Tupac/B.I.G. RIP?

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with that tupac resurection movie comming out and that new song with biggie and 'pac, i wonder if either are dead or in hiding, and what really bugs me is that interview done at the VMA's where 'pac says something about not looking at himself and biggie as the reason for the east vs west rivalry that there was.
danoff=hater :lol:

it's all heresay. The only one's that know what's going on is the ones that did the deed. I think they're both dead, and need to be that way to stay legends in their own right.
Even Southern white people have finally given up on Elvis. It's time for you guys to give up on Saint Tupac.
My favorite pokemon is Tupacachu.

No matter how many times you kill it, it still makes music.

For the record, I like Tupac just fine, but he's dead, and people really do need to stop making money off of his lost talent.
Originally posted by askia47
(and they should stay that way)

I hate it when people can't decide if they want to stay dead or not. It pisses me off to no end when someone rises from the dead.

It's like, make up your mind, you moron.
he's dead and gone...get over it. all i want is for another musician to come up that's as good as he was but that's probably not happening anytime soon. Emenem screwed up big time when he started off and is only now getting on the right track. DMX, Nas, and Xzibit are probably probably the best around right now but I don't think Nas and Xzibit sing anymore. or not too much anyways.

In terms of quantities of music...let's just say that my INCOMPLETE tupac collection is approximately 3.5 gb of music (356 songs). I have just 1 officially released album missing from my collection, and about 4-5 more Makaveli albums remaining. I have purchased only 4 or 5 of his albums simply because they're tough to find. I figure tupac will have run out of music to keep releasing in say...2-3 years? Amaru Records is probably gonna have something HUGE planned for when that day comes.

oh and by the way...even Tupac is capable of dissapointing. there are a few songs that i just, for some unexplainable reason, don't like.
tupac is the best.i had almost all of his released and unreleased sonsg downloaded(there was like 650)but my kazaa got erased and i lost them all.

btw tupac is dead, and even if he wasnt he wouldnt come back.he would have had to fake his death,hide for 7 years(the amount of time u have to be missing to be declared legally dead)and then reappear again(which would let all his enemies know he was still alive),and for what reason,to sell another few million albums?i dont think so.
Originally posted by Chris Hendriks
tupac is the best.i had almost all of his released and unreleased sonsg downloaded(there was like 650)but my kazaa got erased and i lost them all.

Why don't you buy the CDs if he is the best?

Originally posted by Klostrophobic
Why don't you buy the CDs if he is the best?


i don't buy cds as well...only the ultra-rare ones that're worth every penny.

Tupac has 11 albums, they have not seen the recent price drop. to top that, i can only find the greatest hits album if anything in the music stores i go to. (3 different hmv's, sam the record man, and a few sunrise records). to this point, i have only the greatest hits album. i'm still hunting for The Rose That Grew From Concrete.

that's 11 officially released that i know of. it's probably more like 13 or 14. to top that, there are 10-20 unreleased that can only be recieved from the net or from sites that sell that sorta thing. again.

i'm still 17, 18 november. that means no credit card till probably mid december to late january.

oh...and i also need approximately $10000/year for university. $5000/yr tuition, $1440/yr for the mandatory laptop lease (they won't allow u to buy), FOOOOD, $100-$200/textbook, $90/month for transit from Mississauga-Toronto, $40/month for subway transit from train station to school. i walk when i can but on many days, time is an issue

that leaves me only a few bucks/month for leisure spendings and i've been saving that money for a massive overhaul on my desktop pc...oh, and for gran turismo4 and FIFA 2004
hehe...there's a piece of tupac and BIG in every one of us rap lovers!! because of that, they will never truly die
Originally posted by neon_duke
Even Southern white people have finally given up on Elvis. It's time for you guys to give up on Saint Tupac.
I still go to Graceland at least once every 2 or 3 years; and if you go you will know that southern white/ or black people haven't given up with Elvis. When I go there are hundreds and hundreds of people there. I would know this too, I only live about 30 minutes away from Memphis.