Psycho Tuber
If you add gravity to the equation then you have to account for the gravitational force of the moon and its effects on the tide.

But if they did that, what happens when the planets align!? Oh nooooo the GT5 world is dooooomed!
I'm sure it's all figured into the draft calculations. It aint called the Real Driving Simulator for nothing.

They stealth technology used when designing the car includes the elimination of atmospheric anomalies. Me smart! :D
Duh, it's the final season of Jersey Shore, that's why the world is in an uproar, hence no draft at motegi.


I don't watch that btw.
I just noticed that the practice days changed :P

Unfortunatly, both those nights I am busy, so I doubt I will be at any of the practices any more :(

We still practice on Wednesday like we always have. There in no problem with just showing up on race day to race. There is no stipulation that you have to practice to race.
They used stealth technology inside and out. Just look at the overhead banner shot. I think they made it to evade radar so you could drive it as fast as want and not get a ticket.
It is a bit wide in the mid section. Time for a diet.

Also: weather update. I'm leaving now for our last soccer game. It's 41 degrees and raining. Should be fun.

Turtle Racing League - Enduro Racing Series​

Race 13: Twin Ring Motegi - Road Course
Car: Citroen GT Race Car
Laps: 25
Tires: Racing Softs
Date: October 13, 2012
Prize: Level 24 Ticket

The "Golden Rule" of Motorsports​
"It is the responsibility of the overtaking driver, meaning the car that is attempting to execute the pass, to make sure that the pass is made cleanly and incident free."


You are expected to follow The "Golden Rule" of Motorsports and adhere to the GTPlanet Online Racing Rules and exercise Good Racecraft at all times, especially in turn 1.


It is the policy of this league for you to hold your position in turn 1 and not try to improve it unless the following situations occur: 1) The driver directly in front of you is asleep on the start. 2) The driver directly in front of you runs off course with at least 2 wheels off the track. 3) Obvious race incidents that must be avoided. There is no sense in causing an incident in the congestion of the first turn. Furthermore, it is inappropriate to take advantage of other drivers doing their part to keep turn 1 incident free.


This is a non-contact sport. Let me put it another way, if you are "rubbin", you ain't racing in this league! We will not tolerate individual drivers taking the fun out of racing for everyone.

First Turn

You are not going to win the race on the 1st corner or the 1st lap. The first turn on this track is not as tight as some of the previous tracks. However, you must still hold your position through it. Other drivers may draft past you before the approach to the turn because the straight is so long. Holding your position in the first turn is limited to the first turn on the first lap. In other words, if you are able to fully draft past someone without incident or disruption to the other driver(s) with a reasonable distance before approaching the first turn you may. This rule is in place for 2 reason: (1) to avoid incidents in the first turn, and (2) so that drivers doing their part to avoid incidents in the 1st turn of are not taken advantage of. However, if a complaint is filed, the decision we make will be one that promotes an incident free first turn.

Dive Bombing

Dive bombing is unacceptable, and only results in accidents. It is not the same as passing under braking. Dive-bombing is when a trailing car intentionally brakes late to dive underneath the car in front of them as they are turning into a corner. The trailing driver must move to the low groove for at least 3-4 seconds prior to corner entry, so that the leading driver can see the trailing drivers intentions in his mirror. However, running the low groove is not a guarantee that he will allow you to pass, it is only an indication that you wish to pass him on the low side.


Racing begins at 10pm Eastern / 7pm Pacific. Divisions 1 and 3 will race together in the TURTLE_Division3 lounge. Divisions 2 and A will race together in the TURTLE_DivisionA lounge. The final results of each division will be separate.

Connection Issues

Please follow the procedures below to help minimize connection issues.

Step 1: Reboot your modem/router before entering the appropriate Turtle lobby
Step 2: Reboot your PS3 before entering the appropriate Turtle lobby
Step 3: Clear your GT5 in game System Cache before entering the appropriate Turtle lobby

Pit Stops

Drivers need to be very careful entering the race track when exiting the pit. Please look at your map to see if other drivers are near the pit exit. Drivers exiting the pit need to stay in the pit exit lane until the track is clear of cars on the track. Cars on the track have the right of way.


The corner cutting penalty system works very well on this track so we shouldn't have any issues with corner cutting.


Drivers are expected to finish races no matter what position they are in. Rage quitting is frowned upon! :grumpy:


Although you are welcome to use microphones during the race, they should only be used to communicate your proximity to other drivers in order to avoid an incident. Otherwise, either mute them or make sure any background noise in non-existent.


Be sure to break in your car. If you did not get a chance to break it in, you should at least change the oil.

Race Incidents

Legitimate complaints are encouraged, they insure a better racing environment for everyone. Complaints should be addressed by "Private Message" to the race steward of the race in which the incident occurred. Please include race number, lap number, and time of incident. A ruling will be announced after a video review by an independent steward.

Final Note

Race Clean and Have Fun!
AP1 Driver
I still can't figure out how you entered the pits after me and left the pits before me in that first race!!

Ya the game does that all the time. Sometimes I get shafted when going in to the pits (it happened lots during the Daytona 500 race for me)

I think if you don't slow down at the pit entry ( 70 mph i think) you get held in pits for few extra second. Once I got held in Daytona pit for extra 10 seconds, because i slam into pit at 120+ mph. There if you overshoot pit entry, car sometimes slides into the grass, becomes a drive through. You have to drive all the way around one more lap and pit again. This didn't happen to me, but i have seen it happen to others. :crazy: