Tornado Outbreak


Two heads, no brains...
United Kingdom
There is a major tornado outbreak occurring in the Ohio valley and southeast regions of the USA. Many tornadoes have been spotted. I wish everyone affected the best of luck. If anyone lives in the area or has spotted a tornado/funnel cloud/supercell, please post and tell us your experiences. Once again, I wish the best of luck to all those affected. You can get more information here and see the national radar here. Updates will be posted as new information comes in.

Update: Here is an article I found. Apparently a whole town has been wiped out.

Nashville seems to have been hit very hard.

Henryville, IN has been hit with an EF4 tornado:
The scary thing is that my mother's friend lives in Borden.
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I was in downtown Cincinnati when the storms rolled in. I was listening to 700 the whole was exciting sitting in that traffic jam knowing a tornado producing storm was headed nearly right for me.









Currently the full extent of the damage today is unknown. They are still looking for survivors and even having trouble just contacting some towns because all communication lines are down. I'm watching the news right now and there are still areas where they don't know how bad things are and others where the police are having to beg people to get off the roads because emergency responders are getting caught in traffic jams from looky-loos. The governor has declared an emergency disaster statewide so that affected areas have immediate access to state emergency resources.

Nothing but some small hail hit around me and all my friends and family are fine and accounted for. I left work and was pulling into my in-laws' driveway as the tornado sirens began going off. They have a basement, we don't so we stayed there until the storms passed.

I haven't seen any of the other GTP folks that I know are in the affected areas on tonight, but it would be great to hear from them.

Oh wow, the news just signed off. Earlier they interviewed a woman who couldn't find her 13-year-old daughter. Instead of the usual "thanks for watching" sign off they followed up that during the broadcast the woman found her daughter and she is fine.
My family is in Missouri. Nothing major as of yet, but I lived in Springfield for many years, which is right outside of Joplin. The tornado that hit there last year was unbelievably devastating.
Up here in Canuckistan we're getting really high winds, obviously not tornado winds, but gusting over 100km/h, it's pretty loud outside.
Several people were killed yesterday by tornadoes just a few miles from my current location. I'm very thankful to have made it through unscathed, but my thoughts and prayers are with all of those who have been affected by these storms.
Hope everyone is ok. I know how scary it is having one a few miles from you ESPECIALLY when you aren't used to it. This one happened a few miles south of me WHILE I WAS ON A BIKE RIDE AND COMING RIGHT AT ME. I about crapped myself. Happened right across the street from a large amusement park while the rides were still going. (July 25th 2009)


I just heard about this on the evening news, I hope all the GTP'ers out there are OK.
I live just outside Nashville. There was just minor damage from golf ball sized hail. I was in the hospital when this occured. An hour later, the loud speaker came on announcing "Code Black". (Sevre Weather) Before the bad weather came in there was 40 mph gusts.:scared:
This is some crazy weather we are having so far this year.

It is not even Spring yet and there has been 3 Tornadoes close to my area.I fear that the warmer it starts to get the worse these storms will be.

I'm not liking the way this year is going so far, weather wise.I have a feeling that something catastrophic will happen this year in or near my area.The reason I say this is because I have lived here for 30 years now and I've never seen weather like this before.I believe it's just going to get worse.
I'm lucky to live in a location where tornadoes like this are very rare. Never seen one here.
This is some crazy weather we are having so far this year.

It is not even Spring yet and there has been 3 Tornadoes close to my area.I fear that the warmer it starts to get the worse these storms will be.

I'm not liking the way this year is going so far, weather wise.I have a feeling that something catastrophic will happen this year in or near my area.The reason I say this is because I have lived here for 30 years now and I've never seen weather like this before.I believe it's just going to get worse.

Outbreaks of this degree aren't common, but they do happen. April 3, 1974 had 178 confirmed tornadoes in nearly the exact same region as this one. What does make this one very different is how early in the year it is, but even then tornadoes this early in the year is not unheard of. That said, an unusually large outbreak, at an unusual time of year can raise questions. What the answers to those questions are, I can't say.

There is a new issue for the victims of this disaster though. We got 4 inches of snow last night. People have been trying to pick through their belongings, utilities are trying to get running again, and there are still missing people being searched for. Snow doesn't help that situation at all.
Outbreaks of this degree aren't common, but they do happen. April 3, 1974 had 178 confirmed tornadoes in nearly the exact same region as this one. What does make this one very different is how early in the year it is, but even then tornadoes this early in the year is not unheard of. That said, an unusually large outbreak, at an unusual time of year can raise questions. What the answers to those questions are, I can't say.

There is a new issue for the victims of this disaster though. We got 4 inches of snow last night. People have been trying to pick through their belongings, utilities are trying to get running again, and there are still missing people being searched for. Snow doesn't help that situation at all.

I didn't realize there were that many in '74.Was Northeast TN part of that region?

I just find it odd that for 28 years nothing,just some occasional bad storms and winter.2 years ago all this chaos(well bad weather)starts.In 2007 we started to get some pretty furious Thunderstorms and extremely violent winds.It slowly started to escalate as the years passed.2011 we got a Tornado just 5 miles from where I live.This year there has been 4 spotted in a 20 mile radius of where I live from 3 different storms.Technically it's still winter,which makes it all a bit scary.Is it going to get worse the warmer it gets?I hope not.

I see your from Kentucky.I seen that you guys got hit pretty hard from the recent storms as I had my eyes glued to the radar.I hope all is well up your way and I hope the victims of this are ok.
My brother is a paramedic down in Mississippi. He's not had the best month of March. Thankfully he's been safe.
I didn't realize there were that many in '74.Was Northeast TN part of that region?
Alabama to Ohio, and many F4 and F5 tornadoes. My parents lost their home. They found their picnic table five miles away. My dad saw his pickup truck get lifted at the tail and drug about 15 feet.

I just find it odd that for 28 years nothing,just some occasional bad storms and winter.2 years ago all this chaos(well bad weather)starts.In 2007 we started to get some pretty furious Thunderstorms and extremely violent winds.It slowly started to escalate as the years passed.2011 we got a Tornado just 5 miles from where I live.This year there has been 4 spotted in a 20 mile radius of where I live from 3 different storms.Technically it's still winter,which makes it all a bit scary.
Tennessee is likely a bit south to see as much as my region of Kentucky, because the Gulf Stream loves to bounce north and south of the Ohio Valley. I cannot remember a year without taking cover multiple times. Tornado drills began in my school in March. When I was in college at Western Kentucky University in Bowling Green we were hit by tornadoes from the same storm that sent tornadoes through downtown Nashville, one of the few touchdowns in a major metropolitan area that I know of. That storm shut down our library for a week and classes were canceled for a couple of days due to flooding in a number of buildings. Going outside tornadoes I can list a long line of extreme weather events in my lifetime. But that is to be expected when you live along the path of the Gulf Stream.

Is it going to get worse the warmer it gets?I hope not.
If it gets warm and stays warm, no. This kind of weather is caused by instability in the atmosphere. This event was triggered by very warm, moist air coming up from the Gulf of Mexico (it hit 70 degrees here Friday) colliding into a mass of very cold, very dry air (it was 33 degrees Saturday morning). When two bodies collide like that the air naturally tries to balance out, which can be a violent process if it happens quickly.

I see your from Kentucky.I seen that you guys got hit pretty hard from the recent storms as I had my eyes glued to the radar.I hope all is well up your way and I hope the victims of this are ok.
No one I know was affected, but one of the community organizers from work is based near West Liberty, which had a tornado tear through downtown just as people were preparing to go home for the day.
Glad to hear he is safe man. 👍

Thanks. It's different for him I guess. Regular civilians go hide in their basements and bathtubs while he's out driving around trying to rescue people.

It's hard for the rest of us to relate, being from California. My dad is from Missouri so he knows what's up, but tornadoes are alien to me. I'll take earthquakes instead of tornadoes and hurricanes any day of the week.
A Tornado passed through the town of Dallas about ~10 miles South of my house. It wasn't a major tornado, but it did do a good bit of damage. Thankfully, no one was killed and as far as I know nobody was severely injured.
Alabama to Ohio, and many F4 and F5 tornadoes. My parents lost their home. They found their picnic table five miles away. My dad saw his pickup truck get lifted at the tail and drug about 15 feet.

Tennessee is likely a bit south to see as much as my region of Kentucky, because the Gulf Stream loves to bounce north and south of the Ohio Valley. I cannot remember a year without taking cover multiple times. Tornado drills began in my school in March. When I was in college at Western Kentucky University in Bowling Green we were hit by tornadoes from the same storm that sent tornadoes through downtown Nashville, one of the few touchdowns in a major metropolitan area that I know of. That storm shut down our library for a week and classes were canceled for a couple of days due to flooding in a number of buildings. Going outside tornadoes I can list a long line of extreme weather events in my lifetime. But that is to be expected when you live along the path of the Gulf Stream.

If it gets warm and stays warm, no. This kind of weather is caused by instability in the atmosphere. This event was triggered by very warm, moist air coming up from the Gulf of Mexico (it hit 70 degrees here Friday) colliding into a mass of very cold, very dry air (it was 33 degrees Saturday morning). When two bodies collide like that the air naturally tries to balance out, which can be a violent process if it happens quickly.

No one I know was affected, but one of the community organizers from work is based near West Liberty, which had a tornado tear through downtown just as people were preparing to go home for the day.

Sorry to hear your parents lost their home.I couldn't imagine what goes through a persons head when something of that nature happens.

The reason I said when it gets warmer it may get worse is because of how our Winter has been.It's been cold for a couple of weeks then warm for a couple weeks,cold for a couple of weeks,then warm for a couple of weeks and so on.If this type of pattern keeps going on it will just get worse the warmer it gets since eventually the colder air and warmer air will meet.From the looks of our storms we have had over the past two years I would have to guess that this year will be much worse.

Thanks. It's different for him I guess. Regular civilians go hide in their basements and bathtubs while he's out driving around trying to rescue people.

It's hard for the rest of us to relate, being from California. My dad is from Missouri so he knows what's up, but tornadoes are alien to me. I'll take earthquakes instead of tornadoes and hurricanes any day of the week.

Your brother is a trooper.Some of that weather can get pretty intense,especially down in his area.

Speaking of Earthquakes our area had a small tremor that happened last year.There is a small fault line in TN that is near my area.I was at work when it happened so I didn't notice anything.
Sorry to hear your parents lost their home.I couldn't imagine what goes through a persons head when something of that nature happens.
They built the house I grew up in. They were planning to move into a larger home anyway because they were planning to have kids, and had my brother the next year.

The reason I said when it gets warmer it may get worse is because of how our Winter has been.It's been cold for a couple of weeks then warm for a couple weeks,cold for a couple of weeks,then warm for a couple of weeks and so on.If this type of pattern keeps going on it will just get worse the warmer it gets since eventually the colder air and warmer air will meet.From the looks of our storms we have had over the past two years I would have to guess that this year will be much worse.
I worry more that a mild winter with little typical winter weather leads to very hot summers with droughts.
They built the house I grew up in. They were planning to move into a larger home anyway because they were planning to have kids, and had my brother the next year.

I worry more that a mild winter with little typical winter weather leads to very hot summers with droughts.

Speaking of droughts,i think it was back in 2007 or 2008,We had hardly any rain for the whole summer.It was so bad that the grass was starting to turn brown.I think i may have mowed the yard maybe 8-10 times that summer.

Our winter here this year was pretty mild.We had one snow and it didn't amount to much.2 years ago it was the complete opposite.We had snow every day here.I think you guys had the same snow storms we had.

But yeah now that you mention it,a drought may happen this year,but it will depend on what the Gulf does,since we get most of our bad storms from the Gulf of Mexico during the spring/summer months.
Speaking of droughts,i think it was back in 2007 or 2008,We had hardly any rain for the whole summer.It was so bad that the grass was starting to turn brown.I think i may have mowed the yard maybe 8-10 times that summer.

Our winter here this year was pretty mild.We had one snow and it didn't amount to much.2 years ago it was the complete opposite.We had snow every day here.I think you guys had the same snow storms we had.

But yeah now that you mention it,a drought may happen this year,but it will depend on what the Gulf does,since we get most of our bad storms from the Gulf of Mexico during the spring/summer months.

I think that was 2008. I didn't really notice, as i was 11. But it was pretty bad.:indiff:
I think that was 2008. I didn't really notice, as i was 11. But it was pretty bad.:indiff:

Yeah it was bad man.I can remember everytime I would go to my car you would hear...crunch,crunch,crunch.That was how bad the grass was.The air wasn't that great either.I play a lot of Disc Golf and that year was tough on the breathing.
I play a lot of Disc Golf and that year was tough on the breathing.
But good for finding those out of bounds discs. Or am I the only one that has a problem with that?

2008 was the year we had the hurricane remnants pass through with winds still in the 60-80mph range, so the drought that year was a distant memory.