Translations Going Wrong

  • Thread starter kikie
Just saw this in an article,

Damn that Amarica, imposing trade tariffs!
Russia: In the lobby of a Moscow hotel across from a Russian Orthodox monastery
You are welcome to visit the cemetery where famous Russian and Soviet composers, artists, and writers are buried daily except Thursday.
Serbia: in a Belgrade hotel elevator
To move the cabin, push button for wishing floor. If the cabin should enter more persons, each one should press a number of wishing floor. Driving is then going alphabetically by national order.
Though Nexus linked the entire video to Star War The Third Gathers: Backstroke of The West earlier, I doubt anyone would be willing to watch the entire movie. So I would like to share one part from it that I certainly can't ignore. If you saw the original, you probably remember Darth Vader saying "Nooooooooo", well here's the clip from Backtroke of The West:
Okay...what did they mean to say?

I think it's a direct translation of "n'esperer rien d'autre" which doesn't translate well in that context... the best translation for their purpose is that you could never hope for anything better.
Australia To Spain ~ The Mitsubishi four wheel drive marketed in Australia as the “Pajero” was the cause of great embarrassment in Spain where “Pajero” means “masturbator”.

* A British boy studying the language in Germany was riding the school bus home. As it was summer the bus became really hot. In a typically British way of asking for the window to be opened he implied it rather that clearly stated it so asked the boy next to him, 'Bist du heiss?' (Are you hot?). The boy turned and looked with a startled expression. All the other passengers started to giggle. In the end someone explained he had asked his fellow passenger if he 'felt hot' - i.e. was feeling passionate.

* An expat Brit had just moved to Japan and was at a welcome party held in their honour with their new Japanese colleagues. Having just come from Italy, when everyone raised their glasses for a toast he exclaimed "cin cin!" which means "cheers" in Italian. Unbeknown to the poor expat was that "cin cin" meant 'small penis' in Japanese.
The Mitsubishi four wheel drive marketed in Australia as the “Pajero” was the cause of great embarrassment in Spain where “Pajero” means “masturbator”.
Sega means something very similar in Italian.
Belfast is pronounced "Belf*szt" in Hungarian. It means 'the inner part of the penis'.

Kaunas is pronounced like "C*nnasse" and it means "B*tch" in french

Do these count?
Here’s one I see everyday at college. Apparently my teacher has some naggy software installed and with it, brings this :lol:

“Don’t reminder me again until next update”
Not the funniest thing ever posted, but kind of amusing anyway. :P
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