TT2 before GT5?

United States
Los Angeles
Ok, I did a search so you know what to do if it's already been done.

Do you think that PD is focusing on finishing Tourist Trophy 2 before GT5? Maybe they want to use that game as a test for the game since they'll use the same physics engine. One's gotta be the basis for the other, but which one?
I think Tourist Trophy is probably further down the line since Polyphony's whole team is "finishing up" (term used loosely, since Im not sure how much further the development team has to go) Gran Turismo 5. I expect to see TT2 in the distant future.
I agree. They probably split up in two teams, and the one uses the parts finished for GT5 to advance with TT2 - who knows? Anyway, I also think GT5 is the much more important bit to finish, so TT2 will follow after that. Is it fact that there'll be a TT2 anyway?
how will they use the same Physics engine for both ? I would expect from PD to maybe redevelop a whole new better physics engine for GT5 since they have all this time
They'll finish up GT5 first I think because if they split up resources, IF, then that would lengthen the release date for GT5 in my opinion which would not go over well with GT enthusiasts like us. Especially since release dates with GT have always been an issue.
I don't know about TT,it does look like it took the GT game engine and just make it into a motorcycle game.Very unoriginal but im not saying TT sucks or anything,it just need to be more develop.I think TT2 will come out after GT5 and use the GT5 game engine as well.
We could only dream....

The GT5 cash cow must begin to graze before I believe TT2 will show itself.
Yeah, since GT4 came out before TT, they used almost the same exact graphics from GT4 on to TT.

Must be the same for GT5 and TT2.