Here's how I ran the track for a 2'02.466. No drafting.
1st u-turn style curve: start braking right at the 100 meter sign soon as you get the car started in the general direction of the exit, 2nd gear to the floor. Hold it to the floor until the first part of the double left hander using a line that goes from the outside to the inside. It sets you up for the double.
1st lefty: at the 50 meter sign let off the gas and cut to the left, right before you kiss the apex, floor it (should still be in 4th gear) and almost touching the outside wall.
2nd lefty: I'm not sure about a braking point. You may have to trial and error it, but you'll need to slightly dab the brakes and cut in to the apex, gassing after you've crossed it. 4th gear is best but 3rd is fine if you're not carrying enough speed.
Fast Esses: out of the 2nd lefty, line up on the left side of the wall. Soon as your about to make contact with the first rumble strip, turn to the right and ride that close to the wall, then back to the left up to the double right.
Double right: this is hit and miss for me. I basically stay on the outside until I get close to the 50 meter sign, Brake to 3rd gear and floor it once I get close to the inside apex.
Long sweeper: coming out of the double right, get to the right side of the track. Right before you get to the start of the rumble strip on the left, let off the gas and use throttle control in 3rd or 4th. Once you see the 3rd set of comes in the right wall floor it to the next set of esse curves.
Esse: line up on the right side. Right before you get to the first left you'll notice 2 sets of pedestrian cross walks. Right as you're passing the 2nd set, brake, but just enough to get into 3rd. You'll want to ride up on the flat spot close to the wall and as soon as you get off that, let off the gas until you get right at the apex, then floor it while turning. I keep it in 3rd gear coming out to reduce wheel spin.
Last lefty: come in at a small angle towards the rumble strip on the right. Brake at the 50 meter sign and cut hard left. Not like your doing the Harlem shake, but in a smith motion. Get as close to the barrier as possible and floor it. Should put you right at the end of the apex on the right side. I leave it in 3rd but I never tried 2nd.
Finish line: women (or men?) and alcohol for everyone!!!!
If this helps let me know. Or if any of it confuses you, let me know and I'll try to explain it better.