Trueforce Feedback after update 1.49

  • Thread starter MontiZi
I played a bunch this weekend, I'm happy enough with the changes for now. My logitech pro wheel definitely feels much better in terms of wheel slip and rumble strips. I'm running Torque 7, wheel strength to 11, steering sensitivity 6, FFB sensitivity to 1. It felt better enough that I ended up doing way more than the weekly stuff this week and knocked out a few other races I had hanging around.
The Torque setting in-game and the Strength setting on the wheel are one and the same, so you currently have it set to 7Nm, not 11Nm. The GT7 torque setting takes priority over the wheel strength setting, unless you alter the wheel strength after GT7 has finished loading. With this configuration, if you were to alter the strength setting on the wheel after loading GT7, your torque output would go straight from 7Nm to whatever your new wheel setting is.
The Torque setting in-game and the Strength setting on the wheel are one and the same, so you currently have it set to 7Nm, not 11Nm. The GT7 torque setting takes priority over the wheel strength setting, unless you alter the wheel strength after GT7 has finished loading. With this configuration, if you were to alter the strength setting on the wheel after loading GT7, your torque output would go straight from 7Nm to whatever your new wheel setting is.
That is incorrect. The strength setting on the wheel base sets the torque range available to the wheel. In GT7 you set the actual output of the torque and then it utilizes the resources you've allocated from the base. Setting it to 11 on the base gives it the full dynamic range the wheel is capable of.

Setting to 7 on base and 7 in game is not the same as setting it to 11 on base and 7 in game.
That is incorrect. The strength setting on the wheel base sets the torque range available to the wheel. In GT7 you set the actual output of the torque and then it utilizes the resources you've allocated from the base. Setting it to 11 on the base gives it the full dynamic range the wheel is capable of.

Setting to 7 on base and 7 in game is not the same as setting it to 11 on base and 7 in game.

Game torque does indeed set the max possible torque output of the wheel and setting the in-game torque to 7Nm means you then have 11 graduations on the wheel, with 11 being the 7Nm max that you set in-game. Whilst that is true, it is important to know that, upon loading GT7, the wheel strength setting is COMPLETELY IGNORED unless you physically alter it on the wheel.

'Setting to 7 on base and 7 in game is not the same as setting it to 11 on base and 7 in game.'
This statement is correct, but only if you set the 7 on the base AFTER loading GT7, then the wheel will output 7/11th's of your 7Nm max. If you just load the game and don't alter the wheel, you'll get the full 7Nm that you set in-game.

For example... set your in-game torque to max and wheel strength to 1 and quit GT7.
Now load GT7 and play a game without touching your wheel strength setting.
The wheel will now output a full 11Nm despite your 1 setting on the wheel.

Now, with GT7 still running, manually change the wheel setting to 2 and your output torque will go straight from 11Nm to 2Nm, because the wheel is now overriding the game setting.

Potentially, you could leave your wheel at 1 and you will still have the full 1-11Nm range available in GT7 settings (as long as you don't touch the wheel setting).

The only advantage to how this works that I can see is if you don't ever want the wheel to output the full 11Nm, you can limit it in game and still adjust on the wheel within that limit.

Otherwise, you can either ignore the wheel setting altogether and only ever adjust torque in-game from 1-11Nm, or, set the in-game to max and do all your adjusting on the wheel (remembering to adjust it by at least 1 point on the wheel directly after GT7 loads up, or GT7 will ignore it).

I'm fairly sure that @LOGI_Rich would confirm all this.
The Torque setting in-game and the Strength setting on the wheel are one and the same, so you currently have it set to 7Nm, not 11Nm. The GT7 torque setting takes priority over the wheel strength setting, unless you alter the wheel strength after GT7 has finished loading. With this configuration, if you were to alter the strength setting on the wheel after loading GT7, your torque output would go straight from 7Nm to whatever your new wheel setting is.
Yep, I don't mess with the wheel ahead of time. I am also using a drivehub adapter in my loop as well. But I agree that 7NM is what i'm using.
One thing I noticed in the update is when your front tires scrub, we get some vibration there now or if it was there, it’s a different vibration. It’s not that bad, let’s you know how far you’ve gone, but I think it should fade in more, it feels ON/OFF right now. Wheel definitely feels a bit different overall, I will be leaving my settings alone until I drive more.
GT7 is back after 1.55!

Using the Logi G Pro on the Playseat Trophy and the feeling of the curbs is back similarly to how it was before 1.49.

Im trying to understand which settings actually affect how the game feels.

So only adjust in-game FFB Torque instead of wheel “strength” setting?
If wheel strength is adjusted, it will override in-game torque setting, but must be done after GT7 loads?

Does in-game FFB Sensitivity have any affect? I’ve tested settings 1 and 10, and do not feel a difference.

On my wheel I have the following settings:

Strength: 2 (to help me know when I’m using wheel settings instead of in-game)
TF Audio: 75
FFB Filter: 11
Damper: 10

Do any of the wheel audio, filter, and damper have any affect on the game when adjusted, or will it only work when adjusted after GT7 is loaded?
Yes FFB sensitivity has quite a noticeable effect. On 1 the wheel will feel numb around the center. So when you try to catch drift it will be harder to feel that point when tires starts to slip. On 10 the wheel gets tighter around the center and you can feel the tires a bit better. I find this settings needs to be adjusted depending on the car. I would use 10 for road cars and 5-7 for racing cars.
FYI Controller Steering Sensitivity has no effect on wheels - confirmed by Polyphony.
If I understood an old post of yours when all of this started, you indicated that the we should be adjusting the wheel settings themselves, but instead only alter the settings in GT7 and these are transcribed to the wheel by the game.

Would you mind clarifying once again which settings in GT7 have which effect on the Logitech G-Pro wheel?

The Max Torque setting affects the Strength on the wheel.
The Vibration setting affects the TF Audio on the wheel.

Whatever you set either of those to in-game will always be applied when the game starts, regardless of what is set on the wheel. Also remember that the in-game setting acts as a "cap" for the on-wheel settings. Example: if you set Max Torque to 5 then the wheel will only ever produce up to approx 5.5Nm of torque, even if the Strength setting is set to 11Nm. i.e. the on-wheel settings work as sliders within the range set by the in-game setting.

The FFB Sensitivity setting in-game will affect how sharp forces feel around the centre, but have no correlation with anything set on the wheel otherwise.
It should be, yes.

Edit: actually, it's slightly different because GT's torque has 10 settings and of course we're out of 11.

Set it at 7 in-game and 11Nm on the base... 11Nm x 70% = 7.7

Set it 10 in-game and 7Nm on the base... 7/11 = 64% (rounding up), so 63% of 11Nm is 7.04
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It should be, yes.

Edit: actually, it's slightly different because GT's torque has 10 settings and of course we're out of 11.

Set it at 7 in-game and 11Nm on the base... 11Nm x 70% = 7.7

Set it 10 in-game and 7Nm on the base... 7/11 = 64% (rounding up), so 63% of 11Nm is 7.04
Thanks, I wasn’t sure if the game set at 7 torque would be losing FFB effect headroom so to speak. Like having less dynamic range.

I guess I can try it sometime, torque 10 in game and dial in the wheel accordingly. Just thought you might have some insider information. Haha

I’ve noticed the wheel is a lot heavier again. The Daytona coupe was feather light before, now we’re back to having some weight in the wheel.
LOGI_Rich, settings
are still relevant for g923?

I'm gonna have to search for the new, after update settings as well. I didn't have the game before the patch so I don't know any difference. Everything is straight out of the box, no setting changes, and I think it is amazing but I guess it can always be better.
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I'm gonna have to search for the new, after update settings as well. I didn't have the game before the patch so I don't know any difference. Everything is straight out of the box, no setting changes, and I think it is amazing but I guess it can always be better.
I keep switching settings and still haven't found my sweet spot. FFB setting on 1 sometimes feels way too loose, no resistance and no feel while driving straight. I am confused a bit but hope I figure it out soon.
It should be, yes.

Edit: actually, it's slightly different because GT's torque has 10 settings and of course we're out of 11.

Set it at 7 in-game and 11Nm on the base... 11Nm x 70% = 7.7

Set it 10 in-game and 7Nm on the base... 7/11 = 64% (rounding up), so 63% of 11Nm is 7.04
It looks like the settings for GT7 on the logitech site are updated for the pro wheel since i last checked. It now recommends 10 max force. Is this current for 1.55? I haven't tried it and would love to max it out. Wasn't sure if this contributed to osciallation or if that's strictly tied to FFB sensitivity and the filter/dampener settings recommended for the game.
It looks like the settings for GT7 on the logitech site are updated for the pro wheel since i last checked. It now recommends 10 max force. Is this current for 1.55? I haven't tried it and would love to max it out. Wasn't sure if this contributed to osciallation or if that's strictly tied to FFB sensitivity and the filter/dampener settings recommended for the game.
I’ve switched to max torque 7 and sensitivity 1 or 2.

I can’t imagine it at max torque 10, correcting the wheel was tough, their new dumb tire scrub effect would activate and cause me to turn my wheel too far then correcting was too far. I like that we can go heavier now, as the cobra used to be feather light maxed out 🙄

I wish they’d quit messing with their game! The Fairlady 432 now kicks out like you wouldn’t believe at gardens going into the multi corner and at maggiore at the banked downhill turn. I had that car tuned to absolute perfection so easy to drive and fun, now I’m scared to drive it.
The settings page needs more granularity for a title like GT7 where cars can vary wildly. The general rule is:

Road cars - definitely you can go up to 10 on the torque if you like.
Group cars - you're going to get oscillations, even with the sensitivity down to 1, so set it where you're comfortable.
The settings page needs more granularity for a title like GT7 where cars can vary wildly. The general rule is:

Road cars - definitely you can go up to 10 on the torque if you like.
Group cars - you're going to get oscillations, even with the sensitivity down to 1, so set it where you're comfortable.
Awesome. I got kind of tired of trying to find the best settings per car b/c i'm not interested in tinkering vs just playing, so I had settled on 6 max torque in game...but i vastly preferred running full torque prior to their summer update and rarely had any oscillation issues back then (with sensitivity at 1). I'll leave it at 10 and back down as i need to I guess then. Thanks for the response.

Sorry if the question has already been asked (I seem to have read about it).

Today, during a session in Suzuka (TT Challenge - Formula SF), I lost the TrueForce effects after 25 laps.

This has already happened in 1 or 2 sessions.

I’m looking for feedback from people who would see the same thing.

For information, my launch procedure:

  • from a off state, launch the Playsation with the pad,
  • launch of GT7,
  • navigation to the map,
  • power on the wheelbase,
  • select the plaform,
  • connection with the rims ps button,
  • pad that remains on.

PS: Strange feeling to drive without the TrueForce, even if it allowed me to be a little bit faster.

Sorry if the question has already been asked (I seem to have read about it).

Today, during a session in Suzuka (TT Challenge - Formula SF), I lost the TrueForce effects after 25 laps.

This has already happened in 1 or 2 sessions.

I’m looking for feedback from people who would see the same thing.

For information, my launch procedure:

  • from a off state, launch the Playsation with the pad,
  • launch of GT7,
  • navigation to the map,
  • power on the wheelbase,
  • select the plaform,
  • connection with the rims ps button,
  • pad that remains on.

PS: Strange feeling to drive without the TrueForce, even if it allowed me to be a little bit faster.
I haven't done the TT at Suzuka. But it happens to me at the most inopportune times. I'll go a month with no problems, then get into a groove and have it happen 3 times in one day. I don't know if it is related to the sound drop outs in GT7 which others have complained about and I have noticed, or if it is a Logitech problem. There doesn't seem to have been any new information about it for a while now. I only know it still happens to me. The only cure that works for me is complete power off and unplug wheel and console before reboot and go again. Anything short of this is a coin flip whether it works correctly or not.

I haven't done the TT at Suzuka. But it happens to me at the most inopportune times. I'll go a month with no problems, then get into a groove and have it happen 3 times in one day. I don't know if it is related to the sound drop outs in GT7 which others have complained about and I have noticed, or if it is a Logitech problem. There doesn't seem to have been any new information about it for a while now. I only know it still happens to me. The only cure that works for me is complete power off and unplug wheel and console before reboot and go again. Anything short of this is a coin flip whether it works correctly or not.

I have had this happen occasionally as well. Just happened this past weekend. My remedy has been to exit whatever race, TT, etc. I'm in, power cycle the wheel (no unplug necessary), then re-enter