Tune request Slr Mclaren (19inch wheel option) '09

  • Thread starter Rhastabudz


United States
Tampa / Florida / USA
**This car is fully tuned, I use a controller, and I'm looking for not only a racing setup, but also a drifting setup!** ***Be very specific please each detail changes the overall handling performance of this beastly car and I'd like to see what it can do!!***

**Post like this**
Racing setup or Drift setup

Front##, Back##

## Top speed

Torque##, Accel##, Brake##

Front RH##, Rear RH## <- Ride height
Front SR##, Rear SR## <- Spring rate
Front DE##, Rear DE## <- Damper extension
Front DC##, Rear DC## <- Damper compression
Front ARB##, Rear ARB## <- Anti-Roll bars

-Wheel Alignment- *** Note all CA is - and TA can be - or +***
Front CA##, Rear CA## <- Camber angle
Front TA -or+ ##, Rear TA -or+ ## <- Toe angle (- or +)

-Brakes- Front BB##, Rear BB## <- Brake balance

*****ALSO INCLUDE Driving options settings*****

-Automatic or manual transmission?-
-Front Tires- ??
-Rear Tires- ??
-Traction Control- ## *If any
-ABS- ##
*Note the rest are not required because they will never be turned on.*

**With your settings posted, please tell me what course you run to tune for racing and the best lap you ran!** I'd love to figure out which course is a general median for racing tunes and learn to tune on that course!!**

Thanks for the racing setup, can't wait to try it out tonight!

Still in search of drifting setups, and if anyone uses his tune and tweaks / modifies it for a particular reason or track please let me know!!! :)

-Edit- Hopefully this is a controller setup, And it says the client didn't want the aero kit -> What affect does that have on the car vs one with a wing and the least amount of drag force applied?
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Due to the edit question above, what affect of the aerodynamics SLR Mclaren (19inch wheel option) '09 stock vs after market, on racing and drifting I have created a new post about this specific question in relation to drifting here https://www.gtplanet.net/forum/showthread.php?t=168602 and I'm still looking for someone who has knowledge of this.
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