I do apologize for any rough driving. I was trying to race as clean as possible but I would get cut off every once in a while. coming into a turn if I'm already in the process of passing the defending driver should stay a bit wider to leave room for the faster car. I am very aware when passing there that I have to slow down more to prevent putting the outside driver into the wall. You just have to trust that the inside driver will stay on the line and not come out. very scary indeed.

anyways. on the final lap it was me that came around the corner in first and ran out of fuel. it recommended 11 liters and I took 14. so I should have had enough. I must have burned alot to catch up lol
Isn't there a commercial that says "NASCAR is drama" or something to that effect? Maybe I'm getting it confused with something else. Sorry I missed the race, family is down for the holidays though. Not being in the race I'm not going to comment on any potential incidents. But I can say that I think we have all caused our share, including myself. Given the event of heavy damage on that track in those cars at that speed with close racing drama will follow(especially if there is any lag). Whatever happen I hope everyone had a good time. As a Christmas present I give you my latest wallpaper.

NASCAR? Drama? Hell ya!...
I have no complaints and thank AP1 for hosting the race.

Merry Christmas everyone! :)
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Damn.... I set up and hosted the race and you guys have done a grand job of pissing all over it. I will kindly ask that Majik, Count, Kraker, and Postosis remove the posts they have made since the race and let the issue pass.

EDIT: To be clear, I'm asking all four of you so that no one person is singled-out or offended... I do not consider any one of you at fault...

With that, I'll be away for about 8 weeks and look forward to running with the Turtles when I get back. Have fun in the meantime. 👍
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Damn.... I set up and hosted the race and you guys have done a grand job of pissing all over it. I will kindly ask that Majik, Count, Kraker, and Postosis remove the posts they have made since the race and let the issue pass.

With that, I'll be away for about 8 weeks and look forward to running with the Turtles when I get back. Have fun in the meantime. 👍

...sad... All I can say is watch the replay. Video don't lie... https://docs.google.com/open?id=0BxH50TAMSChNb2tpTktCYTZTUW8

Thank you AP1 for hosting one of my favorite online races ever. I will donate my prize to Turtle Racing...

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Of course videos can show anything by careful editing so naturally they can lie :)

Merry Christmas :)
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Hey guys I will be in Turtle Town tonight for practice at 8pmest, and will start practice races at 8:30pm est.
I hope to see some of you.:)
I have a dfgt as well could you send me the link to where you got those? and I'm gonna take mine apart and custom paint it. no stickerin for me.