Transgender Thread.

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Transgender is...?

  • Ok for anyone

    Votes: 15 30.0%
  • Ok as long as it's binary (Male to Female or vice versa)

    Votes: 1 2.0%
  • Wrong

    Votes: 7 14.0%
  • No one's business except the person involved

    Votes: 23 46.0%
  • Don't care

    Votes: 4 8.0%

  • Total voters
I've had mine added in my email signature for a while despite the fact that my name and overall expression are pretty indicative that I'm masculine-presenting.

Some people might say it's virtue signalling but I prefer to think of it as subtle "hi I'm not secretly transphobic and I'll absolutely respect what you go by" to anyone who might be a little unsure or worried about the vibes of their workplace.
This is where the value of LGBT pins comes in when working in healthcare, especially ones that give your pronouns.

These gotchas really reveal more about the person posting rather than Biden.

Trump saying "grab em by the *****" YES PLEASE
Trump being convicted of rape - OK!
Biden doing this - ASSAULT!!!!!
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I’d like to think that most trans people just want to get on with their lives and not preach.
Like take a piss without being harassed.

The presence of any individual who doesn't fit your conceptions of sex or gender in any shared space isn't harm to others. Know what is harm? Actual real harm. And actual real harm may be perpetrated by those what do fit your conceptions of sex or gender. More than that, literally any rat what wishes to perpetrate actual real harms can just enter a shared space and perpetrate actual real harms. Prohibiting trannies doesn't actually protect anyone, but bigotry is the point and harms will still be perpetrated even as the bigoted vermin gets what it wants.
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I never said anything of the sort
Thats exactly what you said.
but there are some very vocal trans people pushing dangerous ideologies.
Citation required
In a way, those vocal types are doing a disservice to those who are not.
So they shouldn't talk about what exactly?
I’d like to think that most trans people just want to get on with their lives and not preach.
Define preaching?

You're advocating for limiting the speech of trans individuals, so what are these limits, and why do they need to be applied?
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Can we don't?

This isn't to say that I think it's unreasonable to ask as much or that I don't intend to respect that, but any time I have used the term I have only done so as a simple abbreviation and not to denigrate any person because they're transgender. I'm an old dog with old tricks but I can learn new ones and I will make a sincere effort.
In what world do you think that banning gendered toilets is fair?
Is anyone actually trying to do this? I've heard this a few times online and have never found any evidence for it.
I expect the "logic" (not the word I'm looking for but it'll have to do) is that when anyone can identify their way in regardless of gender or biological sex--willy/nilly--then gendered bathrooms are de facto banned. "StOp ErAsInG wOmEn."
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Most people aren't disabled. Let's not let the views of a few disabled people ruin everything. We can start with you.

Perhaps you can see why this sort of wholesale dismissal of the opinion of a minority group might be harmful. Given how disabled people are treated generally, I expect you've experienced this first hand. Yet you can't extrapolate your own experience to other minority groups who would benefit from recognition and support and negligible or nil cost to the general population.
No no, hang on, I'm not asking for people to address me in ridiculous terms that don't make any sense. All I want is to have equal opportunity. I'm not on a crusade to completely change people's world view and bully them for not agreeing with me. Yes, I realise that trans people have their concerns and issues but they should be dealt with quietly.
No no, hang on, I'm not asking for people to address me in ridiculous terms that don't make any sense.
All I want is to have equal opportunity. I'm not on a crusade to completely change people's world view and bully them for not agreeing with me. Yes, I realise that trans people have their concerns and issues but they should be dealt with quietly.
Both times the word trans was mentioned (either -gender or -vestite), you went on a tirade. What's up with that?
No no, hang on, I'm not asking for people to address me in ridiculous terms that don't make any sense. All I want is to have equal opportunity. I'm not on a crusade to completely change people's world view and bully them for not agreeing with me. Yes, I realise that trans people have their concerns and issues but they should be dealt with quietly.
Ah right, so it's okay to deal with disabled issues as long as they don't make too much of a fuss and disrupt other people's lives. Just be a quiet little disabled and stay in your line, am I right?

Maybe you can just stop disrupting the Islam conversation with your unrelated transphobia then?
They/them is a strange way of being addressed because they aren't singular terms.
Both times the word trans was mentioned (either -gender or -vestite), you went on a tirade. What's up with that?
I did not go on a tirade.
Ah right, so it's okay to deal with disabled issues as long as they don't make too much of a fuss and disrupt other people's lives. Just be a quiet little disabled and stay in your line, am I right?
Maybe you can just stop disrupting the Islam conversation with your unrelated transphobia then?
Done. But I'm not transphobic.
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Then what was the point you were trying to make?
That asking to be addressed with a plural is silly.
Still doesn't excuse your take on transvestites. The Jaguar ad was crap too, but I'm still not going out of my way to ridicule/generalize people dressing funny.
In that context it didn't make any sense.
That asking to be addressed with a plural is silly.
I see, but you were replying to Imari's post.

But I digress, anyway! I don't quite understand what you meant - they/them are pronouns meant mostly for non-binary, (and genderfluid, I suppose?). Even transgender people choose either he/him or she/her.

So, how else should we refer to enby, then? It/its? I don't think so. That's much worse and degrading than they/them.
But I'm not transphobic.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you undeniably radiate some anti-trans energy. You should simply accept the fact that there are many different kinds of people in this world. Even you, although not on the discussed sexual identity side of things, at least not that I know of.

And, should you choose not to accept the so-called third gender, that's fine, but keep it to yourself at least.
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But I digress, anyway! I don't quite understand what you meant - they/them are pronouns meant mostly for non-binary, (and genderfluid, I suppose?). Even transgender people choose either he/him or she/her.

So, how else should we refer to enby, then? It/its? I don't think so. That's much worse and degrading than they/them.
This person.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you undeniably radiate some anti-trans energy. You should simply accept the fact that there are many different kinds of people in this world. Even you, although not on the discussed sexual identity side of things, at least not that I know of.
I can accept the existence of trans people. But not when it destroys an existing brand and is made out to be "normal" when it's not. The people featured in the Jaguar ad are very few and far between in reality.
"Take a look at what this person said"

It doesn't assume anyone's gender so by nature it's inclusive... Right? When I come up to talk to someone, I ask "How are you? What's your name?" instead of "What are your pronouns?". I don't even bring gender into it.
When I come up to talk to someone, I ask "How are you? What's your name?" instead of "What are your pronouns?". I don't even bring gender into it.
No sane person should ever ask for pronouns (even if they are curious). That's a first for me. :lol:

That's nearly the equivalent for asking how old a woman is, or how much they weigh.
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No sane person should ever ask for pronouns (even if they are curious). That's a first for me. :lol:

That's nearly the equivalent for asking how old a woman is, or how much they weigh.
That asking to be addressed with a plural is silly.
They/them can be used as a plural pronoun, or as a singular where the gender isn't known.

"Hey, someone left the lights on in here. Do you know if they're gonna be back later or should I just turn them off?"

Perfectly normal sentence that uses "they" to refer to a singular person of unknown or unspecified gender. You should learn how to use English yourself before you start trying to designate how other people should and shouldn't use it.