TRAVIAN : Browsergame :Build villages & go to war! NEW : TRAVIANER (info : last page)

  • Thread starter Max_DC
Coming home -
Troop movement:
» 1 Reinf. in 0:08:44 Std.

Raiding -
Troop movement:
« 1 Attack in 0:21:23 Std.

Being attacked -
Troop movement:
» 1 Attack in 12:36:13 Std.
Coming home -
Troop movement:
» 1 Reinf. in 0:08:44 Std.

Raiding -
Troop movement:
« 1 Attack in 0:21:23 Std.

Being attacked -
Troop movement:
» 1 Attack in 12:36:13 Std.

12 hours? :ill: Who is it? With that sort of delay there's a chance that siege weapons will be in the party... At least we can organise a strong defense if it's the case.

Edit - After reading previous posts, did I misread the post and it was to clarify the icons? :dunce: :P
I sent some troops from my 1st village to my 2nd.

Then I found that I couldn't move them or send them on raids using my second village.

Does it mean that If troops produced in a particular village is only usefull for that village, other than becoming reinforcement? 💡

So, there goes my idea of a 3rd village out there in the wilderness and then sending troops there for raids I guess...

Note: dbartucci, so how do you raid with your 2nd village?(i see many villages around your 2nd village got raided). I'm sure you don't raid them from your 1st.....or is there a way of doing it? Or, you build new troops there?
You can't send troops from one village to another, then use those troops to raid. If you want to raid with a village you have to use troops created at that village.

I just supported my second village with resources to get a barracks as fast as possible and begin raiding, I'm going to try to get about 20 legionnaires then start working on resources (other than food, if you can't feed your troops, they leave, so food is important), then upgrade my warehouse and granary and send enough resources to research equites imperatoris and raid the larger villages (70 pop.) instead of the smaller ones.

I really wish I could have sent troops to my new village, then used those troops to raid. I'd love to see the look on the faces of those guys with 50 pop, when the person with 11 pop beside them just raided them with 30 eq. imperatoris and 5 eq. caesaris.
sglebo hit me. He took 78 crops with 40 Legionnaires. I don't know how good that is per Legionnaire. It's not very impressive.
You can't send troops from one village to another, then use those troops to raid. If you want to raid with a village you have to use troops created at that village.

I just supported my second village with resources to get a barracks as fast as possible and begin raiding, I'm going to try to get about 20 legionnaires then start working on resources (other than food, if you can't feed your troops, they leave, so food is important), then upgrade my warehouse and granary and send enough resources to research equites imperatoris and raid the larger villages (70 pop.) instead of the smaller ones.

I really wish I could have sent troops to my new village, then used those troops to raid. I'd love to see the look on the faces of those guys with 50 pop, when the person with 11 pop beside them just raided them with 30 eq. imperatoris and 5 eq. caesaris.
What do you use for raiding?
What do you use for raiding?
I'm a Gaul. I use Theutates Thunders. They carry 75 resources each and have a speed of 19. For close raids, I use Phalanx and Swordfighters.

My turn for a question. When I start my second village, is a 4 4 3 7 layout good for Gauls? So far I havn't needed much iron, but I don't want to be screwed if that changes.
What do you use for raiding?

I'm not sure I understand your question. But in my #1 village I use a team of 28 equites imperatoris, and if necessary I add 3 equites caesaris.

In my #2 village I had 5 legionnaires, but 2 just died, so I have a team of 3 legionnaires.

My turn for a question. When i start my second village, is a 4 4 3 7 layout good for Gauls? So far I havn't needed much iron, but I don't want to be screwed if that changes.

Haeduans and trebuchets are iron intensive, but you can never have too many crops, especially when you start to build an army in the hundreds or thousands food use will be important.

Haeduan: 500 620 675 170
Trebuchet: 960 1450 630 90

I suspect many people are building their villages to specialize and cross-subsidize their other villages.

Village 1 - normal
Village 2 - lots of wood
Village 3 - lots of crops

Having said that, roman cavalry units use a lot of wood, so I build mine on a 5-3-4-6
I regret not choosing Teutons... not only they're strong raiders at the start, but their plunder bonus is just unbeatable... Let's say a farm has a cranny of 2000 ressources, a Teuton just have to farm them regularily enough so that ressources always below the cranny level. that gives him up to about 2500 total ressources per raid and if he times it right, not a single Roman or Gaul will get a slice of the pie while he's active... repeat that all day and you get all the farm income of your area, unless there is another Teuton nearby.

For days like yesterday where all farms were completely full of ressources, Romans and Gauls had a clear advantage (Gauls have the fastest troops, Romans are still quite fast and carry more ressources - I had 55 eq imperatoris + infantry carrying back full loads for quite a while...), but every other day wer're no match if a strong Teuton is in the neighborhood. The only time of day that farms are productive is during the night in Europe.

We have other advantages that are quite handy, but I'll trade them for this one any day!

Edit - @tb:

I picked up a spot like that for Cosenza and so far I had no problems at all, it's at 205 pop now. (altough I'm not Gaul, but I don't think your Iron needs are higher than us)
Jeez jpm. Your village is right behind mine in pop... bastard. :sly: :D


And Rome is fighting with witti's SECOND village for a place in the rankings... :boggled: (It's currently ranked 19th, and even then I'm losing)
To anyone that is looking for a good spot for their second village. The spot right below me at (-29|73) has 3,5,3,7. I see alot of people wishing they could find a spot with lots of clay and crop.
I should have hurried with my second village cause there was a 9 crop space right next to me but now it's gone. Once I have around 4 villages that is the spot I'm going to conquer first.
I was just attacked and am mildly annoyed by it.

Can someone with plus run me a sim of an attack in about 2.5 hours, I very much wish to kill my attackers troops, especially his druidriders.
I think that's my best raid ever:

Agresor DemonSeed de aldea Metropolis
Tropas 80 50 47 0 47 0 0 0 0 0
Pérdidas 10 6 6 0 6 0 0 0 0 0
Botín 3464 3464 3464 2127

Defensor Scipio de aldea Narbonensis
Tropas 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Pérdidas 44 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

and Im going back as soon as I can [he had 10k of each res when i scouted him :)]
That's a lot of dead legionnaires. :) If you need storage I've got space, I only have 2400/5100 1045/5100 2517/5100 3133/6400 right now.

Settlers should be along very very shortly for you then.

I just posted in our CFH forum about a new member.
Nice raid Demon! That's gotta be some sort of record among GTP players!

I'm also starting to look at locations for my second village, I'm still not sure what exactly I want, but I've pretty much made up my mind as to where m second village will go. I'll have to get a good cranny up very quickly, as there are some very strong players in my area. I'll probably leave the village undefended for a while, save for a scout just to see if anyone scouts me.

If everything goes according to plan, I should have my second village up by tomorrow afternoon.
db, I'm going to be gone for a while. Post your findings in here and someone else will have to run it. If not, I'll do it when I get back.

HOLY CRAP, DS!!! Nice job.
Looks at Demon's raid. Just holy crap!

My own production is slowly going up...
Wood: 48 per hour
Clay: 54 per hour
Iron: 48 per hour
Crop: 14 per hour

Crop will be 21 per hour shortly, upgrading another crop patch. Population is at 91. And I have 3 farms at the moment :D Wating to research sword fighters now.