Track Creater Racing Series

  • Thread starter gr1d
Hey everyone,

Thought I'd throw an idea out there that I've had for a while to see if anybody else is interested. I've got a couple non-gtp friends that are interested already. So, onto the idea ...

Instead of just browsing everyone's tracks and sampling them one by one, often alone, I was thinking of getting a few people that like to make a bunch of tracks together for a small racing series to sample them. The plan is to get everyone to make one course each per series, set restrictions on car settings for their course, then race them together. You'd be able to select a good group of car settings for your course, ideally using some sort of easily obtainable car or restrictions that cars can be bought somewhat inexpensively (but that's up for debate). We'd only keep track of points for fun.

I'm thinking of trying to run this once per week, or every other week, depending on interest. It'll happen on a weeknight around 7-8pm Pacific. I'd be happy starting with at least 6 people. Again, this is mostly for fun and to enjoy the tracks that others are creating, not to see who's the best racer. I posted this in this section because it is more about finding a fun way to sample other people's tracks than the racing series where we could track points just for fun.

So there it is. Feel free to reply to the post or message PSN gr1d if you are interested and we can all work together to get something going.
Hey everyone,

Thought I'd throw an idea out there that I've had for a while to see if anybody else is interested. I've got a couple non-gtp friends that are interested already. So, onto the idea ...

Instead of just browsing everyone's tracks and sampling them one by one, often alone, I was thinking of getting a few people that like to make a bunch of tracks together for a small racing series to sample them. The plan is to get everyone to make one course each per series, set restrictions on car settings for their course, then race them together. You'd be able to select a good group of car settings for your course, ideally using some sort of easily obtainable car or restrictions that cars can be bought somewhat inexpensively (but that's up for debate). We'd only keep track of points for fun.

I'm thinking of trying to run this once per week, or every other week, depending on interest. It'll happen on a weeknight around 7-8pm Pacific. I'd be happy starting with at least 6 people. Again, this is mostly for fun and to enjoy the tracks that others are creating, not to see who's the best racer. I posted this in this section because it is more about finding a fun way to sample other people's tracks than the racing series where we could track points just for fun.

So there it is. Feel free to reply to the post or message PSN gr1d if you are interested and we can all work together to get something going.

Hey, if an online racing series is something you're after, it's not possible at the moment with any custom courses.
Are you freaking kidding me!!! They put in the ability to race other people online, make tracks, share them with friends, but not the race on them with friends... what were they thinking. Guess I should have checked into that before getting bored racing them alone and then making this thread. Oh well, hopefully they add it in a patch and I'll bring this thread back to life then.
^ I thought we could use our own tracks in My Lounge.
Good initiative though. I'm in for it :)
GMT+12 my way though. Hope it doesn't get in the way of things because our night times are usually the best for me (which would be... an even later night for you?)..
Finally, the newest patch added this feature. If anybody would like to give this a spin I'm getting some friends online this Wednesday at 8pm Pacific. We'll cycle through people courses and the course creator will choose a Performance Point range for people to use for their course.

If interested, add 'gr1d' to friends on PSN and send a message.
Finally, the newest patch added this feature. If anybody would like to give this a spin I'm getting some friends online this Wednesday at 8pm Pacific. We'll cycle through people courses and the course creator will choose a Performance Point range for people to use for their course.

If interested, add 'gr1d' to friends on PSN and send a message.

Sign me up. PSN GT-R_HumboldtEF

I sent you a friend request.

I was racing in a friends lounge the other day and found that anybody in the room can select a track (I dont think it works this way in an open/public lobby), which is great for this kind of racing. this way we wont be stuck with just the hosts tracks, anybody can contribute. This will work great as long as there's some order to it, if not it could be chaotic.

One downside is that If I like a track that we had just run, I cant download it unless I ask the creator to share it, so it can be downloaded later. I liked the way Modnation Racers allowed players to download the tracks they had just run on the spot.
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Hey Grog, I added you to friends.

Also, I tested out the lobby and the sharing of tracks there and it seemed to work great. I can see how it could be a bit hectic with people fighting for control, but we're all in the lobby for the same reason so it should be fine. I'm guessing most ppl have mics anyways, and if they don't, they can struggle slowly typing :).

So I'll just start a lobby at 8 tomorrow and everyone can join through friends list. We'll then cycle through courses with the course creator choosing the PP range.

Finally, s2k2k3. Hop into the lobby whenever you get home and join us. Hopefully it'll be fun times.
Make sure the host has every entrant as a friend.
All entrants set their track to 'online/share'
The host visits each friends community tab and downloads their track, adding them to his favorites.
The host will now have all the entrants tracks in his 'My tracks' drop down in the online (open or lounge) lobby.👍
Make sure the host has every entrant as a friend.
All entrants set their track to 'online/share'
The host visits each friends community tab and downloads their track, adding them to his favorites.
The host will now have all the entrants tracks in his 'My tracks' drop down in the online (open or lounge) lobby.👍

You dont have to go to all that trouble. In private lobbys anybody in the room can select any one of their own tracks (it doesn't even have to be a favorite or shared). This just requires a bit of order to keep things running smoothly, basicly everyone in the room has the "power" of being Host.

So instead of having a dozen or so tracks with your method, private lobbys can have as many tracks as you can shake a stick at.
I'd be interested, as I like trying other people's tracks, and friendly racing. Also, some constructive criticism on my own wouldn't hurt either. Anyways, a friend request will be coming soon. Depending on the times though, it may be an issue for me. Wouldn't the weekends work better for everyone? I'm on the east coast, so it wouldn't start until midnight for me, which is a bit much for a weekday.
Great fun was had by all. :) We'll definately do it again.

Here are the 2 tracks I shared in the lounge.


Sure you can add me PSN GT-R_HumboldtEF. I'd be up for some racing.

Since no one has mentioned it yet at the last race we decided to meet on thursdays at 8:00 pst.
I could post up on of my tracks if the host wants to grab it and throw it in the rotation...

Name a length, I've got quite a few. I'll swap in out for the one that's being shared right now.

Anyway, add me, I'd like to play around on some of y'all's custom tracks. :)
I could post up on of my tracks if the host wants to grab it and throw it in the rotation...

In a private lounge anybody can change the track. All of your tracks will be available to you. We just take turns setting the track and the cars.

The next time I'm going to do a couple of theme races.

First one is the Sedan Scramble. 4-doors go door-to-door at Hampton Rhoads!

490PP Sport Soft tires.


Next is the Super Car Super Speedway. Set it up for top speed and stability. You will never drop below 160mph on this oval track

650PP Exotics. Race Soft tires. Street cars only.

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Hey guys, hopefully more people will continue to show interest. We're trying to get everyone online again tonight as we talked about online last week. I won't be able to host it this time because I'm going to a concert tonight. ElBobino said he's down to host this time though. Have fun and see you all next time :)
Ok I was hoping to save space in my friends list but that only works if Gr1d is gonna host. I think we should all friend each other just so we can each host when needed.

Just to double check, is this the right spelling for this users psn, ElBobino? He hasn't posted here so i'm unsure.

S2k2k3 Do you have ElBobino as a friend? if so i'll join up with you so I can find the room, unless ElBobino adds me soon.
Ok I was hoping to save space in my friends list but that only works if Gr1d is gonna host. I think we should all friend each other just so we can each host when needed.

Just to double check, is this the right spelling for this users psn, ElBobino? He hasn't posted here so i'm unsure.

S2k2k3 Do you have ElBobino as a friend? if so i'll join up with you so I can find the room, unless ElBobino adds me soon.

ElBobino hasn't added me yet.
Ok Elbobino added me, so join me after 8:00 and we should be able to connect if he hasnt added you yet.

If anybody else wants to join you can add me and join me online to connect, psn GT-R_HumboldtEF
This is just what I've been looking to start and for.
Is this still going every Thursday? I would be available this week, since I'm on break. I've got a couple tracks that I think are pretty good that I'd love to share.