Tuesday needs a theme!

  • Thread starter Magic069
In a earlier conversation with Pako, I wrote down a theory I have had for quite sometime.

Basicly it states that tuesday's are long and drawn out (at least they are for me) quite simply because it doesn't have a theme.

Think about it for a min. :embarrassed:uch: :dunce:

Monday: everyone swears they suck.

Tuesday: _____________________

Wednesday: Hump day, middle of the week.

Thursday: 1 Day till Friday!

Friday: Its Friday!

Saturday: No one cares, there :sleep:

Sunday: Church, and no one cares, or darn work or school tomorrow.

So! We need a theme for tuesday! Got one you have heard on the radio, or maybe say around school or the office! Throw it out there. Maybe your theme will help me though the long work day!
Maybe it could be digital game day. There aren't any major sporting events on Tuesday's either ... and there isn't anything else I can think of. Every tuesday could be 'monday recovery day'. Sit in front of your TV or computer and play as many video games as you can (:

Originally posted by LoudMusic
Maybe it could be digital game day. There aren't any major sporting events on Tuesday's either ... and there isn't anything else I can think of. Every tuesday could be 'monday recovery day'. Sit in front of your TV or computer and play as many video games as you can (:


Done and................... Done!
Why can't we call it 'Nightday', where everyone puts a dark box over their head, like a budgie or parrot, and sleeps straight through... :)
Yeah, something to the effect of: "Tuesday! It's not nearly as good as Friday, but nowhere near as crapulent as Monday!"

Whaddaya think? Too wordy? :)