No, not true at all. The only reason that people use my tunes is because I'm one of the few that post my tunes here, not a very wide selection to choose from. If you and the rest of the big garages posted tunes here, then I would fade away into darkness....people would totally forget about me. All I am is just a fill in, substitute if you will. And you know, I'm totally fine with that because in the process, I'm meeting a lot of cool people and making some good friends, so its all good and I am totally fine with that. My situation here is like my rankings on the leaderboards....some stupid noob has to take over while the big dogs are away.

Don't get me wrong, I love helping people and am totally blown away by all the compliments and really appreciate them, but at the end of the day, I am just the substitute....the real deals will be back soon enough. 👍 (Probably after the Academy)