Track has been transferred but can't see it in game

  • Thread starter MingMong
Hi all,

As per the title, I've created a track with the app on a galaxy tab 2 with no problems. I then transfer the track whilst signed in to psn on the app and get a message saying that it's been transferred . However I can't seem to see the track in the game itself!? I've downloaded a few other tracks from this website and can see them all, apart from my created track ? Any ideas? I've tried rebooting the app and signing in again , plus rebooting the PS3 aswell with no success .

Also how do I name the track that I've created? It's name is the date when it was created and I can't see where to change it!

Hope someone can help
When in game, move your cursor all the way right, there is a track importer, where you choose load track button, coz if you want to use track you need to test it with at least one full lap. After this done, you will be able to save the track, where you can edit name and /or add description. ;)
As the guy above said, import it, do a lap, then you'll be told that your track can now be saved.

When you go to save it, you'll be able to rename it, etc.