I uploaded my new track Rosarito 2, Its a fairly simple track 3.2 miles long, 25 turns (that doesn't sound right I count around 12), 206 ft elevation, top speed around 180-190 MPH.
We'll run street cars 600 PP RS tires, No Downforce/Aero.
Heres turn 1, pretty much flat out provided you hit the apex
This is the first complex of turns, 3rd gear
Turn 6 or so, 3rd or 4rth gear
Turn 7 a left hander up a slight hill, 3rd gear
turn 7 leads into a bit of a loop here
Same loop as it tightens up, 2nd or 3rd gear at the apex
Here is the final complex of S's, 3rd or 4rth gear
And finally the last turn, 3rd gear