with

16 - A wider variety of REAL tracks (Silverstone, Brands Hatch, Hockenheim). Maybe even a few more City tracks in say London and Sydney for example

17 - Ditch the Driving Park except for L-Tests

18 - Bring back the Rally License and even out the other licenses a bit better

19 - No prizes for licenses that do not justify the effort (COUGH* Model T on Special All Golds...hello people)

20 - And finally....more varied championships, keep what's there but add to it for example Drag Races (preferably a few more manufacturer events too) and make a few more Used Cars rare

and a little someone else said, no Special Cars that can't be raced...or at least have special cars that CAN be raced, restricted if not complete freedom

I know 20 is really two but eh...that's my 20 changes/addatives
Tenacious D
A lot of us are for those sorts of things. Some of us are afraid that too many kids would Need For Speed up their cars, but... meh, why not?

I'm surprised no one latched onto my idea for having your own look for the GT5 menu system and graphics. We're all about skinning our Winamps and even getting custom covers for our cell phones and iPods. I think it would be interesting if Polyphony let us pick how our Gran Turismo looked and sounded to us as we played, even to the extent of letting us import custom artwork and tunes to the menu graphics and music tracks.

Of course Gran Turismo is all about the cars, and this would add a whole other level of complexity. But I think the day of this sort of thing is coming, and it would be cool if PD would be the first, or one of the first if someone beat them to the punch.

I think it would be fantastic if they gave us some basic choices for menu graphics and music themes. It would be kind of cool to have them for each of our profiles. Just imagine one where you could have a 1950s motif complete with vintage pop rock tracks. :sly:


I agree with you 100% on this, give us the freedom to customize the look of the menus and back ground menu sounds. Maybe even allow us to move icons around and organize things to fit our own taste. Allow menu settings to be saved to our profiles. Even allow menu profiles to be shared with other people via internet etc. Allow main menu back ground, borders, text font, text color to be changed. May not sound like much, but something like this if it had a little depth would certainly add alot of flavor. Imagine, having the menus and or backgroud set to you favorite colors and theme. Maybe you really live corvettes, then build a background out of your corvette photo's etc.
There's only one thing I actually want in GT5. And it's so important, not only will it dictate whether or not I buy the game, it will also determine when/if I buy a PS3.

But the one thing I want more than anything is the chase camera movement from GT1-3. The rigid movement in GT4 is the reason I stopped playing the game--I just couldn't take it anymore!
Learn to you really want to ditch Gran Turismo and the PS3 just because of a view? (I agree more flexible view should be brought back but yeah)
The behind the car views are always a matter of taste. The floating camera and the rigid camera both have their good and bad points. But some people can't adjust very easily. Maybe this is another option which should be included. I'm in love with the hood cam myself, but I like having as many options as possible, and apparently the drivers view is in the game, so that should make some of you very happy.

The skinning idea was mostly an idle thought, but I do think that sort of thing is coming. I imagine that Polyphony's artists will try to make some bold statements in GT5 and want their work fixed so it's a universal experience for everyone on every PS3. What I would really beg for is the chance to arrange my music tracks for everything, not just races, even the menus. I seriously want to have Polyphony provide a huge music library of all the tracks from ALL the Gran Turismos from all the markets, and let me pick and choose what goes where, and even how often or infrequently it's played. Not to leave out the opportunity to load in my own music along with them. I'd love to record some original music and have it in my game. :dopey:
Could be possible, recording your own music or uploading other tracks...if I recall the famous "black" playstation once had a tank game for it that you could use your own music had to switch discs...but it worked..naturally PS3 would have a more advanced way but I wouldn't mind a bit of that myself, driving to a bit of Meatloaf or AC/DC as opposed to some of the stuff they have now
Learn to you really want to ditch Gran Turismo and the PS3 just because of a view? (I agree more flexible view should be brought back but yeah)
I tried, but it proved to be unbearable. It's like playing F12002 for PC with the chase camera. The movement is so incredibly unnatural that I simply cannot drive well.

And I couldn't care less how beautiful GT5 looks or how many cars/tracks it has, because if it's unplayable, none of that stuff matters.
I sympathise, believe me, had that kind of trouble with other games that had similar problems...namingly GT3...hated the chase view in that especially on big cars, shame because that forced me into the other view.
Having searched all the GT4 tracks pretty hard, I'm wondering something.

It's a bit of a dudefest isn't it? What's that all about? Everyone who watches the racing is a man! Come on PD, what are you saying here? Is this some kind of homo-erotic male bonding thing or what? Are there no women or children living in Amalfi or Citta Di Aria?

So, just like at real race meetings, we need to see some women and children and people of different ages. Maybe some of the women could be quite unattractive too, like in real life. (Sorry ladies, many of you are also lovely, I'm just suggesting a balance!)

Has anyone anything to say about this?
Well the most important thing that they should do is get the damn cars right. I just got the game and transferd all my cash. I bought the Dodge Charger and they offer a Racing chip. The Dodge Charger has No computer so how can you use a computer chip with it? Also the Dodge Charger never came with Traction control and all that other ****. You should'nt be able to put it on. But everything else they got right. Like its hard to stop the car because its ****ing heavy, has drum brakes. They did a real nice job with game play better then GT3.