Top Gear Track !!!!


Guyz .. lemme say hi to all the guyz im from Iran and lived in U.A.E most my life and Im a big fan of the GT series .. played them from GT1 all the way to GT5P which I got (finally) last night. but then again im having trouble updating it ... anyways , i was thinking of asking the GT5 guyz to have the TOP GEAR TRACK... that way we can compete with the stig and celebs :D ... So Jeremy Clarkson get on your stubborn side and make BBC and GT do this :D

You're prayers have been answered, the Top Gear track will be in GT5. :)
Thats quick response lol:D
Yeah theres been talk about this for a fair while now, I think the more tracks the better so...bring it on;)
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Do they actually race on that? I've only ever seen stars in a reasonably priced car and the stig doing hotlaps. Looks too narrow to have any overtaking places.
The test track will be more for hotlaps, more than likely, although, with no walls to ride, the best times should be more than accurate. I could see a few license tests taking place there, with the "Reasonably Priced Car," even.
They do race on this track but its only ever two cars at a time. Apart from on race i can think of. Theirs a version of this track on GTR 2 and with too many cars it can get ugly..

Also sorry Jim Prower i hit report instead of reply. My bad
Do they actually race on that? I've only ever seen stars in a reasonably priced car and the stig doing hotlaps. Looks too narrow to have any overtaking places.

Yeah, they've had several two car races (usually, something like Clarkson in like an Evo versus a qualified race driver in a Lambo), cat and mouse races and Im pretty sure I remember at least one race where there were 3 or 4 of them racing different cars for whatever reason.
I said "races" with the speech marks because they didnt really have much of a go at it, its usually just more TV-show than actual racing.
Regardless of online mode it's going to be a hoot taking a Suzuki Liana round this and trying to beat Simon Cowell :D

Then there's all the stig tracktests to try and outdo...
I imagine someone'll break Stigissimo's lap records in a virtual world, that sort of thing happens, especially with Polyphony Digital's special tires.
Seeing as they probably dont change around the tyres much on Top Gear, you'd be using N-S tyres for a fair lap time, and those tyres are pretty accurate last I checked on GT5P. ;)
But, yes, of course people will beat the Stig times, because Stig did those times in a real life enviroment, where he is limited by the fact he does in fact worry about the car. People driving on a game will not be held back by any kind of fear and therefore will run faster times more easily. (I believe this was covered in a Top Gear episode actually).
Seeing as they probably dont change around the tyres much on Top Gear, you'd be using N-S tyres for a fair lap time, and those tyres are pretty accurate last I checked on GT5P. ;)
But, yes, of course people will beat the Stig times, because Stig did those times in a real life enviroment, where he is limited by the fact he does in fact worry about the car. People driving on a game will not be held back by any kind of fear and therefore will run faster times more easily. (I believe this was covered in a Top Gear episode actually).
Yes this is true, however that does not mean to say that those laps set in real life are not going to be hard to beat, because I believe they will be pretty decent laps when pulling the same time on GT.👍
This could be used online... just in private rooms though, it'd be awesome to just tear around the airfield rather then the track :)
What I really would like to see once the game is released is a section called "Beat the Stig" where he drives one car around the track and sets a time and you try and beat it. And every month he would try another car .
Im just thinking how they'll get around the odd figure of 8 configuration.

theyll probably add a bridge or something and call it the unofficial top gear track or they will keep it as it is and only do time trials on
Or just make cars ghost through if they arent in the same part as you are. Maybe make them invicible!