Yes, I know I write too much.
Originally posted by PoeticSoul952
I want to race. I want to be able to win races. How many PSI would I need to run at? In your oppinion of course. I know that it all depends on the other car that your racing. I just want your oppinion on this.
Ah, the vagueness of usenet^H^H^H^H^Hweb forums. I gathered that you mean
drag racing. I hope that you don't mean
street drag racing. That would be "bad" (see other discussions on why). As for conventional, legal drag racing, that can be fun, but hell on your car. Constant drag launches wear down the drivetrain about as fast as Jeffrey Skilling had on Enron's stock price.
Deathawk is right: turbo's are great on the dragstrip. However, if you go regularly, this would mean a continual investment in your car as things break down...and the desire to win increases.
The PSI needed to win is whatever gets you to the 1,760-foot marker first. That may be higher with a smaller displacement engine or lower with larger displacement.... There's lots of different classes in drag racing. I don't know what any of them are; I'm not a drag race kinda guy (more of a WRC/SCCA thing). Specific engine output (among other factors) will place you in one category or another. An 8psi Civic Si would do well in one of the stock car classes (and be good to drive home), while a 28psi, custom-built, tube-frame "Civic" would be more likely in the pro classes (and be unusable anywhere but the dragstrip). But try:
BTW, if you want to take drag racing seriously, learn how to be an excellent driver first. That means (IMO) competitive driving schools. Believe me, they're worth it. All racing is about car control. No matter what the course is, you're still inside a four-wheeled, high-speed, steel box. The more you understand the forces involved at any speed, the better (and quicker) you will get to your destination. For example:
Bottom line: you got $5k and you want to drag. That means not much for anything but engine goodies. Therefore, try a turbo kit (don't know any offhand) installed by a reputable shop. End result: my guess from a 2003 Civic Si is 7psi and just under 200HP. Be sure to leave room in your budget for new clutches and other transmission components after you enjoy the turbo kit on the dragstrip a few times....